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Vegas June 2016 (WSOP Seniors, Solstice)

Days 9 and 10 - Rock bottom, deep runs
Last Updated: 2016-06-28 12:24:53
Not sure how much I'm going to get typed up, I'm pressed for time.
Thursday I took the afternoon off so Joann and I could get some final shopping done. In-N-Out for lunch, and I'm a little surprised it's only the second time we've eaten there this trip. Then on to the discount liquor store chain we learned about in Arizona called "Total Wine". For volume stuff, the place is bargain basement compared to Colorado. Jack, Makers, Bombay gin, etc are all much lower priced. For other stuff, it's hit or miss. I've priced scotches higher in some cases and lower in other cases. Most of the time it's cheaper.
So on top of the already VERY low price for Bombay, they were doing an extra $10 off if you bought two...but you could only buy two.
"What if we are getting more than two?"
"Well you'd have to do separate transactions..."
"You'll let us do that?"
So...let's just say that the credit card company briefly locked our card and called Joann to ask what the hell was going on...hehe...we bought what we expect to be a years supply of a couple of things.
Thursday night I briefly played poker at the Aria 7pm. That's all I'm going to say about that. As I said in the title, "rock bottom".
Friday was a much better day.
Bellagio buffet one more time for lunch, it occurred to me that we ate all three meals at that buffet at different points on the trip. Then on to Rio for the Daily Deepstack.
For the first two levels I got hit in the head with the deck. I caught straights, flushes, boats and got something out of all of them. Built my starting stack from 15K to 27-28K.
Next two levels were the opposite. Myself in the 1 seat and two women in the 5 and 6 seats were involved in the majority of hands at the table and it was the two of them that mostly helped build my stack. That then went the other way for the 6 seat, myself and the 5 seat were mostly paying her off as she was hitting everything that she played. And the pots were bigger for her with bigger blinds. At the first break I was probably around 17-18K.
Next four levels built my way back up to about 30K playing mostly ABC poker. Caught a few cards, made a couple of well timed bluffs. But then late in the 8th level I blew a chunk of the stack on a semi-bluff on the turn that got called, a really bad card came on the river and I had to give it up. Then a stretch where I couldn't get into pots, couldn't hit a flop when I did get in and before I knew it was back close to starting stack with blinds getting big.
Looking for a spot to get in, I get 7-2 off three consecutive hands, next hand it folds around to me late to act and I no-look shove, no callers, turned out I had 6-2 off. Next hand is 5-3. On to break, I've at least built my stack a little.
Second hand back from break all in with A-x, no callers. Table gets broke, get in another all-in with no action at the new table then get a walk! Needed that!
Finally I get a real hand, JJ, all in again, called by A-Q, flop a jack, double up! I have chips!!
At this point there are 330 left of 1042 players paying 157 places. And I'm actually a hair above average stack!
But blinds keep going up as they always do, have to give up on a hand or two and before I know it I'm down do just over 10 big blinds again. Down to about 285 players, getting close to the money.
I look down at A-Q and raise out. I get two callers, both of whom were playing a lot of pots.
Flop comes Q-10-X. Awesome! Check to me, I go all-in, other guy folds, first guy calls and turns over 10-10. You can't make it up.
Into the Aria 7pm, didn't actually get there and sit down until 8pm. Second hand at the table I take someone out and I'm already doubled up. That's a pretty good start. And I can't for the life of me remember what I had. They break after every 3 30-minute levels so I'm barely there half an hour when I go on break close to 30K
For quite a while after that I couldn't have written a better script. 48K at the second break. In next three levels get in a check-raise with a flopped set of threes and build my way up to 70K. Was this finally going to be the one?
Eventually the law of averages caught up to me. We get down from a starting field of 202 to 49 players with 21 paying but I'm down just over 40K.
It's all I can do to average a little better than one all-in per orbit. People are busting out every few minutes. I'm hovering between 40-60K. Can't get a double up, but getting away with all of my shoves.
Well long story short we get down to 5 from the money, I go all-in with 88 late to act, someone wakes up with kings. Out just short.
At least I've had a couple of deep runs!
So on the last day of the trip I'm playing an Omaha 8/b tournament at Aria as soon as I hit "submit" on this entry. Been a long time since I played live straight 8/b, so this should be a lot of fun.
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Clay "Don Key" Pinyerd: 2016-06-25 22:34:18
Good Luck Pete!
Other Entries This Blog:
Days 11 and 12 - Aria, really one day
Days 9 and 10 - Rock bottom, deep runs
Day 8 - WSOP DS and Aria again
Day 7 - WSOP Deepstack, Aria
Day 6 - WSOP Summer Solstice
Day 5 - The Day That Nothing Happened
Day 4 - WSOP Daily Deepstack
Day 3 - WSOP Seniors Tournament
Days 1 and 2 - Drive and dinner
Vegas June 2024 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2023 (WSOP)
Vegas November 2022
Vegas June/July 2022 (WSOP)
Vegas October 2021 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2021
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