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Vegas November 2006

Day Four (Sunday, last day)
Last Updated: 2006-11-13
Got off to a late start today, and it was a fairly ho-hum day outside of brutal beats taken by Matt and myself. Sat and watched the early football games in the sports bar at the hotel, then headed over to the Mirage.
Won some more at craps (got on a little bit of a roll myself as the shooter), then went to the poker room for a little no-limit cash. Started out as just about every session I've had at the no-limit tables, took about 15-20 hands for me to suck out and double up. I had K-9 on a decent size pot, flop came 4-5-9. Dude bet out, I came over the top all-in and the other guy called. I never saw his hand but I did river a K so I'm guessing he either had a worse 9 than me or an overpair that was cracked.
Unfortunately things badly went south on me, blew the whole stack a little later. First I had wired 10s, I raised, dude reraised. Flop comes three rags, I've got to figure my 10s are good, dude bets out about the pot and I call. I'm thinking A-K or A-Q, turns another rag and dude checks. I figure I have him, bet out $50 (less than the pot at this point) and he comes over all in. He's gotta have As or Ks so I lay it down and he claims As (and he'd been honest to that point so I have no reason to doubt him).
2 hands later I have Jacks, I raise out and get a couple callers. Again an all-rag flop, I bet out, dude comes over top and I'm pot committed so I call and again I've run into As when I have a pair and nothing big comes on the flop. Either hand if just one overcard comes I can get away from it...
The downhill slide continued, first Matt got crushed. Playing in the $430 buy-in tourney in Mirage (4K chips, 30 min rounds, VERY nice format but a little too pricey for me) Matt has some tough luck early and gets very short-stacked. But he doubled up a few times and got himself back over 4K in chips. But then he has A-10 and gets a flop of A-5-? (don't remember the third card but it was a rag). There's action after the flop, then Matt hits a 10 on the turn. All-in, call. Dude turns over A-5, Matt's about to double up and go to the final table with a nice stack...river 5. Dude hits a two-outer.
So since I haven't had enough punishment in tournaments, I decide I'm going to take one last shot at the Harrah's $100. I'm playing well early, made no mistakes but got hurt a little on a wired pair I eventually had to lay down. But then I had A-8 and I decide to limp. Two callers, one a decent player and one a moron. Flop comes 10-Q-A. I'm only a little over 10X BB, but I raise out figuring I'm pot committed anyway. Decent player folds, moron calls. I can feel the double-up coming. Turn is a K. I figure if moron was playing a gutshot with a J he's got me so I push. Moron calls with K-8. River is a K. Moron hits a two-outer and I'm severely crippled (650 chips with 100/200 blinds). I go all-in in the BB with K-6, called by A-7 and the A-7 holds up.
Blew a few $$ at the craps table, had dinner and I decide I've had enough punishment for today. Back to the room for an early night.
So the trip summary for me is overall ahead on craps, overall ahead on no-limit cash. If I had stuck with my plan to stay away from tournaments this likely would have been a profitable trip. But I couldn't help myself, and having a bubble and a near-bubble was the teaser that kept me trying. Maybe next time I'll stick to my plan...
Thanks for reading!
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Day Four (Sunday, last day)
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Council Bluffs 02/2009 (WSOP Circuit)
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Vegas November 2006
Vegas June 2006