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Vegas June 2006

Day Two(Monday)
Day two was a little less eventful than day one. Ate at the Harrah's buffet, it's gotten smaller than the last time we were there (used to be one that had like 1000 different things) but had better variety than the TI buffet and the food was better.
Went back to the tournament of champions at Rio, by the time we got there Gus Hansen had busted out and they were down to 9 (all money). One no-name player busted out while we were there for one hour-and-a-half round. One thing that I found amusing was that Chris Ferguson was completely different from the night before. Don't know if it was the cameras or the fact that he was in the money, but on Sunday night he was talking, joking, etc. But Monday he had the glasses on and every time he played a hand he went into "the pose". Not that he wasn't somewhat deliberate on Sunday but that night he would sometimes throw away a hand quickly and even make some fairly quick calls or raises. Not this time. Every decision took a good 30-60 seconds. Overall it was interesting watching these guys play only because as you would expect there were very few flops seen, most hands were over on a preflop raise. I was also surprised how many "walks" there were. We only saw 2-3 all-in calls in the entire hour and a half (probably 3-5 uncalled all-ins by short stacks).
But after that it was back to the room and then the airport to pick up Joann. Dinner was at Mandalay Bay buffet (Joann and I like that one a lot, Rich wasn't impressed). Then it was on to Aladdin for some poker. Rich started out having a tough night, busted out at both the limit and no-limit cash games. Limit wasn't too kind for me either, I was up and down and was on a bit of a rush when things came crashing down on me. Had a guy river me twice, once on a junk hand and the other on a two-outer when I had flopped two-pair, he had wired Ks. We were both betting and raising into each other and he hit his K. Ugh! Joann was a monster at the limit table, however, at one point she had about doubled up hitting flushes left and right. Gave a little back but had won her buy-in for the 2am tourney.
The tourney wasn't kind to the Clarks, Joann got no cards and eventually pushed and lost when she had A-Q and flopped an A but someone else flopped a set of 3s. Once again things were actually going well for me until I had wired Js and flop came three small cards but someone else had flopped a set of 6s. Didn't knock me out, but I was severely crippled. Survived my first two all-ins but not the third one. Rich, however, hit a few monster hands and when Joann and I left him around 3:30 am he was around the top few in chips. Just found out that he had made 3rd place finishing at 6:30am, winning enough to cover his losses for the night. Apparently when they got down to final three they decided to do shots until it was over...
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