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Vegas June 2018 (WSOP)

Day 14 - Aria
Last Updated: 2018-06-22 10:40:32
Usual morning (starbucks, pool) and into the 11am at Aria.
Pocket kings twice in the first level and my stack was 4500 or so chips shorter. Got nothing but blinds for one pair, flopped an ace with the other. Meanwhile the guy next to me takes out two people in the first half hour with KK and QQ.
That's pretty much how I'm running this trip...
Kings again before the first break, go into the break at 13,400 from my starting stack. Got just blinds again. I'm 99% sure not one of my preflop raises didn't get at least two callers any time I had anything but kings...
But things do turn around!
Call a preflop raise with 22, flop comes 2-J-6. I check, bet and a call, I call. Turn is another jack, I check, check. I get exactly what I was hoping for, other guy in hand bets at least half but probably 2/3 of my stack, I go all in, fold, he senses something is wrong but he can't fold. He has J-9.
Win a nice pot, up to 34,300!
Tried to buy a pot with KQ when I flopped a gutshot and guy looked to me like he hated the ace...but he called me down with his KK and I never hit my straight. Now really frustrated I can't get paid with kings and everyone else can...
Finally at least get a preflop raise called with KK, that was all I got but at least I was back above starting stack again!
But lose another chunk when AK misses, KK again UTG and everyone folds. 16,600 at the second break.
Not long after the break early to act I look down at QQ. I think blinds were 400/800 so I made it 2000 to go. Guy repops it to 5100, folds back around to me and I go all in. He doesn't think very long before calling with his KQ.
He flops a straight. Done. #OnToTheNextOne
"Dunch"? "Linner"? What do you call a 3-pm-ish only meal of the day? Well whatever you want to call it we had it at Bellagio Cafe. I'll have to find a hobbit, surely they have a proper term...
I'll say this, usually I only stuff myself at buffets but it was all I could do to polish off the french dip I got, which was quite good. All meat, no fat, and if anything too much cheese. And they have a really good french onion soup there as well. Joann and I each got one of those, in hindsight we should have split one.
Hung out in the room for an hour and on to the 7pm.
Up and down for the first hour and a half, more down than up unfortunately. Did steal a nice pot when I was down around 11k from my 20k starting stack, very next hand caught a gutshot on the turn and got a bet and a call into me.
After that tho I made a big laydown, I think it was right.
Four handed pot I'm in position on everyone with AJ. Original raiser, who was UTG or UTG+1, had shown the goods every time she got involved in a sizeable pot.
Flop was 9 high, don't remember the whole board. Checks around. Turn was a jack. So I have top pair, top kicker.
Original raiser bets real big, other two both call.
Can AJ possibly be good here? I laid it down.
River was a blank, original raiser goes all in, everyone folds. I have to believe I was at best chopping the pot, possibly losing to two pair or a set.
Little bit later I raise out early to act with AQ suited. Guy next to act reraises, guy at the other end of the table goes all in. AQ can't possibly be good here right? I fold, reraiser folds. Again I'll never know...
But things finally turn around.
I get KK, raise out to 2200, folds around to a shorter stack who goes all in. All he has is KJ, he does pick up outs with a jack on the turn but I double up with the blinds and antes plus his stack.
Next hand KK again. I make it 2200 again. 3-4 callers including the small blind.
Flop K-7-4. I check, it checks around. Turn is a 9 that adds a flush draw as well as the possible straight draw.
Small blind bets 6000 into me. I decide with all the possible draws I want to get heads up and I'm worried someone will call behind so I make it 13k. Everyone folds.
Still, tho, in two hands with KK I've essentially tripled up.
About a half hour later tho lose 11k AJ vs QJ. Argh. Then can't catch a flop and I'm down to starting stack.
So with 19,600 and blinds 500/1000 there is a raise and a shorter stack over-the-top all in. I look down at JJ.
I go all in. Original raiser hates it but also not a very big stack and calls.
Original raiser has AJ.
All in has 99.
Flop 8-A-9.
You. Can. Not. Make. It. Up.
I do not hit my one-outer. Done. Well not really, both stacks shorter, I was left with 1800. Got all-in with chance to triple up next hand with just T7 suited, at least got a flush draw on turn but no love.
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Nicholas "nick" Werle: 2018-06-23 20:53:31
He flops a straight. Done. #OnToTheNextOne damn
Other Entries This Blog:
Day 17 - Aria 8/b
Day 16 - Aria...FINALLY...
Day 15 - More Aria
Day 14 - Aria
Day 13 - Day off, plan for rest of trip
Day 12 - Short run at WSOP DDS
Day 11 - Deep run at Aria
Day 10 - Aria, Rio
Day 9 - WSOP 8/b Mix
Day 8 - Quick exit Aria, liquor shopping
Days 6/7 - Day off, WSOP PLO
Day 5 - More Aria
Day 4 - Aria, Aria
Day 3 - Aria
Day 2 - WSOP 8-Game Mix
Day 1 - Drive, Dinner, "room change!!"
The plan
Why I booked the June trip in October
Vegas June 2024 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2023 (WSOP)
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