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Vegas November 2006

Day Two (Friday)
Last Updated: 2006-11-11
So the 2AM tournament was disappointing. Had very few cards, but managed to hang around until the final table. Won a couple of blinds, but then decided at 7 handed play (four was paying) to try and steal with J-9 and ran into A-J. Dropped down to 600 chips with 400/800 blinds, was all in on a big blind. Two callers, after the flop (I have no idea what I have) which was something like J-6-4 one of the callers makes a big bet. Moron who was betting out on takeouts all night. Other person folded, moron turns over 55 and I finally turn mine up - snowmen! I triple up. Two people bust out so we're 5 handed but with the big blind looming again I push with the first face card I get, Q-2 and run into QQ. Case Q flops and I'm done on the bubble.
Off to bed around 4:30am.
Get out of bed early enough for lunch, get Matt to go to a buffet. Alas the Mirage buffet is now off my list of places to go when out here. Kinda bummed that I finally get the guy to go to one and it's really not very good at all. Matt's not a buffet guy to begin with and there was nothing there to turn him around.
Then we parted ways, I walked to the Gamblers General Store to stock up on cards and pick up kill and missed blind buttons. Both will be useful if we get some cash games going again. Forgot to pick up a couple more chip trays, however, so I'm annoyed with myself.
Then it's the long walk back, just in time for the 3:30 tourney at Harrahs. Pete's not playing tournaments, remember? He's determined, he said...
Well that didn't go well at all. Again didn't see much in the way of cards, got away from a couple hands that were decent but later got showed they weren't so good. Finally pushed with top pair of Qs after the flop, but got nailed by someone slow-playing bullets. Again crippled, again survived a forced all-in but again ran into another monster. Matt ended up bubbling or close to it, he was also down to a very short stack but managed to double up a couple of times. He busted out on set of Ks vs str8.
But while Matt was hanging on in the tourney, I sat down at the no-limit $1-2 game and more than doubeld up within about 5 hands. Had A-10, limped in, flop was A-3-4. I bet pot, one caller, turn a blank, I push, dude calls with 4-5. My top pair held up. Got nothing after that, but won back my tournament buy-in so I was back to even for the trip.
Then it was on to Aladdin for another tourney. At one point I was chip leader but then went card dead and basically maintained my stack for the next hour. Got down to final 5, three paying, and I get A-Q. I push, friggin Matt calls with A-K and takes me out. Now about 10 hands earlier Matt was dead and buried, having gotten severely crippled when he pushed with two pair and someone calls him with a GUTSHOT STRAIGHT DRAW and HITS. OUCH! But then he had a good run of cards, including taking me out after doubling up a few times. Matt ended up taking second place, was a huge chip leader going into heads up but overplayed a couple of hands and lost to Mr Gutshot.
After that we grabbed dinner, I blew a few buck at the craps table and headed back to the room for an early night going into softball tomorrow.
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