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Thanks to everyone who ever played in our game. It was a wonderful 10-year run. But life happens, it was a shame it had to end.
Welcome to the website dedicated to Pete's bi-weekly poker game. This site will contain schedule and announcements, as well as rules and other info for the occasional player or newbies who are thinking about joining our group.
The game is every other Friday. Dates are tentative until players receive email notification. Start time is 7:00PM unless otherwise specified, but there is an "on-time chip bonus" for players who arrive at least 10 minutes early. We play as long as we have at least 7 players. First tournament is a $20 entry tournament that is part of our year-long Poker Series. Subsequent tournaments are generally $10-15 buyin. We play mostly No-Limit Texas Hold'Em but we also play other games like Omaha and 7-card Stud variations. We do occasionally spread a side cash game for players who bust out and want to stick around for a second tournament.
These are BYOB events. I provide snacks, chips, cards and the location. All you really need to bring is money and whatever you want to drink. I do have a keg of beer (currently Fat Tire) and a stocked bar, you can drink my stuff as long as you're willing to make a contribution to the "keg fund".
Although we would like to continue to grow the number of players, we cannot accept "walk-ons". You must know someone in the game in order to join in due to Colorado State law. So if you already know one of us, you probably know about the game already, but if not you're welcome to join.
The recommended browser for this website is Mozilla/Firefox/Sea Monkey because other browsers just suck.
Other Links
Tool (The House Band)
Card Player Magazine
Pete's Poker Room on Facebook
Upcoming Schedule
(All dates tentative, click on the tournament for details)

Event Date Game/Buyin Rebuys/AOs
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