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Vegas June 2010 (WSOP)

Day 8 - Mega Stack
Last Updated: 2010-06-18 04:58:23
Can't cash in the Binions Poker Classic...
Can't cash in the Venetian Deep Stack...
Can't cash in the World Series of Poker...
Add the Caesar's Mega Stack to the list...
Sometimes you just run bad and this week I'm running bad.
As tough a week as this has been, don't think for a moment I'd rather be doing anything else. Running bad is as much a part of poker as running good. Going into this week I was cashing at an unreal 50% rate in big live tournaments. Even with this 0-fer so far I'm cashing at a 25% rate or so in big tournaments in the last year. If I cash at a 25% rate for the next 10 years I'll take it!
But, having said that, this is quite frustrating.
All the hands are kind of running together in my mind so I'll give you the short version of today's tournament:
Started out trying a little too hard and chipped down some, then got a little timid and missed a couple of chances to steal (maybe...you never know if it would have worked if you didn't try...).
Down to half my starting stack, shoved w/ first ace I got into a raise ahead of me, ended up being my A-8 off vs A-K, drew out a flush, had to listen to two minutes of "how could you re-raise me, I've barely played a hand" blah blah. Next hand same person raises, I reraise again but this time with QQ, more whining about how dare I reraise, they claim to be folding slick.
Get Jacks, run into Queens, half the stack gone again. Person who was whining of course, now they say something about how they were just getting their chips back...blah blah...
Double back up w/ aces vs jacks when aces hold up.
Actually maintain stack for a while, but blinds going up while I'm in neutral. Start to get blinded down, loose player raises 1/3 of my stack, one caller, I decide to shove w/ Q-10 hoping they they're live and I can triple up. Loose player folds, caller calls and I'm up against 77. Couldn't ask for better than a coin flip in that spot and I spike a 10. But still only a little better than 10X BB and blinds about to go up again.
Few hands later a raise into me for about 1/4 of my stack and I look at pocket 10s. Decide to shove, other person will be crippled if they call and lose. They decide they're getting the right odds, calls w/ A-Q and they spike a Q. Out about 90th of 270. So again I'm getting close to the money but can't quite get there.
If they had showed me their A-Q I still would have shoved. As it turned out, had I just called I could have won the pot on the flop that came J-rag-rag but at that point I had a chance to flip a coin to be in great shape and if I'd just called and had to give up the 10s I wouldn't have been happy about losing 1/4 of my stack. Had I gotten them to fold their hand I would have been happy with a 25% increase in my stack so at the end of the day I'm happy with the shove, I put them to a decision and he did seriously consider folding. It just didn't work out.
So then it was on to one last dinner at the Bellagio buffet and lemme tell you, we know a big-time secret about that buffet. We got to skip a 40-60 minute line just by walking in and sitting down at a certain place. Perfectly within the rules, I can't believe almost nobody knows about this and almost nobody does it.
And, well, you know what I'm going to say. After all kinds of good food I had 5 ... count 'em FIVE ... desserts. Well, ok, I had three, but I had two of the three twice. The repeats were the creamiest cheese cake I've ever had along with a three layer "cake" that was milk chocolate mousse on top, dark chocolate mousse in the middle and thin layer of chocolate cake for it all to sit on. With a piece of dark chocolate wafer stuck in it and a raspberry glued onto it with more chocolate...it was disgusting, really. I thought for a moment about having a 3rd helping but refrained. But I did get a bowl of ice cream with a little caramel sauce...
Joann is now hooked on the ice cream there as well.
SO then Joann and I both played in the 7pm at Caesars because, well, I just haven't had enough punishment.
Joann felt my pain from earlier in the week. In the first round or two aces twice, kings once, got paid on both but early on so you only win so much. Eventually lost about half her stack when she raised out preflop with A-K, got one customer, flop K-5-2, all the chips go in, other person flips over 5-2 off. You can't make it up, folks...then very short stacked shoved with the next ace she got and ran into a better ace and that was all she wrote.
I too got paid with aces early, got only a little action with Kings later, but also ran into aces with top pair, good kicker and gave a lot back. The hand that ended up getting me in this one was all in with QQ vs 10-10, flop K-K-10.
So there will be one more tournament for me tomorrow, not sure yet whether I'll go with HORSE at Binions or Deep Stack at Venetian but I'm leaning towards deep stack. I'd prefer HORSE but I'm thinking that they just aren't going to get a very big crowd. OTOH if I get into the money at Venetian I risk having to extend the vacation another day so it had better be a significant cash if that happens...we'll see...also could meet myself half way and play in what will surely be a smaller Mega Stack for about half the buyin...
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Other Entries This Blog:
Day 9 - Last chance at the deep stacks
Day 8 - Mega Stack
Days 6 and 7 (WSOP, DS)
Day 5 - Deep Stack 2nd try
Day 4 - Deep Stack 1
Day 3 Date Night
Days 1 and 2
Vegas June 2024 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2023 (WSOP)
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Vegas June/July 2022 (WSOP)
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