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Vegas June 2017 (WSOP)

Day 12 - Monster Stack, Aria - rough day
Last Updated: 2017-06-27 13:48:16
Sunday wasn't a great day at the poker tables. I was card dead all day and put into difficult table situations, so I never had much of a chance.
10 AM start, 15,000 chips for the Monster Stack.
Within the first 5 hands I had AJ, TT and flopped middle pair on an uncoordinated board between them and was down 1000 chips already. My TT saw a flop of A-K-X and I missed with AJ. Not long after that I blow another 1000 chips when I flopped top pair of 9s and ran into pocket 10s.
From that point on, I don't think I had more than two more pocket pairs. Never had either AK or AQ even once in what would end up being about 5 hours of poker.
I was down to 10025 at the first break.
By now a table dynamic that wasn't good for me became obvious. 100% of the times I was in a pot there were two players behind me, not just one, who were floating me. Since I never hit a flop, my choice in every hand I tried to play was to either fire multiple bullets with air or give up the pot to one of them. And I missed every flop.
Dropped to 8400 chips and my table got broken up. At least I got out of that situation.
With a raise and two calls ahead of me I looked down at pocket 6s. First pair I had seen in an eternity. I go all in, original raiser thinks for a while and then folds. Later wanted to know what I had because he folded pocket 10s. Ooops.
Still, tho, down to 6400 at the next break. Eventually I went all in with K-9, ran into A-K, caught a straight but he caught a better straight and I was done.
I managed to play about 5 hours of poker time (not counting breaks) with literally no cards at all. I guess that's something.
Patrick was faring better than me, he had built his stack up over 20K. But later flopped top pair and ran into a set taking him back just over starting stack.
Dinner at Javiers for Joann and I and on to the 7pm.
As I was sitting down Patirck texted me that he had lost half his stack getting all in with 99 vs AJ, then short stacked went all in with 10-9 (I assume trying to steal) and ran into Jacks. At least he made the dinner break...
I'm not sure which situation was worse, the one I was in at the Monster Stack or the one I found myself in at Aria.
First I'll say I again had no cards whatsoever, I don't even have a single hand to talk about. Got all in on a flip and lost. But that's not the story...
Dyan had asked me the day before about collusion. My answer at the time was that I had only ever seen it rarely in tournaments. The main reason for that is that with random seating it's hard to get people in cahoots at the same table to collude in the first place. But, yes, I have seen some shady things before.
As luck would have it...
Table starts out crazy. A guy I know is a regular sitting in the 3 seat, he's hard to miss because he's always dressed like we're playing in the arctic, blows a ton of chips on a bluff against a woman in the 9 seat. He's always very loose and aggressive and trying to steal, I know this from past tournaments. There were a couple more big pots before things settled down.
Here's where it got interesting, and not in a good way.
Another guy I've seen many, many times sits down in the 2-seat. Then (I'm in the 6) a loud but happy and friendly greek guy (because he made sure we knew he was a greek guy...) sits in the 8 seat.
He immediately starts talking trash about the 3 seat, about how bad he plays, predicting the guys bets, etc. Yet he blows some chips to him with not great hands.
He knows everyone who works there.
Then he chats in greek (I assume) with a guy who stopped by.
Somehow that guy ends up in the 7 seat between us. As he's sitting down a little more greek conversation.
8 seat basically gives the rest of his chips to the 2 seat. It occurs to me that during that time period the 2, 3 and 8 seats only ever got in pots with each other. And 8 seat is walking away from the table but leaving his buddy in the 7 seat.
This is not a good situation...
But it didn't matter. As I said, got my chips in on a flip, lost and walked away. It was going to be a tough slog trying to beat three guys working together. And who knows, maybe that "Hongkongese" woman (as she called herself, didn't want to be called "Chinese" when greek guy started asking nationalities) was in with them as well.
Eventually hooked up with Patrick and Dyan for some gelato and called it a night.
Today we're planning to do some shopping and hit the 2pm at Rio.
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Other Entries This Blog:
Day 14 - Aria
Day 13 - Rio Deepstack
Day 12 - Monster Stack, Aria - rough day
Day 11 - Aria double-stack turbo
Day 10 - WSOP PLO 8/b
Day 9 - WSOP PLO Day 2, HORSE
Day 8 - WSOP PLO
Day 7 - WSOP Stud 8/b, Aria
Day 6 - A rough day at Aria
Day 5 - Aria 7pm
Day 4 - WSOP Day 2, Aria
Day 3 - WSOP Omaha 8/b Mix
Days 1 and 2 - Drive, shop, eat
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