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Vegas June 2015 (WSOP)

Day 6 - Aria daily
Last Updated: 2015-06-12 12:18:00
I'm officially in slump territory. I can't seem to get much past the first break at Aria, which is very unusual for me. Funny how my best run outside of the WSOP HORSE was the tournament in which I had very little to work with all day.
In the 1PM tournament I started out by folding the big pair I should have called with and calling down the big pair I should have folded.
With KK in a 3-way pot, the board read 4-5-8-8 on 4th street. First to act was a maniac who was playing almost any two cards, bluffing incessantly and showing them. He led out, and I was going to call him. But as he was reaching out with his bet I saw the guy who was going to act after me reaching for his chips like he couldn't wait to get them in. I decided that there was no question any 8 and 6-7 were in the range of both of these guys, as well as 44 and 55 and that I needed to fold the kings. I still think it was the right decision given the situation and the eagerness on the part of the other guy.
Well river was a jack, more chips went in and the maniac showed 9-6 (complete air) and the other guy rolled over Queens. Ugh!
Then on a board of 5-5-9-2-X, in an almost identical situation with the same maniac and another caller, I called down with pocket Jacks only to run into 5-6 for the other guy. So from a 15K starting stack I'm down to 6K or so.
Then come the effects of playing exclusively online for 7 months. I guess it's good I got it out at Aria.
First mistake came when the UTG 1-seat (I was in the 9 in the small blind) min-raised to 400 and I didn't see it (I thought he called). Unfortunately three callers all threw out 500 value chips to call, so having missed the initial raise I thought everyone was calling 200. I look down at K-7 off and throw out another 100, get informed it's 400 and throw in the rest. Big blind also calls. OK, rare that I misunderstand the action on the table but not the first time.
Flop comes 7-7-3. Nice.
I check, BB checks, UTG leads out for 1300 or so. It folds around to me and I call. I'm a little short, I want as many chips in the pot as I can get, I'm going to slow play.
Except that there was still another player to act before me who was mostly covering his cards with his hands and I get informed that I'm acting out of turn.
Sigh. That's right, three callers ahead of me, not two. I grab my chips, UTG gets bent out of shape that I grabbed my chips but while the dealer is trying to explain to him that he (the dealer) is going to handle it properly the other guy folds. So quick rules review, if that guy were to have raised and "changed the action" I could take my bet back. Because he folded I'm required to make the same call I was going to make. UTG thought that the rule was I had to leave my chips in no matter what, he was wrong, it didn't matter...
To my surprise, BB goes over the top to put me all in. UTG thinks a bit and folds, I push out all my chips and flip over my hand.
Except that he didn't put me all in. His bet was 1000 or so less than I had. So dealer calls the floor, player says it doesn't matter he "has" to call, throws out more chips and turns over 7-2. K-7 holds up and I about triple up.
The floor comes over, I explain what my mistake was and the tournament director says he believes me, but he still has to give me a one round penalty. He could have given me a warning, but I have nobody to blame but myself. Tournament directors have a tough enough job with all the crap they get from players who don't understand rules, the last thing I'm ever going to do is take my own stupidity out on one of them...and the TDs at Aria are some of the best around.
So I get a one round penalty, I stack out enough chips to cover blinds and antes for the next 10 hands and I go talk to Joann who's hanging out in her usual spot in the sports book. I thought they would easily get through 10 hands before the break but they only managed half, so between the penalty and the break I end up with over half an hour between hands.
First hand back from the penalty I'm on the button with pocket Queens. Someone raises out, maniac from earlier calls, I go over the top for almost half my stack, original raiser folds, maniac calls for almost half of his stack. Flop comes K-7-5. He checks, and with almost half my stack already in the pot the only flop I'm not going all in on is one that has an ace in it. This one doesn't have an ace, he checks, I push, he agonizes and makes the call and shows K-J off. No love on the turn and river and I'm done.
3.5 hrs to kill before the 7pm, so we hit the shopping mall at Caesar's. Joann and I had been holding onto some Christmas gift money for this trip, and since our outlet shopping day wasn't too successful for her she made a beeline for Burberry. If you see Joann wearing a lovely black and white silk scarf make sure you wish her a Merry Christmas (even if it's June and you run into us near a chilly poker room...).
On to the 7:00.
Things were going pretty well. Caught some hands, built my stack up to 15-16k (only start with 12K in the 7) in the first couple of levels. Hit some flops, stole some pots...everything going great.
I'm in the 2-seat, at the beginning of the 4th level we lose a player and a European guy comes to the table in the 4-seat. Naturally he wants to hit on the attractive young woman in the 6-seat. He proceeds to start telling her how to play her hand, how much he'll call if she bets...
Aria has a pretty strict "no table talk" policy that's usually well enforced. But this dealer and the one that replaces her allows this to go on, which frustrates me. And of course he's a maniac playing every hand...
There is a big difference between a little talk after hands are over or the occasional comment about a flop that contains a pair for the 50th time or a flop that happens to hit some wacky hand that somebody won a big pot with several hands earlier versus outright talking about strategy and how to play the hand that's actually in progress. This was clearly way across that line. And I was a little disappointed that the dealers didn't do anything about it.
We go on break, I was going to complain to the current dealer when I got back to my seat but unfortunately he was engaged in conversation so I didn't get a chance. But no matter, the chatter stopped anyway.
So I get pocket 7s, I raise out, maniac goes over the top, I call. I can't put him on anything.
I get a very good flop for my hand. 5-6-9. 2nd pair and a gutshot. I check, he bets, I call. Pot is now about equal to my stack. Turn is a 10. I check, he quickly checks. To this point that meant the maniac didn't have much. River is a 2. So here I am again, 1/3 of my stack in the pot already, stack-to-pot ratio of 1, all signs are the maniac has nothing...I go all in.
"How much is it?" (almost all of his stack)
"Has to be a set"
"6's or 9's, right?"
He makes the call, he has kings. Of course he does...
Joann and I get some pizza at NYNY for a late dinner (and BTW if you're in Vegas and you want some really good New York style pizza I highly recommend the pizza shop in their food court), a little gelato at Aria for dessert and we call it a night.
So Friday it will only be the 1PM tournament at Aria. Can't be up too late with the Monster Stack on Saturday and the 1pm should be over no later than 11. I'm well overdue for a deep run...
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Other Entries This Blog:
Day 10 - Out with a wimper...
Day 9 - WSOP Daily Deep Stack
Day 8 - WSOP Monster Stack
Day 7 - Aria daily again
Day 6 - Aria daily
Day 4 - More shopping than poker
Day 3 - WSOP DS, Aria
Days 1&2 - Arrival, WSOP daily DS
Vegas June 2024 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2023 (WSOP)
Vegas November 2022
Vegas June/July 2022 (WSOP)
Vegas October 2021 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2021
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