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Vegas June 2015 (WSOP)

Day 7 - Aria daily again
Last Updated: 2015-06-13 09:58:26
Friday was a good warmup for the Monster Stack on Saturday.
Lunch at the Bellagio Buffet, then on to the 1:00 at Aria.
Nothing particularly notable about the first four half-hour levels except for the fact that I made it through them a few thousand above my 15,000 start stack for a change.
The next two hours were very good to me, however.
In level 5 I was stuck in neutral. I think I played two pots and won one of them. But considering that I don't think I've made it through level 5 once at Aria on this trip so far I'm not complaining.
Level 6, however, brought my first double-up. After winning a couple of pots I raised out with KQ suited, the button just called. Blinds I think were 200/400 with a 25 ante, so I probably made it 1000-1100. Flop comes Q-K-X. I lead out for probably 2K or so, button goes over the top for 2/3 of my stack, all the chips go in and he has aces. Ooops.
I then had a pretty good run of cards and by the next break at the end of level 8 I redoubled and was sitting with the chip lead at my table somewhere around 60,000.
For the next couple of levels I was again stuck in neutral for a while and blinds started to catch up to me. I was floating between 55-65K through the next hour or so. But now we were starting to get to where it was time to start thinking about getting into the money.
So we get down to 32 players paying 27. Blinds are now 2000/4000 I think and I'm still hovering around 60K. I tell Joann that I'm not going to be able to (nor would I) fold my way to the money. At some point if I didn't get cards I was going to have to take some risks.
Well not too many hands after that break I look down at pocket 2s. I go all-in, I get one caller who has A-K. Flop comes 2-A-rag. He did pick up a flush draw on the turn, but he got no help on the river and I take him out 5 from the money and double up. Back above average stack. There's little doubt at this point I'm going to get into the money.
We take another break, and soon after we return I have a great run of cards. Aces twice and queens in the same orbit, wow, and get paid on both pairs of aces (everyone folded on the Queens). The money bubble bursts when we get down to 27 and I work my way up to about 210,000 chips at the dinner break with 20 remaining and already in the money.
Joann and I were planning to go to NYNY for pizza for dinner, I think I mentioned their authentic-as-it-gets NY style pizza earlier in the week. With 45 unexpected minutes to kill we decided to stick with that plan and briskly walked down there. Worked out great, actually got back to Aria with about 10 minutes to spare.
Downhill from there tho. I lose a chunk of chips when I raise out with pocket 10s and get reraised by a very tight player. I agonize a little but I fold. Then I try to steal blinds with J-9 suited in the small blind, but the short stack in the big blind goes all in for only about double my bet. I have to call, he rolls over A-J off. Argh, can't even get two live ones. I do pick up a flush draw on the turn so 12 outs on the river but no luck.
Blinds are now 6000/12000 with a 2000 ante. That's 36,000 chips per orbit at full tables but we're only 7 handed so the orbits are even faster. There's no waiting around...and I fall back down to just over 100,000 chips.
We get down to two tables, so a little money bump, when I look down at QQ after a couple of folds. I go all-in and I get called by a slightly larger stack. He has A-K, flops an ace and I'm out.
Felt great to finally get a cash on the trip. Obviously I would have liked more, but a cash is a cash and bottom line is once you get into the money in most of these tournaments everyone has fairly short stacks and you have to survive some all-ins to make the serious money. I'll take it!
The plan for Saturday is the Monster Stack tournament at the WSOP. Obviously I'm feeling pretty good having gotten a little cash Friday. For anyone who wants to stop by I will be in the Brasilia room at table 87, seat 2. Oh and Nick got out here Thursday, he's also playing and sitting somewhere in the 150s (155?). I believe that puts him in the Pavilion room.
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