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Vegas November 2017

Day 5 - Oof
Last Updated: 2017-11-08 01:55:22
Lunch at In-N-Out again, maybe the last time for this trip but we'll see what time I leave and what time I make it to St George on Wednesday...
The 1:00 couldn't have started out much better. In the first 45 minutes I caught trip Kings twice and got paid both times and hit a gutshot and got a little out of it.
But just before the second trips a maniac sat directly to my right.
If you're going to have a maniac at the table, directly at your right is exactly where you want them. You want them betting into you so that you can trap them and so that they will pay you, you don't want them incessantly putting you to difficult decisions with position on you.
Unfortunately, however, it also means you have to make calls you wouldn't make against other players...
This guy sits down and first or second hand in he gets all in with a straight draw, hits and doubles up.
From that point on he's raising 100% of hands when action is on him. If nobody has bet, he raises. If people are limping, he raises. If someone raised, he reraises.
So he raises early to act, I look down at KK and reraise. He calls. I would have shoved if he'd 4-bet me.
Flop comes A-9-rag. He leads out, I have to call him. Turn a blank, he actually checks, I check. River another A. He bets big, I have to call, he has A-T.
Ugh. I go from a nice stack to below starting stack just like that.
Eventually he crashed and burned, but I wasn't the beneficiary. Totally card dead and nothing I could do but wait and hope for a hand.
Eventually I get down to 5K. I look down at AK of hearts. I raise. Get two callers, then a very short stack goes all in. But he has less than half a raise, I cannot re-raise. Everyone calls.
Flop A-T-2 with two hearts. GIN! Can't ask for a better flop, right?
I go all in, one of the original callers calls...and flips over 2-2. ARGH!
I do pick up some more outs with a K on the turn but no boat or flush on the river and I'm over to the rebuy cage.
Into break just above starting stack, but can't get anything going and get down under 8K with blinds 200/400. I get all in with JJ vs AQ, lose the flip, done.
Back to the room to hang out and on to the 7:00.
I'm like Jeff Probst to the losing team at the reward challenge. I got nothin' for ya.
Won several small pots early. Hit some flops, stole a few, nothing exciting. I did flop a straight and have someone bet into me only to hit runner-runner two pair...which means we chopped with a straight on the board at that point. Ugh.
Not much going on after that, eventually got all-in with pocket 10s, ran into Qs, done. I did turn a gutshot to give me four more outs...
So that's it. I'm done. Been quite a while I think since I had an 0-fer. But as I pointed out to Joann, if I combine my Aria tournaments between this trip and the summer I'm still well ahead and still have an over 20% cash rate. Poker is a long term game not a short term game.
That said, I was just one suckout away from what would have likely been a very nice cash when I busted two from the money. I had several fairly deep runs, just not deep enough.
A spring trip is possible but I wouldn't say "likely". Had this gone better it would be more likely. But getting skunked on this trip makes it tough.
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Other Entries This Blog:
Day 5 - Oof
Day 4 - Deep run, parking troubles
Day 3 - Quad aces, make a move, deep run
Day 2 - New format, oh so close...
Day 1 - Drive, Aria
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