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Vegas April 2012

Day 1 - Ugly at Aria
Last Updated: 2012-04-22 00:04:53
Short entry today, not a great day and I haven't had much sleep in the last 24 hrs.
The poker game at my house didn't break up until after 2am, first time in probably 6 months we had a third tournament and of course it was the night I'm getting up at 5am the next morning (not complaining, I would have played all night...). By the time I got cleaned up it was about 3am that I got to bed.
So up at 5, Joann drove me to the airport and I got onto the first flight out on standby. Landed in Vegas before 9 am local, left my bag at IP and went to the Bellagio Buffet for brunch (and to kill some time). Delicious as always.
So on to the 1:00pm at Aria, and it did not go well. Didn't play a lot of hands, I was betting into two VERY loose, aggressive players to my left so there was no point in trying to steal. Regular readers of my blogs surely recall me talking about days where I never got any big hands but still managed to stick around for a long time. No such whining today. Got aces once early to act, raised, got nothing but blinds for them. Got aces again, got a guy all in on the turn, got four-outed on the river.
The hand went like this. 100/200 (3rd level) blinds, I'm in the cutoff, guy to my right raises to 600, I make it 1200, blinds fold, the guy calls me. Flop J-rag-rag two hearts. He bets either 2100 or 2600 into me, I smooth call. Turn Qh, I have Ah. He shoves, I call, he turns over a black K and a black J. Kh gives me a nut flush so he only has four outs...black king on the river...
So I do some exploring at Aria since Joann and I are staying there in June and she wanted a scouting report on the hotel. Found the pool, found the buffet, found the 24 hr restaurant. Then back to the room for an hour nap since I was starting to drag a little.
So back to Aria for the 7pm and it was just as bad. At least I lasted to the 4th round! Late 3rd round or early 4th round I get Ks first to act at a fairly loose table. I raise and of course only the big blind calls. Flop J-rag-rag (sounds familiar, right?). He immediately bets, I put him on a J and I'm down to just over half my starting stack to my plan is to double up right here. I just call.
J on turn, ugh! Check-Check. A on river and he bets about 1/2 my stack. There just isn't a hand he could possibly have now that I can beat. I give them up. I know I have some poker friends who probably would tell me I should have shoved and taken down the pot. Honestly I don't think that's the correct play given my stack. I needed to take the opportunity to try and double up and in hindsight if I do get the shove called here I'm out so slow-playing my kings might have saved my life. But not for long...
Win a small pot or two, late 4th round for sure, Ks again. This time late to act, raise into me with 3 callers so I make a re-raise to 2000 (1/3-ish of my stack), only caller is the same guy just to my right. Flop all rags, he checks, I shove for my last 3500-4000, he thinks and calls and turns over A-10. So 3 outs twice, Ace on the river and I was done.
So having gotten 3 hrs sleep to this point and things going rather poorly I decided my best course of action for tonight is sleep. Hopefully things will be better tomorrow.
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Other Entries This Blog:
Day 5 - Aria, Aria
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Day 3 - Aria, Caesars late night
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Day 1 - Ugly at Aria
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