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Vegas April 2010 (WSOPC)

Day 3, WSOP Circuit again
Last Updated: 2010-04-20 00:14:50
I should be very happy right now. I'm not, I'm steaming a little. But I should be very happy with myself...
Got lunch at the Harrah's buffet. It was OK, but they have a new deal now where you can get 24 hr buffet at all Harrah's owned buffets for $30. I bought that thinking I'd get lunch, dinner and breakfast tomorrow out of it. Well, almost but not quite...but I'm getting ahead of myself.
Get to the tournament as they're dealing the first hand. Raise in front of me, I look down at pocket 7s. I call, flop a 7 but with all kinds of draws on the board I have to bet it and I get no action. That would be a theme for me later...
So 7500 chips to start, and unlike the previous tournaments this one was up and down for a while. This is all spaced out over the first three rounds...
I get 10s, raise out, flop is 3 under cards so I continue bet and someone comes quickly over the top of me. Either he thinks it's a simple c-bet or he has me destroyed. I give it up. Then I get Jacks, K comes on the flop but I bet out and take the pot. 10's again, two overs, have to give them up. Jacks again, no action preflop but I get blinds. Get 10's one more time, again I raise, again get over cards, again have to give them up to a bet in front of me. 10s are starting to piss me off to be blunt.
4th time is the charm. I'm down to about 5k chips after the first break and I get 10s AGAIN. This time I raise out and of course I get one caller. And of course flop comes 7-8-K and of course I bet and of course someone goes over the top of me. Then I do something I almost never do, I made a tilt shove. He turns over A-K, I'm destroyed, catch a 10 on the turn. Sick.
That calms me down quite a bit. And then go on a tear. For the next hour I caught all kinds of cards and built up quite a chip stack. Went to the second break 1st or second in chips at my table. Then came a huge hand. I had been very aggressive going over the top of people with slick and big pairs and was frustrating a few people. But I wasn't doing it w/ junk, I had real hands. Well one guy who was frustrated with me raised out and I look down at Sigfried and Roy (that's two queens in case you didn't know/couldn't figure it out). This guy had come to our table with a big stack and had given a chunk to me and others and wasn't happy about it. I popped it on him, he steamed for a little bit and shoved. I insta-called and he turned over pocket 10s. Q on the flop, Q on the turn for quads and then the ultimate insult, 10 on the river. He then pushed his chips over the cards like an asshole and stormed off. I'm a big stack now...
Also somewhere along the way Leon came over to my table. He had been milking a short stack for a while (we were texting status to each other) but had finally gotten a double up and then some and was in OK shape. I win a few pots here and there and maintain my stack as does Leon. We head into the dinner break with 33 players out of a field of 203 left, paying 27 and me in the top 10 in chip stacks.
And you know, that should be enough to make me happy. Here I am pretty well guaranteed to money unless something really bad happens and I will have cashed in 2 out of 4 tournaments I played in (Leon meanwhile about to be 2 out of 3, what a run!). But I'm also a very healthy stack and I'm starting to feel like this is going to finally be my big cash...
Remember my free buffet dinner? Looked like a 30-40 minute wait at Caesars (dinner break is only an hour) and about the same at Harrahs. Plus by the time we had walked to Harrah's we're down to 40 mins in the break. So we decide to hit Chipotle for a quick burrito instead and get back to Caesar's with about 10 mins to spare. So much for my free dinner. But I fully intend to make up for that at Rio tomorrow...and Leon's planning to join me.
So we get into the money and they break us to three tables. Now the countdown is to get to 18 for a money bump.
Leon and I get split up. I'm at the table all of 3-5 hands and I get a raise in front of me followed by a re-raise and I look down at pocket kings. I shove. First raiser counts his chips, thinks about it and folds. Second guy seriously things about it, but mucks. No action w/ Kings, not terribly upset.
One orbit later same two guys raise and call and I look down at aces. I pop it again but not all in, first guy folds quickly, second guy thinks for a long time. I can tell he wants to go back over the top but he thinks a long while and finally mucks and says he folded A-K. Two monsters, no action. People are dropping out, including Leon, and we're down to about 22. Aces again, no action again. Now I'm a little frustrated.
Down to 20. Aces again. That raiser from the previous hands raises out again but this time it's my big blind and everyone is out. I decide to get cute and just call. I'm going to bury him. Flop K-K-10. I'm a little worried about the K. Check-check. Turn a rag. Check-check again. Now I'm convinced he doesn't have a K. River another 10. I bet out, he pops it a little, I call. He shows down 9-10 suited for a river two outer. 10's get me again. They say that's the best hand to try and crack aces with...little consolation, believe me.
That ended up being a sizeable chunk of my stack. Two hands later I get in with A-J and that same guy calls me down with just K-Q suited and catches a Q. I'm out 20th place.
So I probably shouldn't be in a bad mood right now. I caught a miracle 2-outer to even be alive long enough to cash, and this fool caught a 2-outer to knock me down and then I lost a 60-40 to bust out. What goes around comes around, right? But still, I was in a position to make a big run and if I just kept re-raising with my aces instead of getting cute with them I would have gained 10,000 chips instead of losing 1/3-1/2 of my stack. But then again, if I had felted that guy I would have been massive chip leader...and I play to win, right?
So now I'm kinda stuck. Too late for anything good to play in tonight, I have to check out by 11am but my flight isn't until early evening. But it's not like I have time to play in anything so I'm probably going to spend the $150 and go standby.
Hard to be unhappy about a 50% cash rate, and I could be down for the trip instead of up. But having said that, two cashes out of four and I'm not all that far ahead of where I started and that's a little frustrating.
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Day 3, WSOP Circuit again
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