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Vegas June 2012 (WSOP)

Day 9 - Nugget, Aria
Last Updated: 2012-06-22 10:11:56
Nugget and Binions both had HORSE tournaments on Thursday at noon. $240 buyin at Nugget, $500 buyin at Binions. I walked into the Nugget poker room and saw a decent size crowd of people, I walked over to Binions and heard crickets chirping. Empty was an understatement, Nugget was an easy decision. At some point at my table the fact that Binions was also running a HORSE tournament came up, at that point there were 13-14 tables of 8 (they would end up w/ 15 so about 120 players) and one of the other guys said he had also checked Binions 10 mins before the Nugget one started and they had 5 people signed up over there.
Unfortunately not a whole lot for me to talk about for this one. 40 minute rounds, after 3 rounds at the first break I was around starting stack still (I had won like two pots) and after 6 rounds at the next break I think I was around 8k. Within another round or two I was done. The most interesting hand is the one I folded, having gotten unlucky in another hand I was down to about 2000 and playing Omaha 8/b there was already a raise and a call into me and I look down at K-K-Q-4 with K-Q of clubs. My first instinct was to get the chips in and take my chances, but with no chance of a low I mucked it and decided to hope for something better on the next hand. Flop came K-3-5 rainbow, 5 on the turn, 10 on the river. Second nuts, I would have tripled or quadrupled up.
Very next hand I get A-A-9-8 with A-8 of hearts. I get all the chips in, the board runs out four diamonds with three low cards, guy with A-5 of diamonds scoops the pot and I'm done.
Dinner at the Bellagio Buffet, we haven't had dinner there in a while (we've been doing brunch a lot). There weren't actually a lot of dishes that interested me, but there were enough things that did and what I did eat was very good. And they still have the best soft-serve ice cream I've ever eaten.
So back to Aria for the 7:00 tournament.
In case you haven't noticed, I've been beyond card dead this entire trip. After running good in April this trip has pretty much been the opposite. I haven't had a whole lot of cards in anything I've played in and off the top of my head (I would have to go back and look) I don't know that in all the tournaments I've played in I have ever doubled my starting stack.
Well this started out more of the same. By the first break (3 rounds, 90 mins in) I think I had not won a single pot. 5 rounds in, still nothing. To this point, we're talking over 2.5 hrs of poker, I had had exactly one pair (4s), not one ace bigger than A-9, my next biggest hands were K-J suited and Q-10 off.
Seriously...that was it for 2.5 hrs, no exaggeration, not forgetting any hands.
Finally into round number 6 I pick up my next best hand, Q-J suited. Raise into me, one caller, I call, would be down under 6K if I lose. Flop K-10-x rainbow, I shove, they fold. Woo-hoo I won a pot!
Next hand pocket Jacks. My second pair! Everyone folds to my pre-flop raise. Two hands later K-J suited, I limp, someone raises, I call. Flop Q-J-rag, I raise out (I'm not going away even with just middle pair...), other guy folds and just like that I'm above started stack!
Went on break, came back and started the next round and it was more of the same for me.
Won a couple more pots playing unpaired face cards and built my way up around 18K, then got all the chips in with A-K suited and ran into...A-K suited. We each flopped one of our suit but missed the turn and chopped it up. But within a few hands me and the same guy got it all in again when I had slick suited again and he had only A-Q.
A-K held up!
By he end of the round I was up around 35k in chips. I had more than tripled my starting stack, easily my best run of the week.
We stopped for a chip-up, and for the first time in a VERY long time I was actually the guy that bought the small chips. The main reason being that the guy I had taken out had made it his personal mission to gather up every 25 and 100 denomination chip at the table. He made the dealer make change literally every hand with every ante and every blind. Would throw out a 1000 chip for a 200 blind with a stack of 30-40 100 denomination chips. I found it rather obnoxious...
But once I took him out, I knew we were 15 minutes from the chip-up so I started hoarding them myself to make it easier when the time came.
So after the chip-up we start up the first hand of the next round with some new players because they also broke up a table, there's one limper at 600/1200 blinds and I look down at pocket aces. No way. 3rd pair of the tournament!
The guy who limped in is a regular, I'm positive I've played with him in April and this trip as well. I make it 3600, limper calls. Flop 9-8-6, two clubs. Other guy checks, I make it about 5000 to go, he instantly shoves.
Had this guy had a real hand, he would have thought about what to do. His instant shove was a screaming tell. I called almost as fast, sometimes instinct just takes over.
He turned over K-J of clubs.
Deuce of clubs on the turn. Done.
Oh well. Probably Aria again for my last day, if that doesn't work out there is a 4:00 PLO at Caesar's that I might check out...
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Other Entries This Blog:
Day 10 - Aria, Aria and done
Day 9 - Nugget, Aria
Day 8 - Shoulda stayed in bed...
Day 7 - Event #37 8-Game Mix (WSOP)
Day 6 - Date Night
Day 5 - Aria
Day 4 - Shopping, Aria
Day 3 - Nugget 8-game mix
Days 1 and 2
Vegas June 2024 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2023 (WSOP)
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Vegas June/July 2022 (WSOP)
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