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Vegas November 2012

Day 4 - Just when I thought...
Last Updated: 2012-11-07 09:53:16
This is getting frustrating.
Lunch at the Paris buffet. I'm always worried about gaining a lot of weight on these trips, but I've managed to survive on one meal a day plus some halloween candy Joann packed for me. Paris was just OK, I liked the things I ate a lot, but I didn't find a lot of items that I wanted to eat. That and their marking of the foods was lousy.
On to the 1:00 at Aria and there's really nothing to tell there. Card dead the entire time, never got above starting stack, lasted long enough that I couldn't rebuy but not much longer.
Hung out and watched election coverage for a while waiting for the next tournament. I figured Obama was going to win Ohio and there was little doubt that Romney couldn't become president without Ohio, but I have to admit I was pretty surprised to see Obama win Colorado. Also a little surprised that even without Ohio Obama would have won having swept all the other swing states except North Carolina. And he's ahead in Florida, if he wins Florida from an electoral college perspective this race that was supposed to be tight as a drum becomes a bit of a thrashing (332-206 is a big win).
Not surprised but very disappointed that Colorado chose to legalize pot. People I know from the east coast were asking me when Colorado became so liberal. I have to keep explaining that far from it, Colorado is very libertarian. When you can come up with something that appeals both to liberals and libertarians in this state you have a winning formula no matter how much the rest of the conservatives hate it.
Ah but you wanted to read about poker, didn't you?
Really wanted to play HORSE at MGM so I walked down there and arrived about 15 minutes after the tournament start time. They only had 11 people, which was disappointing, so it was on to Aria.
And what a start I had. Second hand at the table I doubled up when I flopped top two and got called by top pair with a flush draw. Top two held up. That was late in round two, late round 4 there was a lot of limping so I decided to call with A-4 of diamonds.
Flop came A-A-J. I'm on the button and we're like 6-7 handed, one person bets, I call as do the blinds. Turn is a 10. Small blind leads out for about 1/2 the pot, BB calls, original better folds, I call. River is a 4.
So the small blind leads out, the big blind calls and I start to count out my raise. Only hands I'm worried about are A-J and A-10 and I'm going to take my chances here. But before I can place my raise out, apparently the small blind didn't realize I was in the hand and he turns over the straight. Remember, this is the small blind, it becomes important. So everyone tries to stop him, he turns his cards back over and I complete my raise since I know I have him beat.
He shoves!
So I saw his straight, I raised anyway, and he shoves...
The big blind shoves. "Oh crap" I'm thinking. How can he shove unless he has a straight beat??? Did he not see it?
I make the crying call with my full house. Big blind turns over A-6. Couldn't beat the straight and shoved anyway! Wow!
I'm up to 45,000 chips, probably the most I've had so far at Aria this trip. I think I'm golden, gotta get into the money now, right?
I go completely card dead and don't win anything more than blinds and antes for quite a while. A guy comes to the table who proceeds to raise pre-flop almost every single hand that's folded to him from any position and bets 100% of the time it is checked to him on every other street. Since he's so predictable people are check-raising him but that doesn't stop him.
I'm down to something like 33,000 in the small blind and I look down at 10-3. Understand that at this point I've given him a few walks and I have not raised his big blind once. I decide it's time for a well-timed steal and raise out to 3 times big blind. He calls.
Flop comes 10-9-6. Bingo! I'm going to check-raise him. I check, he dutifully bets out and I check-raise over the top. All the chips go in...and he turns over 9-6.
You gotta be f-ing kidding me...
I did the math, I was only a 70-30 dog (runner/runner flush was also a possibility) but I got no help on the turn or river and I was down to not even a full big blind.
Ouch. That one hurt.
Two more chances to get into the money, will be playing at 1:00 at Aria, hopefully I will have to miss the 7:00 for a change...
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Day 5 - Stuck
Day 4 - Just when I thought...
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Day 1 - Context, Aria
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