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Vegas June 2011 (WSOP)

Day 7 - Mega Stack part deux
Last Updated: 2011-06-25 02:18:31
Short one today...
After the high of the WSOP, not much could have happened today to compare. But it would have been nice to have a fighting chance.
I played in the $350 mega stack at Caesars, and what a great format. 25,000 chips and 30 minute rounds. Early on I got a pair of 7s and raised out, one caller, flop two overs, had to give it up.
In the next four plus hours I did not see another pocket pair. Not kidding, not exaggerating. Four hours, no pairs, AK once, AQ once, AJ twice. Won one pot of any size when I caught top two w/ A-10 suited and got paid. Highliight of the tournament for me.
Finally short stacked and in BB with two limpers I shoved w/ a borderline hand and got away with it. Got 5s next hand, second pocket pair in all that time, shoved from small blind and BB woke up w/ kings. You can't make it up...
Had dinner at a Mexican place in Palms that we heard good things about. It was pretty good, the soup I had was way hotter (spice not temp) than I expected and the meal I thought would burn holes in my stomach wasn't hot at all. But it was good, I'm sure we'll go back in the future.
Then back to caesars for the 7pm and same deal. Pocket 8s early, got reraised by a tight player, called, flopped 6-9-10 thought about trying to buy it but she couldn't wait to get more chips in so I gave it up.
I believe it was about three hours before I got my next pocket pair. Every pot I won in between was a steal with borderline hands at best. When I did finally get a pair of sixes on a short stack I shoved and ran into...go ahead, guess...kings again.
Flop 7-4-x, I said "5", dealer turned over a 5...then a 3. Oops.
Not long after that I actually caught kings and got paid some. And we were starting to get close to money. By my count I was up to four pairs in over 7 hours. Ugh.
Down to 21 paying 9 and here comes the irony. Im in BB, a short stack shoves, a bad player who had gotten very lucky shoves and I look down at...what else...kings. I shove.
Short stack has a small ace, other guy has JJ. Ace on the turn, I end up only losing a little in the deal.
So still short stacked we get down to 15 players and I am very short and get a raise and a call into me and look at AJ. I have to push and pray. Big stack reshoves so caller goes away and I'm up against kings again.
Flop three clubs and I have the Ac so my hand actually improves but the Kc is among them so I lose the aces. Ace on the turn just to twist the knife a little and offsuit jack on river to twist it a little more.
Can't even survive w/ two pair. I'm out just short of money.
But you know what? I cashed in the WSOP yesterday. I'll live.
So tomorrow one more tournament that I'm really looking forward to. PLO at 4:00 at Caesars. Already bought in, in fact I was the first person to enter.
Hopefully with four cards instead of two I'll get a chance to actually play some poker...
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Other Entries This Blog:
Day 8 - The end
Day 7 - Mega Stack part deux
Day 6 - PLO/PLH mix Day 2
Day 5 - WSOP PLH/PLO mix
Day 4 - an ugly confidence builder
Day 3 - Mega Stack
Days 1 and 2
Vegas June 2024 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2023 (WSOP)
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Vegas June/July 2022 (WSOP)
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