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Vegas July 2016 (WSOP Tag Team)

Day 1 - Drive, late daily WSOP not-DS
Last Updated: 2016-07-06 11:58:34
This will be a short one to start out.
First and foremost, we will be in the Brasilia Room at table Blue 7, seat 2 for the start of the WSOP Tag Team event on Wednesday.
Picked up Patrick at Denver International Airport a little before 5am. I still think it was a bit silly for him to drive to Colorado Springs from Castle Rock, then fly up to Denver so I could pick him up. There had to be an easier solution.
Couldn't have been an easier drive from there. One short lane closure out in Glenwood Canyon (is there ever NOT a lane closure in Glenwood Canyon) and a little traffic when we got into Vegas, but that was it.
In-N-Out in St George for lunch. From now on, if I'm driving to Vegas you can pretty much assume that unless I'm rolling through St George between 1am and 10:30am, I'll be stopping for a meal there on the way.
NO, Patrick didn't really fly to DIA. He left his car there so his wife Dyan could use it to get home today when she flies in from Chicago. She's flying back out just before we return, so she's leaving the car for him and I'm dropping him there when we get back. It's a long story...
Get to Rio around 3pm and buy into the Tag Team event. My plan was to have Patrick go first, but they changed how they're doing registration a little bit. I bought us in, so I have to go to the table first I think. Instead of having to play one orbit, the first time you sit at the table you just have to pay both blinds before your first tag out. Since we're in the two-seat and the button is in the ten-seat, in theory I should be able to tag out after two hands if I wanted. But I think we're going to have me play a full orbit and then tag out anyway.
I was expecting to have a final plan since we were together almost 24 hours yesterday...but no. We talked about it but never came up with a plan. We'll figure it out...
Over to NYNY to check in, hung out in the room a little, then headed down to Aria to buy in to the 7pm. Er...no 7pm today. Cancelled because they called in extra staff for their early WPT tournament and didn't have enough staff left to run one.
So back over to Rio for the 7pm "Mega Stack" tournament.
I'm calling BS on that name. 5000 chips for $135, probably the smallest starting stack you could find in all of Vegas for that size buyin.
Didn't go well for me. Never got above starting stack. Had a guy to my right who was acting like a dumbass tourist. Except I'm about 98% sure I've played with him before. In hindsight, I think him and another guy at the table were dumping chips to each other. Later when I was railbirding Patrick we saw them chatting...
At some point I had won a pot and gotten back up close to starting stack when someone in early position raises into me and I look down at JJ in the cutoff. Blinds 150/300 with a 25 ante, so I'm somewhere around 16 big blinds.
Ordinarily this is an automatic all-in for me. Happy to take the raise, blinds and antes and happy to get all-in against what's more likely than not a coin flip or a worse pair if I'm called (given the short stacks, there are more pairs that he will call with that I beat than pairs he will call with that are better than mine).
But for some reason, I decide that if the flop is bad for me I can fold and still have fighting chips so I decide to call and plan to go all-in any flop that doesn't have an ace.
The small blind decides to come along or the ride, tho, which worries me a little.
Flop comes 10-7-5. Small blind checks, original raiser leads out but not big. Couldn't have asked for a better spot! If the original raiser has an overpair, well, he's getting all my chips. I go all-in.
Small blind almost beats me in the pot. Dammit. Must have caught a set or is slow-playing aces. Original raiser says he has to be beat and reluctantly folds.
Small blind rolls over 6-4. Nothing but a straight draw. Really couldn't ask for more!
Er...3 on the river. Done.
If I knew what everyone had, I would have played it exactly the same way. The starting stacks were so short you had to be willing to gamble it up. I'll take getting all in with overpair vs a straight draw with a chance to almost triple up any time. Just didn't work out.
Which is what we're going to have to be prepared to do in the Tag Team. 5000 chips. Hour long rounds, sure, but I learned in the seniors event that's not a lot of chips. It only takes a couple of bad hands to get you in trouble. We can't be as patient as both of us normally are...
That left me with 500 chips. I ante 25. Someone at the other end of the table limped for 300, folds to me, I look at A-J. All-in. Small blind inexplicably folds, big blind doesn't.
Flop 9-7-J. Bingo!
Check/check from the other two.
River a Q. Big blind leads out. Oh well, I'm doomed. Limper calls.
River a 10. BB checks, limper bets, BB calls. BB has A-Q, limper has J-8.
I flop the best hand, get sucked out by a 3-outer on the turn, then a gutshot hits the river to add to my misery. Sheesh!
Good news is that Patrick min-cashed!
The bottom line is that by the time I busted out at 150/300 blinds the whole tournament had mostly turned into an all-in-fest. Unlike me, his good hands held up and he got lucky once when picked a good spot to go over the top all in with a bad ace in against someone who was folding to him a lot and had raised, but looked him up that time with a better ace...the board ran out two-pair and they split it.
It was doubly lucky because it made her more likely to look him up later...like when he was in the big blind, she was in the small blind, she raised out and Patrick looked down at pocket aces. This time she called with just 9s, which she may have folded earlier. And aces held up.
Like I said, we're going to have to play today. I admit my comfort zone is a big stack where I can be patient early and try to find spots where I can build through trapping, so I think it was good that we played in that 7pm just to get into the smaller stack mindset. And again, I wouldn't change how I played that hand I busted on, I think that's how you build stacks. Just didn't work out.
Wish us luck.
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