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Vegas June 2011 (WSOP)

Day 3 - Mega Stack
Last Updated: 2011-06-27 13:30:09
Long day today, I'm starting to type this up as I watch Phil Helmuth trying again for his first non-Hold'em bracelet in the final table of the $10K stud 8/b tournament.
Started the day having breakfast w/ Leon at the Rio buffet. Good but as I always say breakfast is breakfast.
First I'll talk about Leon's day, he had one big hand and built a nice chip stack, but later got crippled when he got all in w/ KK and ran into AA and QQ. The aces held up. He ended up 245 out of over 3000 players.
So my day started out in "here we go again" mode. Got pocket aces, got one pre-flop caller, nothing else. Two hands later pocket aces, someone raised into me, I reraise to isolate, everyone folds including original raiser. Round or two later aces again, again one preflop caller, nothing else. At this point I'm a little frustrated that I can't get paid w/ my big hands.
But finally, finally I get aces and someone gives me 3/4 of their stack and I take off from there. I only had one takeout, but over the next several hours I win enough pots to stay above average stack and probably only saw a few river cards the whole time.
Unfortunately my inability to win a big pot caught up w/ me by the dinner break, although my stack wasn't shrinking it also wasn't growing and blinds and antes caught up to me.
Then I made a rare mistake. A-J under the gun I just raised instead of shoving, I was pot committed. Got called, flop 2-J-5, all the chips go in, he had pocket deuces...and out of 682 I was about 80-85 with 63 paying.
ARGH. So close...
Obviously it was a cooler of a flop, but I should have just shoved preflop. Who knows, maybe he calls anyway and it doesn't matter.
So we met Leon and Leon's father-in-law at the Rio to play in the nightly deep stack and after buying in we found out that a huge final table in the $10k stud 8/b tournament. Helmuth, Benyamin, Forrest and Racener among the six left at the time. Joann went to watch that while the rest of us played poker.
I was up and down like a yo-yo, I had a lot of big hands but also lost some pots. I almost had the highlight of my day tho...
During one of the times I was up in chips I am in the cutoff w/ A-10 both hearts. Three limpers into me so I call, SB who seemed to be buying some pots calls and loose guy in the BB checks. Flop comes 2-Q-4 two hearts. Stealer bets, loose guy calls, I call w/ flush draw, over card and getting right price.
Turn a black jack adding a gutshot to my draws. Stealer checks, loose guy bets just 1/3 of the pot, I call with all my draws, stealer folds. River an off-suit 3.
Loose guy checks.
I decide to make a play I've never made. To this point I have only shown big hands and I've made value bets with big hands to extract what I could. I decide this is the time for a stone cold value bet bluff. I bet about 2/5 of the other guys stack, a bet that is just screaming I'm trying to suck this guy in.
The guy is convinced he is beat. But he thinks and thinks and I honestly think he just decided to see what I had and he made the call w/ pocket 5s. I never heard so many gasps at the table. Everyone else at the table was convinced I had him crushed...dammit.
I feel like I made the only bet I could make to win the pot, a shove would have looked fishy. Oh well.
After that I was short. Doubled up w/ kings, to get back in it, got crippled when I had 10s and got all in on a board of 7-8-9 and ran into kings and missed everything! Doubled and redoubled to again have decent stack only to get kings one more time, called by QQ, Q in the door and I was done.
So joann and I are still watching this final table, three handed for over 2 hrs now because Racener keeps sucking out. But now we have to see what happens...
Tomorrow will be PLO at Caesars at 4:00 after a morning at the pool.
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Other Entries This Blog:
Day 8 - The end
Day 7 - Mega Stack part deux
Day 6 - PLO/PLH mix Day 2
Day 5 - WSOP PLH/PLO mix
Day 4 - an ugly confidence builder
Day 3 - Mega Stack
Days 1 and 2
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