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Vegas June 2010 (WSOP)

Day 5 - Deep Stack 2nd try
Last Updated: 2010-06-15 00:30:45
Today didn't exactly go as I would have liked it to go, which is to say it went a lot like the day before.
Like Sunday, I got all my cards early in the deep stack and then went utterly card dead. Yesterday I kept flopping sets and boats with middle and high pairs and also had high pairs hold up. But I'm pretty sure yesterday not once did I have kings or aces.
On Monday that last part was rectified. In the first four rounds I had aces four times, flopped quads with them once, had Kings once and they held up and had queens once. But I only got paid for about half of them and just like Sunday not paid a lot and actually by the end of the second round I had only "half-ed" up to around 18k chips in spite of a lot of monsters. Unfortunately, for the rest of my time in the tournament I was stuck in the 12k-18k range. I would go card dead for an hour, then catch a hand or two and chip back up, then go card dead for another hour.
And lemme tell you, this wasn't just me playing tight. I didn't even have borderline hands to play. It was either wired aces or 7-4 followed by J-2 followed by 9-3, etc, etc. Believe me, I would have played any two broadway cards if I ever could have gotten two of them to play...
So eventually with my stack stagnant but the blinds going up I eventually had to pick a hand. Got A-9 first to act, shoved, no action, two hands later got A-7 suited in the small blind, folded around to me, I shoved and the big blind woke up with pocket jacks and I was done.
Not that it matters much, but they were down around 300 left from the start of 765 so at least I made it through over half the field but still, it was incredibly frustrating getting all those cards when I couldn't get paid (you don't see a lot of shoving all in with blinds at 50/100 and stacks around 12,000)
Did learn something while I had a big stack of chips in front of me. How do you know you spend WAY too much time at poker tables? When you know this:
if you start with 10 chips and ruffle them perfectly it takes 6 ruffles to get them back to thier original positions. If you start with 12 it takes 10 ruffles. I think 14 takes 13 ruffles but I only tried once and might have miscounted. Hopefully I'll have a chance to prove that one later in the week.
So then it was dinner at the Harrah's buffet (small but I like it) and then on to Caesar's for the 7:00 tournament. And it was just brutal. I basically gave all my chips to one guy who first called me down with two overs when I flopped top pair and he caught the river, then later called me down with a crappy ace and caught that too.
Sadly I was done for the night at 8:30.
Joann and I wandered around a little, saw a couple of songs with the fountains of Bellagio and then called it a night.
So tomorrow is a well timed cooling off day for me. We have almost no idea what we're going to do with ourselves all day, but I think a day away from poker is a great idea heading into my WSOP tournament Wednesday. Although there is this Omaha high single day tournament at Binions tomorrow so who knows... :)
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Other Entries This Blog:
Day 9 - Last chance at the deep stacks
Day 8 - Mega Stack
Days 6 and 7 (WSOP, DS)
Day 5 - Deep Stack 2nd try
Day 4 - Deep Stack 1
Day 3 Date Night
Days 1 and 2
Vegas June 2024 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2023 (WSOP)
Vegas November 2022
Vegas June/July 2022 (WSOP)
Vegas October 2021 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2021
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