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Vegas June 2014 (WSOP)

Day 2 - The Monster Stack
Last Updated: 2014-06-30 17:55:37
For the 4th straight year I've made it to day 2. I will be at table 313, seat 7 for anyone who wants to stop by and say hi. I'm in the middle of the pack, which I'll take, but I was hoping to at least double up by the end of the day Thursday. Still, tho, I have a 30BB stack which isn't bad.
They ended up with 7862 players. Prize pool $10.6 million. First place is over $1.3 million. Top 9 make 6 figures. 792 places paid, bottom money is 712-792. 711th gets you double your buyin back.
3826 players are coming back for day 2, I am 2078th (although 30 didn't report stack sizes so most likely I'm really way down in the 2090's :-) ). I start out 2nd in chips at my table, which isn't bad either, but the big stack is directly to my left so that isn't good. It's probably going to be hard for me to make many moves.
Here's how it went:
Up early since I didn't have a late night the night before. Breakfast at the Luxor buffet and it was small for $17. Even the omelet station was weak, it had only 6 options for ingredients. And get your own drinks, there are only plate clearers. Watched Team USA lose to Germany in the room and it was off to Rio...
Not piling on, just stating the facts...this is how insane this tournament got...
They eliminated all cash games and side tournaments to accommodate the 4000 people who bought in for noon. They thought they could clear 170 tables by 5PM, and more as the night wore on. The plan was 1700 people to be seated at 5 with a fresh clock, then another 500 joining the 5PM flight in progress each at 7:20 (first break), 8:20 (end of level 3); 9:40 (end of second break) and 10:40.
Well folks, it took them until around 10PM to clear out 200 tables (based on 1941 remaining of that first 4000 at 10:40 when we bagged up). They didn't get all of the first 1700 seated until a little after 8. You can imagine how the rest went. Greg Raymer tweeted about finally getting seated around 11pm with everyone who was left to be seated - just after they finally sent the noon players home for the day and freed up the other 200 tables.
But I digress...
After being completely card dead yesterday, today I got pocket kings 4 hands in and someone raised into me. I reraised, two callers including the original raiser. I flopped a king for a set but couldn't get anything more out of them. The only other notable hand for the rest of the time before the first break was an ugly one.
Woman playing very loose and fairly passive raised out, I called with K-Q. Flop came 9-K-rag, I decided to go for a check-raise...well that part worked to perfection, she bet and I raised, she thought about it and called...but in the end I found out she had pocket 9s and I blew more chips than I should have. 11K at the first break.
In the next level I ended up with a net loss out of pocket queens twice within 2-4 hands. First time I won 2K after a preflop reraise that was called as was my continuation bet. But then I lost 3K with them when it turned out I was up against AA and J-10 - after I raised the flop that came 10-4-10. Ouch. Turned out I had a lot of outs on the river tho, I had the only spade and there were three spades after the turn, that killed action (probably good for me).
10K after three levels. That's the wrong direction...
I get back up to 12K by end of the 4th level thanks to pocket aces. Probably could have gotten more but with a scary board I didn't want to mess around. It did go bet, raise, reraise on the flop so I did get something for them.
Card dead for a while, then about 40 minutes into level 5 one of those stack size awareness hand comes up. But apparently I don't know what I'm talking about...
Sitting directly to my left is a guy who didn't show up until well into level 4, then proceeded to play just about every hand and it wasn't going great for him.
I get A-K and raise, he calls. Flop was an ace and two rags. I check-raise him because I know he's betting 98% of the time it's checked to him post-flop, he calls. Turn a blank, I bet more than 1/2 his stack, he calls. Ace on the river for trips, I bet enough to put him all-in (it was either 3000 or 4000) and he thinks and folds. I guess I should have checked and hoped he shoved?
So this guy called off more than half his stack, left himself under 4K, maybe under 3K, and folds on the river. I'm always preaching stack size...well he ended the day with a pretty big stack so what do I know.
A little over 16K after 5 rounds. Finally moving in the right direction.
What I didn't mention 'til now was that jacks had not gone well for me to this point. But finally I get some chips with them. I also hadn't mentioned that in addition to the late, loose player directly to my left, the guy to his left was almost as loose. Very hard to make any moves betting directly into two very loose players...
BTW We're now at 100/200/25. It folds around to the cutoff (directly to my right, was incessantly trying to steal my blinds, and I constantly had 5 or 6 high type hands, very frustrating) who raises out. I call from the button and the big blind (loose guy #2) calls. Flop comes 9-8-5 rainbow, check, c-bet, I call, BB calls. In hindsight I should have raised here, but the cutoff wasn't stealing the loose guys blinds much so I was a little concerned he had a real hand. And he didn't always c-bet either.
Turn was a Q giving me a gutshot. Turn checks around (now I have to be a little worried about the Q, which is why I should have raised the flop). River is a rag, big blind actually leads out. Cutoff insta-folds, I don't think I can value-bet here because I don't think I can get called by worse so I just call and he turns over J-9.
I win a pot with Jacks!
Loose #1 min-raises UTG, it folds to the SB, he calls, in the BB I make it 1200 to go with JJ again. I'm really hoping loose guy #1 shoves here, he's been shoving with his short stack in these kind of spots...but not this time. He just calls.
Don't know what I was thinking, but on a flop of K-rag-rag there's no chance I'm unwilling to play for the rest of his stack. I definitely should have given him a chance to bet at it this time, but instead I bet out and he mucks.
That gets me up to 22K at the 3rd break. Should have been our dinner break but they needed us to keep playing to get them tables so only a 20 min break again.
I basically sat out the 7th level. I think I literally did not bet at a single pot, I might have only even seen one or two flops. Card dead. Down to about 19.5K
My loose buddy was building his stack up by now, I think I bluffed with the best hand against him once to get a decent sized pot and get back up to 22K (Q-10ss, I raise, call, flop A-10-rag one spade, I c-bet, call; Ks turn, huge draw for me now, check, check; rag river, I make a good size bet, he thought it over for much longer than normal but folded...I might have actually gotten him off a better hand that time!).
I then pick up another nice sized pot with JJ on another K-rag-rag board and I'm up to 25K. Wow, I have chips!
But by the end of level 8 I was back down to 21K. No big hands, couldn't hit any piece of a flop. Final break, one more level 'til we bag up.
Middle of the 9th round I raise out w/AK off, a short stack who had barely played a hand decides that's the time to go over the top of me with K-10 off (naturally I call). He catches a straight on the turn. You gotta be kidding me. I'm down to 15K. Then pay 1000 in blinds the next two hands.
A monster stack came to our table recently, a pro from Colorado who showed off his stack of 30+ WSOP buyin receipts from his backpack. Didn't take him long to get all-in preflop AK vs QQ against someone with a 30K+ stack and win that too (he had t he AK).
Well he was playing fairly loosely as you can imagine and doing some 3-betting. I look down at A-Q suited and make it 1500 to go (300/600/75). He goes over the top for 3500. I just call.
Flop is Q-8-5 all clubs. The pot is already 3/4 the size of my remaining stack, I don't think I can get away, I push all in. He asks for a count, frowns and calls. He has A-J but w/ Jc.
He actually gains some outs when a J comes on the turn, but the river is a blank and I'm up to my peak for the night at 29K.
Unfortunately I give back 5K not too long after on a big draw that didn't come, but then we bag up and I'm coming back for day 2!!!
So I guess my goal for day 2 is to do a better job of letting loose players bluff at pots. Overall that's the only thing I'm a little unhappy with from day 1.
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Day 2 - The Monster Stack
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