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Vegas June 2013 (WSOP)

Day 4, pt 1 - Brutal day at WSOP
Last Updated: 2013-06-05 13:56:06
In two hours of poker I played exactly two hands today. Not because I was the tightest person on the planet, but truly because I had no choice.
First off I had Josh Arieh betting into me, chip leader at the table, and I'm betting into second in chips. And almost every hand someone at the table was raising, which meant I couldn't play a hand without putting in two bets.
Of the hands I did play, one of the two hands I got nothing but blinds. The other hand was the one I busted out on.
Playing Omaha 8/b, my 12,475 starting stack down to 5500 and in the big blind of 800 I'm really in bad shape. 4 limpers into me and I look down at 2-4-5-6 with two clubs and check.
Flop comes A-4-6, and with two pair, second nut low and wheel and full house draws (and only 6 big blinds if I fold) I don't think I can get away from this hand.
Well all kinds of action, two go away so we're three handed, the rest of the chips go in for me and another guy on an 8 turn with another shortish stack almost all in and here's how it all shakes out:
Other all in has 2-3-4-X for nut low and a gutshot wheel draw
Third guy had A-6-8-K for a better two pair on a hand that never should have been around in the first place with all that action.
I'm down to three 3s and two 4s and the river is a blank, I'm done.
Once again I tracked every hand (did a better job today) so here's two hours of poker. I did not track suits or much of the action unless a hand was suited and that was meaningful or action led me to not play a hand rather than just the cards themselves, but I think the cards I had were enough without that information. So here goes:
    Pot Limit Omaha
  • 3-5-5-7 double suited in BB. Raise, reraise into me, I fold, repotted, all in, aces vs aces, short stack catches flush (one of my suits, BTW)
  • 4-5-Q-J double-suited in SB. Again action, but never play two hold'em hands in the small anyway
  • 3-3-6-j
  • 4-j-j-k no suit
  • 5-8-Q-10 rainbow
  • 3-5-9-J one suit
  • 4-5-6-9 (two gapper on top just asking for trouble, I would have missed)
  • 4-6-9-J one suit(again two hold'em hands)
    Limit Hold'Em
  • 9-5 off BB, fold to raise
  • 9-K off SB, fold to raise (arguably playable but would have missed)
  • 5-Q off
  • 8-K off
  • 7-Q off
  • A-4 off early position
  • 2-5 off
  • 10-J suited first to act, pot was later raised, reraised, I would have missed flop, winner ended up being 2 pr runner runner Q-J
    7-Stud 8/b, 3rd card always what was showing
  • 4-K-2, I bring in, get raised, I fold
  • 2-5-7 I think a 2-flush, would be drawing for half
  • 2-7-A first to act and would have been betting into another ace, I fold
  • Q-J-4
  • 5-A-J
  • 10-K-J, almost entire board is paint, lows are creating the action, can't play
  • 8-K-J
  • 9-8-5
    2-7 Triple Draw
  • 3-5-A-J-10
  • 3-5-8-9-J (am I going to draw to an 8 or 9 with action already?)
  • 3-8-Q-A-A
  • 3-5-7-A-J The first hand I played, I stole blinds
  • 3-4-5-K-K with 3 already in pot I suppose an argument can be made to draw two here, but with that many players I have to catch exactly 2-7, 2-8 or 6-8 to have a chance. And if I catch a 6 and not an 8 I'm still drawing two
  • 3-5-8-J-K again at best a 2 card draw to an 8
  • so worth noting I had a 3 every hand, but only one 7 and no deuces in any hand, two cards you usually shouldn't leave home without
    No Limit Hold'Em
  • 5-K off BB, raise into me, fold
  • 6-9 off SB, raise into me, fold
  • 8-K suited
  • 2-J off
  • 6-8 off
  • 7-2 off
  • 8-j suited
  • 3-10 off
    7-card Stud high
  • 2-4-10 off
  • 6-A-K rainbow
  • 8-K-3
  • 5-A-K Notable because all four Ks on board
  • 5-J-2
  • 6-7-8 no suit, rest of board contained 5, 6, 7, 7, 8, 10. Can't make it up.
  • 5-Q-2
  • 7-Q-J
    Omaha 8/b
  • 2-4-5-6 with I think clubs, the hand I busted on
So...can anyone tell me where I had a chance to win a pot? Literally the worst two hours of being card dead I can ever remember.
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Nicholas "nick" Werle: 2013-06-04 00:24:33
crap cards indeed!

Clay "Don Key" Pinyerd: 2013-06-03 23:41:09
That was brutal to read about the brutality!
Other Entries This Blog:
Pete's good day at the WSOP
Day 9 - Not the ending I hoped for
Day 8 - A short one
Day 7 - Roller coaster at Aria
Day 6 - Buffet, shopping and Aria
Day 4 pt 2, Day 5 - Aria and more Aria
Day 4, pt 1 - Brutal day at WSOP
Day 3 - World Series of Poker
Day 2 - Nugget, Aria
Day 1 - Dinner
Vegas June 2024 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2023 (WSOP)
Vegas November 2022
Vegas June/July 2022 (WSOP)
Vegas October 2021 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2021
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