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Vegas April 2011 (WSOPC)

Day 2 - Deep Stack
Last Updated: 2011-04-18 04:03:44
This was a very up and down day for me. But finally ... FINALLY ... I broke the losing streak.
Brunch w/ Leon at the Harrah's buffet, always a decent buffet for the price, managed to NOT pig out.
Started out at the deep stack, early on I caught some cards. Flopped a nut flush, got paid, had some other hands where I raised, either got no action preflop or got action and c-bet my way to the pot. But then it was back to normal for a little while and I gave it all back. Until...
So I'm 2-3 behind the button and a loose but easy to read player min-raises to 300 two ahead of me. Fold around to me and I look down at pocket queens. I'm willing to play for stacks with this guy because I know I'm way ahead of him. I raise.
But then something unexpected happens. Into a raise and a re-raise, guy next to me min-re-raises me! Well, a little more, I had made it 1100 and he made it something like 2300.
Probably aces or kings. Original raiser makes a speech about how we're just picking on him and shoves.
If I had a brain in my head I would have given up my queens at that point. But I started to think about the situation. If I'm right that the guy on the other side of me has kings, which I was leaning towards because he didn't go way over the top to isolate, he can't call a 4th raise all-in followed by another all-in. And then I'm heads up for stacks against a guy I know I have beat.
I don't know what got into me, but I pulled the trigger. I shoved.
The guy next to me goes into the tank, says he can't believe he's laying "these" down and folds pocket kings face up.
Oh, he was PISSED when he saw the hands. I was up against pocket sevens and queens held up.
Talk about having a moment "in the zone".
Unfortunately that was my highlight of the tournament. At that point we were about an hour in. I do not remember picking up another pocket pair for the next four hours. I made some borderline shoves and everyone folded to me with some middle aces, once I actually had slick, but basically I limped along with a short stack all that time.
Once I was truly desperate, there was a guy who started raising my big blind every hand. I finally decided I couldn't keep letting it happen so I decided I was going to no-look shove the next time he raised my BB.
BTW I'm in the one-seat. I hate the one-seat because I can't see the ten-seat, and I never know when action is on me. Well the guy I'm talking about was in the nine-seat, everyone folds to him on my BB, once again he raises, as soon as the dealer looks at me I shove.
He folded as expected.
Unfortunately I didn't realize the ten-seat had called his raise first, he called my shove, and turned over pocket aces.
At least I flopped a straight draw with my 10-2. And caught a 2 on the turn for 5 more outs on the river. But no luck and I was done.
As I said, I only remember two pairs in five hours. Surely there was one I'm forgetting, but at this point I'm pretty frustrated. Between the 7:00 from Saturday and this tournament, I probably had no more than 8 pocket pairs in about 9-10 hours of poker. Let's just say that's statistically improbable.
So dinner at the cafe Joann and I like at Paris. Couldn't eat there the night before because they stopped being open 24 hrs and had closed before I got there. But they are open at dinner time so in I went.
Quick recap:
  • played well but fell just short in PLO after grinding a short stack all day, was very disappointed they couldn't even fill four tables for it after looking forward to the tournament for weeks;
  • again close but no cigar, no cards at the 7:00 at caesars;
  • can't eat at our traditional late-night cafe because it closed;
  • get stuck eating at a new restaurant at Paris that had decent food, but was below a new nightclub so they BLARED the dance music in for us plus I was one of the few people not dressed for clubbing so felt a little out of place
  • Make a great play at deep stack, get rewarded, but then go even more card-dead than the night before;
So now I'm going to finally at least get a little comfort food, one of my favorite Vegas meals at our favorite little cafe...
They changed the goddam recipe. You can't make this up... It wasn't the worst thing I ever ate, but I don't see ordering it again. I have to admit, I was getting a little bummed out at that moment.
Hmmm, this is getting a little long.
On to the 7:00 at Caesar's and lets just say that all the cards I hadn't gotten in my first 10 hours of hold'em all decided to show up in this tournament. Early on I got pocket kings, flopped a set and took half of someone's stack. It all took off from there.
Well, long story short I finished fourth out of 90. Not that everything I did worked out for me, but I don't feel like I made a bad decision all night up until the chop offer came four handed, at which point I said no. Again, don't know what got into me at that moment, but I decided I was tired of the chop discussions and frankly was feeling a little pressured and I spit out a knee-jerk "no" and ended up being the next one out, costing me a few hundred $$. Oh well. I'm even for the trip as of now, the way things have gone for me since June I consider that a success!
I do have a few quick notes: Leon and I both made that final table, Leon finished 7th or 8th. But he was part of a "suckout on pete" stretch where I had gone from 2nd in chips at final table down to 6th in chips in the space of about 5 hands. Some of you may remember from past Blogs that Leon had taken me out of 7:00 tournaments on two previous occasions and when I got all in with him my 99 against his A-5 I thought I was finally getting redemption. Flop 5-5-4, ace on the river. Really.
I don't know what's going to happen tomorrow. I'm not buying into the $550 deep stack, that much I know.
We'll probably play at a noon "daily" somewhere, probably Wynn. But I do have a decision to make and being even for the trip now makes certain things a lot more tempting...
If I had no other considerations, I want to play in the 2:00 PLO at Venetian in the worst way. One small problem - if I cash, I miss my flight home playing in day two the next day. I don't think I can play in that in good conscience. But I really want to. In the worst way. I feel really good about my Omaha game after Saturday's deep run.
So there's that...
Then there's a 4:00pm Limit 8/b at Caesar's for a WSOPC ring. I really like PL 8/b, limit 8/b is not as exciting. But 8/b is 8/b. And day two is timed better for my flight, I would have to be in a spot where I making enough money to live with missing my flight if I have to miss my flight, let's put it that way. That's a pretty good second choice.
Or I could just stick to hold'em. I also feel real good about my hold'em game right now.
If I had a crystal ball, my best guess is that I'll play in a noon daily hold'em and if it's over or I bust out in time to make limit 8/b, that's probably what I'll do. It is a "ring event" so I expect a good size crowd, even if it is a Monday.
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Day 3 - Wynn, WSOPC
Day 2 - Deep Stack
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