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Vegas June 2013 (WSOP)

Day 4 pt 2, Day 5 - Aria and more Aria
Last Updated: 2013-06-05 19:15:46
1) I shouldn't play poker the same day I bust out of the WSOP;
2) There's only so much I can remember
The last day and a half since busting out Monday are all pretty much a blur. I did end last night on a good note but I'm not sure how much I'm going to remember.
After typing up the last entry Monday afternoon Joann and I had dinner at Vettro here at Aria (seems like we eat there a lot now) and I bought into the 7:00 tournament.
It didn't go well.
I was never much above starting stack, if at all, fluctuating between about 4000 and 10,000 for a few hours. I honestly don't even remember how I busted out except that I'm pretty sure I shoved with a hand a short stack should shove with and ran into a better hand. Joann and I had some gelato, headed up to the room and went to bed early.
Some of you know I typically only sleep 4-6 hrs a night and on occasion I can get by on even less than that. For me sleeping more than 6 hrs is very unusual.
Well I slept 11 hours. Talk about crashing after the rush of adrenaline on Sunday.
So completely refreshed, we went to Spice at Planet Hollywood for lunch and I bought into the 1:00 at Aria.
I busted out fairly early when I was in the big blind with 3-4 off and there were a bunch of limpers, flop came 5-6-7, three way all in and someone had 7-9 and the other guy had 8-9.
But Aria allows rebuys so I bought back in and sat down at another table. Did a little stack building for a few rounds, then had a nice run of cards. Kings twice, Queens once, got all the chips in on all three (first Kings flop came Q-X-X and someone shoved into me w/ A-Q, rest all in smaller pairs pre-) and they all held up (rivered set on that first one, flopped set Qs on third one). Got myself up to the 40K range on those hands.
I don't think I had any particularly memorable hands after that, I played pretty much ABC poker for a while and maintain my stack waiting for a big opportunity.
So we get down under 40 players paying 18 (so closer than Saturday night when I was 39th paying 15) and I'm still sitting in the 30-40K range. A very weak player min-raises, no doubt in my mind he's not very strong, and I look down at K-J suited in the small blind. Getting a great price I call. Short stacked woman in the big blind who also showed to be a very weak player shrugged and made the call.
Flop comes 10-J-X.
I bet about half the woman's stack, she goes over the top and weak guy calls. At this price obviously I can't fold, and I am convinced I have to have the weak guy beat. But I also need to protect my hand if I have the best hand at that point, and if the woman does have me beat, well, I'll live with myself so I go back over the top.
Weak guy calls.
Woman has A-J
Weak guy has A-10
Ace on the turn
No Queen or Jack for me on the river (J would have won me the side pot and probably made me even for the hand). Out I think 37th, 19 from the money.
I dunno, I guess I should have just called on the flop and folded when the dude would have shoved the turn. I'm not going to lose any sleep over it, tho, blinds were getting big and I would have been in shove or fold mode had I given up on it. And I had outs! Nobody wins a tournament without getting lucky once or twice, right?
Joann and I hung out in the room for an hour and it was back down for the 7:00 tournament.
Once again, I spent a very long time stack building. No particularly memorable hands, but always winning bigger pots than I'm losing and working my way up. I get myself up to a 40K-ish stack again and we're down to about 4 tables again.
To this point I had been at the same table, and the entire time there was a very loose-aggressive player two seats to my right which made it difficult to steal a lot of pots. But even tho he stole my blinds a lot I took much more from him than he took from me because I was able to use his aggression against him when I had big hands. As we got down to 4 tables, a guy who was almost as aggressive sat down to his right, so I had the two of them stealing at every opportunity.
So in a blind (forget which) it folds around and new aggressive guy raises out. I look down at A-K, a reraise is a little more than 1/3 of my stack so I shove. He lets out a long sigh and makes the call w/ JJ. Flop K-X-K, no J on the turn or river and I have him covered by 75 out of about 40K each.
Nobody ever wins a tournament without winning some flips, right?
So table gets broken up, I go a little card dead and trend down just a little while we get down to two tables. Then we get down to near the money, I forget how many left but lets say 15-17 with 12 paying. I'm in the big blind, second to act limps in, we get 1 or 2 more limpers and I knock after seeing 6-5 off.
Flop 6-4-6. I check, original limper bets out, fold around, I call. Turn a 3 giving me an open-ender to go with my trips, I check, he checks.
River is a 5.
I bet about 1/3 of the pot just praying to get paid off.
He shoves, I insta-call, he rolls over 8-7. He hit a gutshot straight, claimed he knew I had to have a 6 when I smooth called and thought he was getting all my chips.
So I'm around 140K and in great shape, I maintain that for a while. We get into the money, then to final table, then down to 8 players when things go badly for me. Blinds are like 3000/6000, I'm still in the 120-140K range when I raise out with AhJd and get one caller from the big blind. Flop comes 3-5-9 all hearts, the caller shoves and I have to decide if I want to gamble with a flush draw and two overs. In hindsight I wish I had, but I lay it down. A few hands later I raise out again with a suited ace and have to give it up, lose more to blinds and antes which are huge at this point and before I know it I've lost half my stack.
Again I raise out with A-J off for a little less than 1/3 of my stack...and remember the loose aggressive guy from my first table? Well he's also still around and he reraises me. I'm not going to fold another big hand and now be under 10 big blinds so I go all in, he calls and rolls over A-Q. No luck for me, I'm done.
The good news is finally after all this I get a cash! Not a big cash, but I'll take it!
The bottom line is, I've played in 5 tournaments and had four deep runs. Well, OK, I did have to rebuy one of the four. Still, tho, 4 deep runs in 5 tournaments is about all you can really ask for. If I keep doing this, the money will come!
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Other Entries This Blog:
Pete's good day at the WSOP
Day 9 - Not the ending I hoped for
Day 8 - A short one
Day 7 - Roller coaster at Aria
Day 6 - Buffet, shopping and Aria
Day 4 pt 2, Day 5 - Aria and more Aria
Day 4, pt 1 - Brutal day at WSOP
Day 3 - World Series of Poker
Day 2 - Nugget, Aria
Day 1 - Dinner
Vegas June 2024 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2023 (WSOP)
Vegas November 2022
Vegas June/July 2022 (WSOP)
Vegas October 2021 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2021
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