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Vegas November 2010 (Deep Stack)

Day Two - Omaha 8/B Deep Stack
Last Updated: 2010-11-09 08:04:01
I'm officially in a slump...
Started the day at the Harrahs buffet for brunch with Leon although it had very little that wasn't breakfast. Still its a good one and I seem to go there at least once per trip.
Then we hung out at the IP sports book to watch the early football games. On the surface it didn't seem like a great schedule but there were some compelling games. Then Leon headed out for the Wynn and I hung out until my tourney started. So far I've avoided the Eagles game that I recorded at home...
So on to 8/B and like yesterday I took the notes below during breaks so i'll mostly leave them alone. But I do want to first talk a little about some of my tablemates...
We had two of the most annoying people I've played with in a long time at our table. The first one was a guy who showed up a couple of hands late, saw he was first to act and bet pot dark. Didn't know it was limit, apparently. For the entire 40 minute first round he folded no more than two hands and raised all but another 4-5 hands preflop, including raising dark 100% of the time he was under the gun. Surprisingly he did call raises into him instead of reraising. At first he was giving away chips but did start winning or chopping almost every pot for a 5-10 minute stretch.
But the kicker is that about 5 minutes in he started talking to his buddy openly about how much money he had won the night before partly by making everyone at a cash table mad at him.
And here was another group that was mostly letting him get to them after bragging about it. Thankfully he was gone a little into the second round on a table rebalance.
That was nothing compared to this other guy. Older european gentleman, shows up at the table and starts coughing up a lung for a few minutes, into the hand he's holding the cards with. Then we learn that, sitting at the end, he can't see past the middle of the table, but won't ever turn up his hand until he understands what everyone else's hand is. Omaha 8/b is a complicated game and there is almost no bluffing. Its standard protocol that when a hand is over everyone just reveals and let's the dealer figure out. Not this guy. Every hand he played was extended by 30 seconds waiting for him. And on top he started getting belligerant when people started asking him to just turn up his cards.
The worst was a hand I was in with him where me and another guy got him all in. When the hand was over I show my two pair bad low, third person shows worse two pair worse low, we wait and wait and wait ... and finally he turns over nut low/nut flush ... one of the worst slow rolls i've ever experienced.
Oh but that's not even the best part. Starting somewhere in the first round, whenever he folded pre-flop which was most hands, he would lean back, close his eyes, AND GO TO SLEEP!!! EVERY TIME!!! Somebody had to put in his blinds for him and wake him up when action was on him. Not some hands, not most hands EVERY HAND if he folded preflop...
It just wouldn't be a proper blog withhout a little narcissism so here goes. I think I've taken a big step in the mental part of poker even though the success isn't there right now. That step is emotional indifference/detatchment. I have no emotion at the poker table. Nothing bothers me, nothing gets me upset, nothing changes my game due to an emotional response. There was a time that slow roll would irritate me and possibly get me off my game for a little while. Not any more. And I don't stew over the occasional bad decision. I analyze it, I remember it, but I don't dwell and I certainly don't lose sleep.
IMO that's a big step for me. Hopefully it will translate into better results. Now some notes from the tournament plus a little on the rest of my day.
My weekend pattern persists, won the first two pots (actually a pot and 3/4 of a pot) and then proceeded to go an hour and 20 minutes without winning anything - and only folded ONE winner preflop. But after text-whining to Joann and Leon I split or scooped three in a row and caught a couple more soon after. So at the break up a little. Meanwhile Leon went to play in the Wynn daily and got an early double up and another big pot when kings held up twice for him. Last I heard he was double average stack with I think half the field gone!
Spent the next two hours up and down like a yo-yo. Hit some boats and got a couple of scoops but also put too much into one I should have folded and got drawn out on a couple of times. After another two hours still close to starting stack. Limits are high enough now that until I win a couple in a row every hand I play could cripple me or put me in great shape...and not much in between.
Well 8/b didn't go well. Got chipped down to desperation time got all in heads up w/ KdQd4s3s vs AdAh10d10h. So good new was he had no low bad news was I didn't even have live diamonds. Flop K-Q-J no boat for me on turn or river and that was that.
Ran over to caesars to buy into the 7pm, didn't even make it around the table. Guy slow played aces and got me. Oh well.
Dinner at Paris cafe again, was going to play in the 11 pm at caesars but turns out its a 10pm and I was too late to buy in. Had a break-even session at craps table and then it was time to type this up and go to bed.
Not sure if i'll do the noon at Wynn or the 1pm at Aria Monday.
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