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Vegas November 2009 (Deep Stack)

Day Two part 2
Last Updated: 2009-11-09 10:04:12
Well Sunday was not nearly as much fun as Saturday, I must say...
Went back to Venetian, I shoved a couple of times early, got no action, then went completely card dead. Not one opportunity to shove. I did outlast 4 people tho to finish 11th, earning another grand in the process.
When I finally went all in, having lost half my starting stack and only at 5 times the BB, I did so with Q-9 and ran into aces from a guy who was playing about every other pot. Ugh.
So 11th place out of 268. Not bad, I'm quite happy with myself right now.
Then watched the Iggles for a little while (that was going well at the time), had a couple of drinks (can't remember the last time I actually drank alcohol in Vegas) and bought into the 7pm at Caesars.
Oh, that was NOT pretty.
Flopped a straight draw on hand number 2, tried to buy it on every street, called down by a guy with just A-K (no pair). Then got into a pot w/ a french woman who could barely speak english and constantly had to be helped to understand the bet sizes. I flopped top pair of 9s with a good kicker, she check/called every street and turned over pocket 10s. Never a raise, not even on the river with no overcard on the board. This was not a strategy on her part, this was incompetence... Then got what was left of my stack all in on a coin flip and lost, the guy had called my peflop all-in w/ just A-J suited and caught his flush on the turn (and the ace on the river for good measure).
Won that money back and then some at craps, however...and at this point that is the extent of the rest of my Sunday.
Frankly I'm completely worn out at this point. Not a lot of sleep the last two nights so I may call it an early night. Either that or I'll play at 12:30am at Harrahs :) But probably bed.
Don't know what tomorrow will bring. I have to check out at noon (hopefully I can extend that) but my flight isn't until 7:00pm. I'm really not sure what I'll do with myself.
But if there are any stories to tell, you will get to read them here!
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Day Two part 2
Day Two part 1
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