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Vegas June 2013 (WSOP)

Day 7 - Roller coaster at Aria
Last Updated: 2013-06-07 15:11:28
One thing I have not yet mentioned is that Joann has been playing slot machines now and then to help pass the time while I'm playing poker and she's up a few hundred bucks. Clearly doing way better than me at this point...
Bought into the 1:00 and it didn't go very well, tho I did have one sort-of highlight.
I'm down to somewhere around 7000 chips from my 10k starting stack and I pick up slick. I raise out and a fairly loose player makes the call as does one other. Flop comes K-Q-6 so I of course continuation bet, loose guy goes over the top enough to pot-commit me so I'm either shoving or folding.
The radar was actually working. This is definitely a player who would make a move with something like K-J here so I have to consider that, but my strong feeling was that he flopped 2 pair with K-Q and my A-K is no good.
So I start doing the math in my head...and understand, folks, this is just the third round of the tournament...when someone not involved in the hand calls clock on me! Are you kidding me?
Well I get irritated, wait for the floor person to come over and tell me how much time I have and then make the call. I really don't make tilt calls but for some reason I did here.
The guy rolls over K-6.
I catch an Ace on the turn and win the pot.
That's what he gets for playing K-6 to a raise I guess :)
But that was pretty much "it" for the tournament for me. Lasted long enough I couldn't rebuy, busted out somewhere in the 40's out of 132 I think so somewhat deep run but I never really had chips again.
Dinner at the Bellagio Buffet, can't get enough of it.
So on to the 7:00 tournament. Busted out early enough to rebuy when I had slick again in the big blind and again had been down to like 7500 chips. 5-6 limpers at 200 each so I made it 1200 to go and still got 3 customers. Flop comes A-2-4, someone had called me down with 3-5 and guess how that went...
So I buy back in, again...broken record time...got down to 7500 chips and said something to Joann about how I should stop rebuying and just take the hint when I bust out.
But I get all the chips in on a flip and win, win some more pots here and there and get myself into the 20's I think.
Table breaks up and I sit down at my new table in the 7 seat. I think I'm down around 20K when things get very, very interesting...
Blinds were probably 800/1600 because I think I raised out with pocket Jacks for 4000-5000. Guy in the 10 seat reraises but not enough to put me all in. Fold back around to me, I decide I've already put 1/4-1/3 of my chips in the pot so I shove and he calls. He has aces.
Flop 3-5-9 all spades. I immediately recheck the cards and I have Js, he does not have As. Spade on the turn, and another on the river for good measure. I crack aces with Jacks.
No more than 4 hands later I'm in the big blind. The 8 seat pops it to 4500 or so, limper in the 2 seat calls, I look down at two sixes and call.
Flop comes 6-2-5 two clubs.
I check, 8 seat bets out 5000-6000, seat 2 calls.
Hmmmmmm...this is tough. Do I try and stack both of them? Probably should have but with a straight and a flush on the board I decide to pounce now and hopefully get one. I check-raise to 15000. Without a moments thought 8 seat shoves. 2 seat thinks a little and folds, I call and flip over my set.
8 seat has aces. Turn and river are blanks, I leave him with a few thousand chips.
Cracked aces with jacks and sixes within 3 hands. Ouch.
So to twist the knife a little more, the very next hand now I'm in the small blind, seat 8 has 3/4 of his stack in the big blind, it folds around to me and I say something about giving him some no-look action and put him all in. He, calls turns over something like K-10 and I turn over 9-3 offsuit.
Flop is 3-9-9.
Even the dealer said "Should I bother?"
Just a few hands after that...remember the 10 seat who's aces I cracked? He shoves with pocket 10s and I wake up with Queens.
Just like that, in a blink of an eye I went from about 20K to about 120K. And in this tournament, 120K would almost be an average stack at the final table so I'm in great shape!
Unfortunately as quickly as it can go uphill, it can also go downhill.
About a round later I lose 30-35000 in a three handed pot with Queens that aren't able to crack aces, almost tripling up a shorter stack. So I'm sitting at 90.
We redraw for 3 tables at 27 left, we're paying 15. I get moved to a table with a guy who is raising 90% of hands that are folded to him, so literally any two cards are in his range. And he's getting away with it, although I did shove over the top of him a couple of times and got away with it (surely with the best hand).
So I get down into the 70-80K range when a huge hand comes up.
I have A-Q w/ Ah, someone raises out to 5000-6000 and I call, small blind calls. Flop comes 5-6-10 all hearts.
Small blind bets out, original raise shoves. And here I am in the same spot again I was in two nights ago when I didn't make this call and regretted it when I was the next person to bust out anyway in 8th place.
I have nut flush draw and two overs, and I'm getting about 3-1 on my money. I really don't see how I can fold here. I think long and hard, I make the call and the small blind also calls he was the shortest stack.
SB has two small hearts, original raiser has A-10 no hearts. I miss everything, and I'm down to 30K with blinds about to go to 2000/4000. Ouch.
Well I get all my chips in with 4-4, run into 10-10, but he's got an even shorter stack and i'm down to 6500.
Very next hand I'm in BB, of course the rest go in and I get 8-9 of clubs, 3 customers. Flop 5-6-10 all clubs! I triple up to 20K.
Next hand in small blind, any-two-will-do guy makes it 10,000 to go, I look down at Q-J and go over the top for 20. He has to call and rolls over, ironically, 9-3 off.
9 on the turn and I'm done. I'm out 19th paying 15.
Ouch! That hurt.
Oh well...I got two more days. I can still lay claim to 6 very deep runs in 8 tournaments this week, one sorta deep (40's out of 132 isn't bad) so this has been a very good week. I just gotta get more money out of it!
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Nicholas "nick" Werle: 2013-06-08 03:09:22
b4 reading all - you raised 6 x BB and 35 calls !
Other Entries This Blog:
Pete's good day at the WSOP
Day 9 - Not the ending I hoped for
Day 8 - A short one
Day 7 - Roller coaster at Aria
Day 6 - Buffet, shopping and Aria
Day 4 pt 2, Day 5 - Aria and more Aria
Day 4, pt 1 - Brutal day at WSOP
Day 3 - World Series of Poker
Day 2 - Nugget, Aria
Day 1 - Dinner
Vegas June 2024 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2023 (WSOP)
Vegas November 2022
Vegas June/July 2022 (WSOP)
Vegas October 2021 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2021
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