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Vegas June 2010 (WSOP)

Days 6 and 7 (WSOP, DS)
Last Updated: 2010-06-17 00:36:24
Tuesday was a planned day off from poker. We spent some time at the pool, went back to the outlets and spent some money on some major bargains. Joann got something at Coach she wished she'd spent a few hundred on a year or two ago only to get it now at a bargain in addition to a few other things. Then we got my Christmas present (yes, I know, it's only June, but its not something I'm going to need until after Christmas) and a $400 jacket for Joann for $73.
Then on to the bank and then Rio to buy into the WSOP. Dinner at the Rio buffet (since we were there), a walk through the Fashion Show Mall, and then the A-Team at the local theatre. OK, look, Citizen Kane it wasn't. But it was a FUN movie. Very true to the campy, "dramedy" nature of the TV show, good cast, good job working in the obligatory lines. Really the only problem IMO was Liam Neeson. It's not that he wasn't a good Hannibal, he was, but every now and then he dropped into his native accent briefly and it was a little distracting.
And that was our Tuesday.
Wednesday could have gone better...
Got over to Rio about 20 minutes before the tournament. And it went just like the previous deep stacks I was in. Got aces, picked up only a few chips. Kings, no action. A-K no action. A little action on A-J, missed the flop, bought the pot but again not much of a pot. Then all downhill from there. Lost some chips on pocket 8s (only one over on the flop, seemed like a good flop, continuation bet was check-raised, had to go away), called a raise-re-raise with slick suited preflop, missed, had to give it up, few more chips here and there and eventually I was down to half a stack. Raised preflop with A-10 suited, a few callers, flopped top pair top kicker, shoved, called by a flush draw who hit and boom I was out before the end of the second round.
So Joann and I are trying to figure out what to do and I realize that I can still buy into the deep stack so we run over to Venetian and I buy in. And you'd think at this point things couldn't go any worse...but guess what...
Maybe I started out trying too hard. I thought I had some good spots to buy a couple of pots and I picked the wrong spots, and on top of that I couldn't hit a flop to save my life. I end up down to have my starting stack (actually my starting stack of 12K had 1575 removed due to my late entry, a standard at Venetian) so it depends on what you consider starting stack but in any event I was down to around 6000 with blinds at 300/600 w 50 ante when I get A-10 suited and I shove. A few minutes before a woman at the table starting proclaiming that she really didn't want to be in the tournament and was hoping to bust out. Well she restated her desired to bust out and called me w/7-6 and caught a 6.
I was down to 775 chips.
Next hand I'm one or two from the blind, I shove without looking, get four callers. I take a peek and see J-5. Flop J-8-9, a guy who had no idea what he was doing (had earlier argued that he could min-raise LESS than the original bet because it was before the flop...) bets into the field and turns over pocket queens. Jack on the river, I quadruple up. Then I get all in a few hands later with slick, get two callers one w/ K-6 and one w/A-J and my slick holds up to more than double me. I get moved, pick up a few more chips here and there, double up again when I catch aces and get a shove into me from queens and the aces hold up...
And just like that I'm over 30,000 chips from 775. I'm an above average stack, and really for a rare moment this week I'm in a position to actually play poker late in a tournament. Alas luck is a fickle thing...
Up and down a little, I'm sitting around 26K when bad luck strikes again. I'm in the cutoff w/ pocket 6s and everyone who acts after me is an overly tight player except I don't know about the big blind who had only sat down two hands ago. Oh, and clock has run out on the round so it's time for my first dinner break of the trip. I raise out to 4000, everyone folds to the big blind who gets a look of disgust on her face, shoves her chips in and starts to get up and put her jacket on. You know how this is going to go, right?
She flips up A-2 suited. Flop 10-10-2, 2 on the turn. Bye-bye nice chip stack, hello grinding again. Well now the blinds are at 800/1600 with a 100 ante and I'm down to around 15k. I survive my first couple of all-ins but with no action so all I do is pick up blinds. I get moved again, and with me still around 15K and blinds now close to going up again I'm shoving on the first ace. Well first hand at the new table I pick up A-2 suited and shove. Folds quickly around to the small blind who slow-rolls me, asking for a chip count (he's a good sized stack), thinks about what to do and then calls me and turns over pocket aces.
I did get a gutshot by the turn but no luck and I was out about 135th out of about 700 people. Top 20% or so but not good enough.
Oh well. Joann had been wanting to play craps and we found a $5 table at IP where we won back a nice little chunk of money. And then we called it a night.
So tomorrow the plan is still the Mega Stack at Caesars. They're not getting nearly the crowds that Venetian is getting but Venetian is a $2000 buyin tomorrow and that's not in the budget at this point.
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Other Entries This Blog:
Day 9 - Last chance at the deep stacks
Day 8 - Mega Stack
Days 6 and 7 (WSOP, DS)
Day 5 - Deep Stack 2nd try
Day 4 - Deep Stack 1
Day 3 Date Night
Days 1 and 2
Vegas June 2024 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2023 (WSOP)
Vegas November 2022
Vegas June/July 2022 (WSOP)
Vegas October 2021 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2021
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