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Vegas April 2010 (WSOPC)

Day Two (part 2)
Last Updated: 2010-04-21 14:02:27
Well I had a good night, but Leon had a huge night. Cody had a good day.
While I was waiting for the 7pm tournament I saw Leon at a cash table with a decent chip stack in front of him, I suspected and he confirmed that he had already more than doubled once. Not too long after I got there I saw him re-double on a hand that went like this: Leon opens for a raise, gets a caller. Flop A-9-9. I believe Leon bet and got called by one player. Jack on the turn, Leon checks, other guy bets, Leon makes a big raise, other guy calls. River an ace. Leon shoves, other guy says he has to call. Other guy shows a 9, Leon turns over A-J. Wow.I actually put Leon on J-9 on the turn raise. He hit a four outer for a huge pot.
I never play cash games, but that inspired me and I sat down. Won a big pot on the first orbit when someone raised ($1-3 no limit) to about 8 or 9 and I popped it to $20 with J-J. I get 5-6 callers. "Oh great, here we go" I think. Flop comes 9 high, most of the table checks to me and I shove. Everyone folds, one person showing 8s and another 7s. So that was a nice pot. I'd bust someone else with a smaller stack later when I got Kings, he caught top pair and shoved into me and I instantly called. All said and done I won about my buyin for the 7pm tournament.
Leon and I end up at the same table, and the two of us were catching cards like crazy. Early on I doubled up when I got pocket aces and raise out to 200 with 25/50 blinds. Get 4-5 callers. Flop A-6-4. Check to me, I disgustedly check and it checks around. Damn everyone missed. Turn a deuce, I bet 300-400 and get one sucker, everyone else folds. River is another deuce. I'm trying to figure out how much I can possibly get paid and conclude something like 650 or so is about it. Dude goes over the top for 2100 total!!! Again I'm thinking about how much I can get paid and I pop it something like 4600 more. He goes into the tank, realizes it's over half his stack and reluctantly calls, I show my aces, he mucks. No idea what he had.
From then on, I got all the cards I hadn't gotten in the previous two tournaments, as did Leon. I caught Kings 4-5 times, they held up and I got paid every time. Leon also had some monsters, had pocket fours and caught a four on the board with a K, the K ended up pairing and Leon's boat was good against the other person's trips. And that's pretty much how it went for both of us. Neither of us ever took a big hit to our stack.
And we weren't shy about going at each other a little bit. Leon is a little looser than me and was stealing my blinds more often than I was stealing his. But my revenge came a few times that he raise out and I popped it with slick. Both times he claimed a small pair (one he showed me). I also popped him once with Jacks and he laid that down too.
But meanwhile, we have a situation brewing. Cody and Paul are both still alive in the noon WSOP tournament. So while Leon and I are battling, we're watching the countdown to the money. Two from the money over there, Cody and Paul right across from each other and all of a sudden Paul gets up and leaves the table! He comes over to talk to Leon and tells him he busted out set vs set. But that's not the whole story! He was all in with pocket Kings against pocket aces and BOTH of them hit their sets! OUCH. What a way to go! And two from the money. Talk about a cooler!
Cody ended up surviving to final two tables (they paid 36) and I believe got something in the 11th-13th range. So he's up for the weekend by a little, good for him!
Throughout the night the two of us kept building our stacks. But back to me and Leon. At one point I went card dead for a while and started to dwindle a little when a big hand came up.
Leon raised out preflop yet again and I woke up with pocket 10s so I called his 6000 raise (blinds 1000/2000 at this point). Flop A-rag-rag. Leon bets out and I go right over the top. Leon is stunned. He shakes his head, thinks about it and calls. Turn is another rag. Check-check. River is another rag. Now I believe Leon has an ace, the only way I can win it is with a bet. Given his call of my raise after the flop and his checking the turn and river, I'm convinced he has an ace but not a terribly strong one. If he has A-K there he's surely back over the top on my flop raise. I shove. Leon is in a little bit of shock, thinks for a while and folds A-J face up. Wow.
But he'd get his revenge, believe me.
So we're down to two tables and I'm top 3 in chips, Leon is not far behind. Only paying 9. I get moved to the other table at 14 handed and get a bit unlucky. We lose a few more and we're two from the money when this happens: Blinds 3000/6000 I raise out for 18K in on the button with 5-5, the small blind pops it to about 50K and I have to give it up. He shows KK. Next hand I've got slick in the cutoff. I raise out to 20K, same guy shoves and a somewhat short stack shoves. Wow. I really don't want to be the bubble or bust out two from the money, but I also don't want to drop back to barely over 20 times the big blind. This is a real tough laydown, but I lay it down. Guy who shoved with decent stack has 88, other guy has KK. Flop A-A-rag. You can't make it up. Any other spot than 1 or 2 from the money I snap call.
So we get to final table, which was 10-handed but paying 9. It didn't take long to knock out the first two and we were in the money and every place was a money bump. I win a couple of small pots to maintain my stack but blinds go up to 4000/8000 and I'm a little below 10X BB and the second short stack at the table. In the big blind Leon raises out, gets one caller and I look down at suited A-J. I can't get away from this hand when I'm this short so I shove. Leon calls, other guy folds and Leon turns over A-K off. The board didn't help and I was out in 8th place.
The good news is that as of this moment I'm about dead even for the trip because I bought into tomorrows tournament. So between the craps table, the cash game and this cash in the tournament all of my buyins are exactly covered.
Leon went on to become the massive chip leader, when I left two guys had caught up to him and they were four-handed with one short stack. It was close enough that if Leon had happened to double up that short stack they'd all be about even. So he's got at least 4th place money, his worst case is a nice payday and his best case (a win) is just enough that he'd get a W2-G.
And BTW, that's consecutive years that Leon has busted me out of that tournament on this weekend. Last year he bubbled me, at least this time he let me hang around for some decent money. Oh, and one other note, the gods are conspiring me to keep me even on this trip. I was ahead for the hour I hung around to watch Leon, but I bought into tomorrows tournament. On the way back to the room I'm worn out and I know I should go to bed but I can't stand the thought of being even so I spend 45 minutes at the craps table. Bought in for 200, went through half of that quick, bought in for another 200 so I'd "have enough chips to play". Long story short, I get down to the point of having most of what's left out on the felt and only a green chip and maybe a few reds and whites (that's not good, by the way) left to fumble around with in my hands...and the guy who's shooting next to me gets on a huge roll and gets almost all of it back for me. I then get the rest back with an short roll but I did catch one point on a hard 8, and you know, because it was "due" I was pressing a hard 8 bet that was missing and missing and missing...and that 8 got me back even.
Oh well, I've got 7 hours until my next tournament and i need to, I dunno, SLEEP. And it's not like I can sleep right up until tournament time, I've got to get up early enough to get a meal and shower and "stuff".
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Day Two (part 2)
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