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Vegas June 2018 (WSOP)

Day 9 - WSOP 8/b Mix
Last Updated: 2018-06-17 10:59:27
I left one quick story out of my Day 8 entry that I wanted to cover real quick...
It was after I had picked off the bluff but was back down around starting stack. An early position raiser who was on the tight side made it 700 to go probably at 200/100/200 blinds. I called with A-Q off. Folded around to one of the blinds and he made it 2200 to go.
He was on the loose side and with position I fully intended to call the extra 1500. Tight guy doesn't look too happy and reluctantly decides to call...but accidentally grabs two 5000 chips instead of two 1000 chips. That's a raise...
I have to fold, I can't call off half my stack with AQ. All the chips go in and tight guy only has 77, reraiser had JJ. Had I played I catch a queen, if he doesn't make that mistake I take a decent pot ... very frustrating!
Bobby's Burger Palace for lunch for me, Joann and Dyan had big dinner plans so Joann skipped lunch and we all headed over to Rio.
Omaha 8 or better mix. Pot-Limit, Limit and Big O (Pot-Limit and 5 cards to start instead of 4). We play 7 handed and rotate games every 7 hands.
Didn't start out too great. For the first hour I didn't have a lot to work with, only picked up a couple of small pots but ended the round just under starting stack.
Second hour was worse. I don't think I saw more than 6 aces in the first hour and 55 minutes including that first round. And only two of those were A-2 hands.
However...in the last 5 minutes of round 2 heading into break...
Playing Pot-Limit I pick up A258 with spades and diamonds and hit the nut low for half of a good sized pot. Next hand A28T with spades and clubs, flop 58T, I bet and get called. Turn a 9, not my favorite card(!) but I check-call a bet, river a 3 so I lead out for almost full pot and he calls...and I scoop. He said he had AAAx, didn't believe I had an ace and thought he had low and maybe AA was good for high.
Patience rewarded, I'm at 11,100 heading into break!
Stuck in neutral for hour 3, but I do avoid a disaster! I think it was P-L and not B-O when I play another A-2 hand with suited A in hearts. Flop came 4-6-T with two hearts, so a nut-nut draw against a stack shorter than mine. I bet pot, he calls off more than half his remaining stack, then all the chips go in on a 4 turn. Too much in pot, I can't fold. He rolls over A46T. He's already made a full house, I can't win high...but a 7 on the river saves me for a chop.
10,800 end of third hour.
Early in level 4 I pick up A26Q double-suited, flop 36Q so I have top two and a nut low draw. T on the turn, A on the river...top two pair somehow good for a scoop and I'm at 12,500.
But as has been the case pretty much every tournament I've played in on this trip things quickly went south on me.
Twice in three hands I flop nut flush draw with good or nut low draws and miss everything both times. In one case I ended up with two pair and a counterfeited low, lost to better two pair made low, the other case nothing came in. Back down to 8700 at the time, 8575 at the break.
I think Patrick told me he was around 9100 at this time.
Missed every flop on every hand I played next hour, somehow only down to 6100 at the end of level 5.
Miss with a big starting hand, win a small pot, but whiff, whiff again and I'm under 5K. Only 4275 at the next break, end of level 6. FWIW already my deepest run at a bracelet event on the trip but that's small consolation at this point. Patrick was still above starting stack.
After the break here's the sequence that busted me...all playing limit. Oh and one thing I hadn't mentioned to this point was that blinds were double for limit games, so we're playing 100/200 for the pot limit but 200/400 for limit.
A247 double suited. Forget if I raised or called a raise, flop comes KQ9 with neither of my suits. Fold.
A27J with hearts in big blind. Folds to small blind, he calls, I raise, he calls. Flop 38K, he folds as I reach for chips, I pick up 800.
A268 with a suited ace. Raise out, 2-3 callers. Don't remember exactly the flop but it's two high cards and one low card. Someone leads out, as big as the pot is I call off 400 to see if anything can develop for me on the turn. Nope, another broadway card, done with the hand. 1200 out of my stack, down to 2775.
Garbage hand in the small blind, fold, another 200 gone.
On the button A247 two suits. I just call a raise preflop for a 3-way pot, at this point I've already put 1/3 of my stack in, I'm committed if I pick up anything at all...
Flop 2-Q-J but one of each of my suit, so if nothing else half the turn cards are giving me a flush draw, I'm getting my chips in...
Turn is an ace. I have two pair and a crappy low draw, I get in what's left of my stack. River is a 7 giving me a better two-pair.
They both had all-high hands but better than mine, however my low was good if any 3, 5, 6 or 8 come on the river instead of the 7 and I would have gladly taken a 50% increase in my stack! And neither other player had even one of those cards so they were very live!
But...a set of queens at the other end of the table scoops, I was drawing dead for high, and I'm done for the night.
Patrick made what I believe is his first day 2!!!
He bagged up 10,275. He's 180th out of 225, they are paying 116. He's got a long way to go, but he's alive with 10 big blinds in limit, 20 in pot limit.
Plenty of chips!
So we know what he'll be doing Sunday, looks like I'm going to spend my Father's Day playing in the senior event at Aria.
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Nicholas "nick" Werle: 2018-06-18 18:48:46
after reading all posts you all played well
and got it in good. . darn
Other Entries This Blog:
Day 17 - Aria 8/b
Day 16 - Aria...FINALLY...
Day 15 - More Aria
Day 14 - Aria
Day 13 - Day off, plan for rest of trip
Day 12 - Short run at WSOP DDS
Day 11 - Deep run at Aria
Day 10 - Aria, Rio
Day 9 - WSOP 8/b Mix
Day 8 - Quick exit Aria, liquor shopping
Days 6/7 - Day off, WSOP PLO
Day 5 - More Aria
Day 4 - Aria, Aria
Day 3 - Aria
Day 2 - WSOP 8-Game Mix
Day 1 - Drive, Dinner, "room change!!"
The plan
Why I booked the June trip in October
Vegas June 2024 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2023 (WSOP)
Vegas November 2022
Vegas June/July 2022 (WSOP)
Vegas October 2021 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2021
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