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Vegas November 2011

Day 3 - VDSE 3rd try, Aria daily
Last Updated: 2011-11-08 12:01:14
There's a clue in the title of this one that might help you figure out how my day went at Venetian today.
We went with the players buffet at Venetian for lunch (free is good). Large fried chicken wing parts (almost small turkey sized) and hot dogs were the main course with what I think was minestrone soup, salad and cookies and brownies for dessert.
Hans texted me as we were finishing up and thinking about going to our seats, we met up with him and chatted for a few mins before sitting down.
First hand out of the gate I get pocket aces, flop an ace and get paid half of someone's stack! A few hands later I catch pocket queens preflop and raise out, one caller. Check check on the ace-rag-rag flop, he bets out the blank on the turn and I call him down convinced it's a steal. River another Q. Bingo! Again he bets out but won't call my raise.
A little while after that pocket queens again, someone who had quickly short stacked himself calls my preflop raise. Flop 5-7-J w/ two hearts, I get him all in and he's actually a favorite with 6-4 of hearts. Queens hold up and before we finish the first round I'm doubled up!
I've been getting increasingly frustrated with these deep stack events. Seems like I perpetually get deep but just can't get over the hump. And here I finally feel like I've got some momentum in one of these and I'm a very happy camper.
So around the start of the second round a guy comes over and sits in the seat that I'm betting into. And he proceeds to play every one of the first 5-7 hands after he sits down. I look down at A-J suited and raise, he repops it on me. OK, he's making a move. I call to see if I can hit and stack this guy.
Flop comes A-J-X. I bet out, he calls. Turn a blank, I bet again, and he shoves for about 3.5 times my bet. I can't fold. He flips over pocket jacks.
My read on the guy was totally correct, he later bluffed off all the chips I gave him and the rest of his stack. I was the only person who got into pots with the guy who came out badly on the short end.
A few hands later I get 10s and run into Qs, I try to buy a pot here and there and can't make anything work...and at the end of the next round I'm back down to my starting stack again. All gone that fast.
By the break tho (end of 3rd round) I did build my stack back up to about 19K after catching some more big pocket pairs, but that was pretty much the highlight of the day for me.
Meanwhile, Hans was getting brutalized. While I was building my stack the first time he texted me that he was already down 1/3 of his chips he managed to get all his chips in w/ KK against 66 and lost. He bought back in (it's a re-entry tournament) and the bustout hand I believe was someone making a stone-cold bluff against Hans', who had flopped a set of eights, caught runner-runner straight. OUCH. And I thought I had bad luck at Venetian...
Leon didn't last much longer than Hans, he also took a rough beat.
I maintained a roughly 20k stack for quite a while, and once again I finished somewhere between 90 and 100 out of 316 so I had quite a run. But eventually the blinds got bigger and my stack didn't. I shoved w/ A-Q, ran into Q-Q, flopped the ace...and the other guy caught runner-runner flush.
I was feeling a little frustrated at that point, but it was only 6:00 and what was I going to do if I didn't play poker? So I ate at a chinese food place in Aria while I watched the first half of the Eagles game and then decided to go join Leon in the Aria 7pm tourney.
So first hand out of the gate someone raises, a few folds and then I look down at pocket Kings. I mean to raise to 625 but I've never played at Aria before and I grab a 1000 chip instead of a 100 chip. After I realize my mistake I feel a little embarrassed, the original raiser think it's an act. He and another player both call.
Flop jack high, I bet, other caller shoves, original raiser makes a disgusted fold and I call. Other caller has QQ. I more than double first hand out of the gate!
This feels familiar.
But the result was much better...
Right now I honestly can't remember too many hands. I did get a few more hands soon after the kings, but then it went like Venetian had gone. After the early surge the best I could do was maintain my stack. I was waiting patiently for another chance to double up, and finally when we were down to 3-4 tables (paid 9 places) and I was starting to get a little short, I got my first double up from that same guy who had originally raised my kings. I looked down at A-K and raised out, he shoved w/A-J and I called. Slick held up and we had identical chip stacks.
After that I had a big run of cards, the hand that really put me in good shape tho was Kings again, this time I had a shove and a re-shove into me. Always nice to look down at kings with two all-ins ahead of you. I was up against 9-9 and A-J and the Kings held up.
I didn't play any more big pots, but I did go over the top of a number of raises and continued to accumulate chips until we got down to final table. I went into the final table second in chips and not by much. But again, all I could do was maintain my stack while other people were busting each other out. By the time we got down to 5-handed I was the short stack and we all agreed to a chop based on chip counts, I actually got double what 5th place money should have been.
I honestly can't decide what to do today. Part of me really wants to take another shot at Venetian, but part of me is a little frustrated by Venetian and is thinking about just playing at the Wynn at noon.
Well I just got off the phone with Joann and she says I should take my shot at Venetian again. So there you go.
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