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Vegas June 2012 (WSOP)

Day 3 - Nugget 8-game mix
Last Updated: 2012-06-16 09:25:17
(I did have two "should have said" moments after a good night's sleep, those are in italics below...)
I would have liked today to have gone better, but I'm happy with how I played and I'm feeling good about my game for when Tuesday finally gets here.
We both got a real good sleep after only 3 hrs the previous night, something we definitely needed. Got to the Nugget way earlier than we needed to and had a lot of time to kill, so we just kinda wandered around Fremont Street for a while.
So into the 8-game mix tournament. One big difference with the one I'm going to play in Tuesday - here they only played 6 handed. The dealer told me that in the WSOP playing 8-handed at every table they will definitely have players sit out hands when there are more than six at a table.
The good news is I did last quite a while. The bad news is that I didn't last long enough.
Unfortunately I don't have any particularly interesting hands to talk about. I did not win any sizeable pots in NLH or PLO (I did win some smaller ones). Don't know if I won a single pot in stud 8-b, again some smaller ones in stud high and Omaha 8/b. Of all those games, the biggest pot I had was half of a 3-way pot when my two pair 6's and 2's inexplicably was good enough for high but my A-4 wasn't good enough for the low on a board of K-6-2-5-J rainbow.
Which leaves me with the two games I won all my big pots in - Razz and 2-7 Triple Draw.
Early on 27TD was killing me. Twice I lost about 1/3 of my stack in the game, only to hit some monster Razz hands (in particular I hit two 6-lows in one round and got paid both times) and get it all back. In hindsight, I got stubborn with one or two hands 2-7 I should have just given up, but I also had consecutive nut draws needing one card that both missed. The worst was a 2-3-4-5-face start - caught a face card on the first draw, a face card on the second draw, paired the deuce on the 3rd draw...brutal!
Then after a break we came back to more 27TD, I again had a good starting hand, called a raise, got a real bad draw, other guy only drew one and seemed to like his one so I gave it up. At that moment I said I was going to just no-look fold every 2-7 hand from that point on.
Then I won the next two pots, both very big, and built up to my biggest stack to that point over 16k from my 12k starting stack.
But that was pretty much the highlight of the day for me. I went card dead for a while, had some good starting hands that never panned out, couldn't get anything going in either of the two games that weren't limit where I could really gain some chips.
I did forget about two big hands that went down. First playing 2-7TD I had an 8-4-2-X-X) hand I played 3-way, caught a 5-face on the first draw to improve, guy at the end was drawing 3 but was all in. Me and other guy bet/call, second draw the other guy stood pat, I caught a blank, third draw I caught a seven, bet, call, he turned over an 8-6. Ouch! But wait...the guy at the end...he didn't get his card and he drew before me! So the dealer messed up and the 7 wasn't the card I was supposed to have!
I was kinda hoping that when they called over the floor they would just kill the hand, but unfortunately for me they did the right thing and said that since we had action at our end the hands had to stay and the guy at the other end got the next card off the deck...another 7!
Oh well.
So I'm a little short at that point, but I did get a near double up after a round of hold'em when we got back to Omaha 8/b. I'm in the big blind, a raise and a call and I look down at A-K-K-10 with the A-K suited in hearts. Don't like to play high-only hands, but since I'm in the BB and it's only one more bet I play. Flop comes J-10-5 two hearts. So I have an over-pair, gutshot and flush draws. Well long story short I check-raise the pre-flop raiser (since I'm a little short I'm not going away on this hand, better to get as many chips in as possible), he calls me on the 6 on the turn and folds when a 5 comes on the river claiming he only had a pair of sixes and was trying to hit running low cards. So I close-to-doubled, but still wasn't exactly comfortable...
Then feeling the pressure of the blinds I caught 4 to a straight on 4th street in stud, committed to the hand and never caught so much as a pair crippling me.
I did double up a couple of hands later to a still short stack, committed to another stud 8-b hand with a great low draw with a possible high, caught a bad card on 6th street, caught 2-pair on the river with my chips already in and lost to a better two pair. Ugh.
So I did last almost 8 hrs into the tournament, outlasted about half the field and really if only a couple of hands had worked out better for me I could have played for a while longer.
So on to Aria for the 7:00 and that was just brutal.
Didn't get there until about 8:15, they had a very long list of alternates but literally every table was full. While they were on break, a table broke up from the 1:00 tournament so they started up a new table and I got on it.
Talk about card dead! I was there over two hours, I had ONE pocket pair, biggest ace I had was A-9 suited. I only remember winning 2-3 hands, there may have been one where I won blinds and just don't remember it but the only pot I won of any real size was a button raise with K-J, one caller. Flop J-6-J and I almost doubled up. Caught a straight in a blind vs blind hand and got nothing for it. Bought blinds raising out w/ A-5 off.
So like I said, over two hours in I'm under the gun and look down at KK. My first pair of the tournament! I raise out thinking I'm going to get nothing but blinds again.
I wish!
Reraise down the end, big blind shoves! I of course shove, reraiser insta-calls.
I'm up against A-A and A-K. I have ONE out. I think even one of my two possible flushes was covered. Ugh. Well my one out and my four-flush didn't come and I was done.
So that's it for today. Tomorrow we check out of Luxor and check in to Aria for the first time.
Plan for tomorrow is a day off from poker, I promised Joann when we added the extra days that I would have one day off to do whatever she wanted...but she did say something about me getting into the 7:00 so who knows!
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Other Entries This Blog:
Day 10 - Aria, Aria and done
Day 9 - Nugget, Aria
Day 8 - Shoulda stayed in bed...
Day 7 - Event #37 8-Game Mix (WSOP)
Day 6 - Date Night
Day 5 - Aria
Day 4 - Shopping, Aria
Day 3 - Nugget 8-game mix
Days 1 and 2
Vegas June 2024 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2023 (WSOP)
Vegas November 2022
Vegas June/July 2022 (WSOP)
Vegas October 2021 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2021
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