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Vegas June 2016 (WSOP Seniors, Solstice)

Day 8 - WSOP DS and Aria again
Last Updated: 2016-06-23 13:54:06
This is turning into the textbook definition of "running bad". Two tournaments Wednesday, both followed the same pattern.
Was able to play some poker the first couple of rounds at the WSOP Daily Deepstack. But wasn't able to build my stack up very much and then I ran into a long card dead stretch and had very little to work with. Only pot I won of any size before the first break came when I flopped a set of 10s and got paid some. But aside from that, queens twice and only one preflop caller both times. Seemed like there was action every hand at that table, but when I get QQ in the cutoff it folds around to me (probably the only hand it folded to me in the cutoff all day) and all I get is one caller that goes away after the flop. Second time I'm second to act and I get one caller who goes away after the flop... Oh well, at least they weren't cracked.
So I'm basically maintaining my stack most of the way through the 6th level picking up a pot here and there. But I never got my 15K starting stack above 19K.
Blinds go up to 400/800 and I'm sitting somewhere around starting stack when a very loose but good player raises out under the gun. He gets one caller, folds around to me and I look down at QQ. Perfect spot, I go all in, original raiser calls, other guy folds and he rolls over KK...
Over to Aria for the 7pm and more of the same.
Once again the first few levels go fairly well. I'm able to build up to a 23K or so stack from a starting stack of 15K. Got aces and several callers preflop, flop came 666. If someone had called my raise with a 6 they were getting all my chips. One person did call me on two streets but got away from my value bet on the river.
Also once raised out with A-K suited in diamonds, flopped Q-10-X with only one diamond, I check/called a flop bet as did someone else. Picked up a second diamond on the turn so check/called again then did get paid off on my value bet when I spiked the jack on the river.
But after the first break it was very little that wasn't junk for a long time. I dwindled down to 16K and just before break I lost a flip against a short stack and ended up just over 10K.
Just to twist the knife a little further...we knew our table was going to be breaking soon. We go on break, come back and I'm sitting there around 10k with blinds at 400/800 with a 100 ante and I'm one hand from being in the big blind I can't afford. We play one hand and break us up. Woo hoo, I'm going to get a few more hands!
Not. New table, I'm one hand from the big blind.
For a moment the poker gods smiled on me tho, in my big blind I woke up with a big pair. Suddenly drawing a blank on what the pair was but I'm thinking 10s again or as I think a little more probably jacks. Either way called by 99, my pair held up, doubled up.
Won another pot or two and got myself close to 25k. Nice! But the blinds go from 400/800 to 600/1200 and my stack suddenly isn't that big...
Several hands later I get a rare playable hand with KQ suited so I make it 3K to go. A guy who was splashing chips around a bit went over the top for 9K, 6K to call but the total of 9k is a little less than half my stack.
I was very torn what to do here. For that amount, my instinct is just shove or fold, never call. And those really are the correct options. But for some reason I decided to just call and see how the flop came.
I think I decided that by keeping about 10 big blinds behind (blinds still 600/1200 and I would have had about 13K) I would still have some fold equity and maybe I could steal post-flop even if I missed, and whether at 10BB or 15BB I'm pretty much in all-in mode anyway if I fold. And I'm one of the shorter stacks, need to make something happen so might as well try and hit a flop.
Flop came Queen high with three diamonds, my king was not a diamond. Other guy instantly shoves, I instantly call and he rolls over A-K. Yes!
But he does have the Ad...so I'm ahead but not way ahead as I'd hoped.
Ace on the river. Done. Can't get a break...
Original plan was an off-day Friday to do some more shopping and because I was playing in the Monster Stack on Saturday. Now that that is no longer the plan, we're taking a semi-off day Thursday. We're going to do our "stuff", then I will play in the 7pm at Aria only.
One thing I'm thinking about for Saturday now is a PLO 8/b at Aria. Double-ish the usual buy-in and starts at 11am. We'll see! But I have about 48 hrs to decide on that...
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Other Entries This Blog:
Days 11 and 12 - Aria, really one day
Days 9 and 10 - Rock bottom, deep runs
Day 8 - WSOP DS and Aria again
Day 7 - WSOP Deepstack, Aria
Day 6 - WSOP Summer Solstice
Day 5 - The Day That Nothing Happened
Day 4 - WSOP Daily Deepstack
Day 3 - WSOP Seniors Tournament
Days 1 and 2 - Drive and dinner
Vegas June 2024 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2023 (WSOP)
Vegas November 2022
Vegas June/July 2022 (WSOP)
Vegas October 2021 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2021
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