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Vegas November 2018

Day 5 - So close...
Last Updated: 2018-11-20 13:46:46
Slept pretty late Monday, good thing the tournament wasn't until 1pm!
Quick bite for lunch and over to Aria...
I bought in a little late, just as they decided to start up a new table. Got the damn one-seat. Why do I hate the one-seat?
Because I can't see the 10-seat and I can barely see the 9-seat. I want to see how people are behaving. I want to know when it's my turn. I want to know what stack sizes are that I'm possibly betting into. And there's always a dealer between me and the information I want.
The 10-seat is only marginally better because at least I know when it's my turn, but it's not a lot better because everything else still applies. I much prefer to be in the 3-8 seats if I could pick, 2 and 9 are OK, 1 and 10 suck.
The tournament couldn't have started out any better. About a half hour in I double up when Kings hold up against 10's on a 456 board. All the chips went in after that flop.
Then I called a flop bet with two overs and a gutshot and hit the gutter, taking out someone who shoved into me with just a pair (he had flopped top pair) on the turn. Turned out one of my overs would have given him two pair so lucky for me a jack didn't come...
Just an hour in I was almost triple a starting stack!!
Table breaks up at that point, I get moved to a 7-seat. I'm much happier :-)
But...the joy was misplaced.
Flop top two pair, run into bottom set. 11k gone. Can't get a break after that and I go into break at just 17,700 having dusted off about half of that big stack.
Another table change and I'm back in a one-seat. Oh well.
Stack drops some more as nothing is working, until I pick up AA and double up to 25,300. I raised out, other guy called, flop came 558. He checks, I check thinking that flop probably didn't hit him and hoping to give him a chance to catch up.
Jack on turn, he leads out with a big bet, I go all in, he calls with his A-J. I guess he caught up :-)
Get some more chips with QQ and AK and I build my way back up around 30K, which was right around average at the time.
So we're at 34 left out of 90 paying 9 places.
Win a flip with AQ vs 99, 43k. 27 left, 40,000 is average.
But then lose a flip, AQ vs 88 this time. Note to self: OK to get in with AQ vs 99, try to avoid 88.
24,500 at the next break, 25 left, had been stuck at 25 for quite a while.
As always, blinds are going up and maintaining my stack means I'm getting shorter and shorter relative to blinds. I get a couple of all-ins through, get back to where I can make normal raises, win a few more smaller pots. At least I'm keeping up as blinds are going up. But I'm still on the shorter side...
So I work my way to 6 from the money, I'm well below average but I at least have a stack I can fight with.
I'm in the big blind and I get my second card and take a peek while the dealer is finishing the rest of the table. I've got pocket kings!!
She then finishes dealing...and then deals me a 3rd card...and the next guy a 3rd card...then realizes her mistake and rather than just pulling the cards back calls a misdeal.
Are you kidding me???????
On the redeal I pick up pocket 7s. There's a raise from a loose player who's been playing as many pots as he can and showing a lot of not-great hands. Folds to me, I go all in, of course he has aces.
Done 6 from the money.
On to the 7pm. And that went about as bad as it could have gone...
About 45 minutes in I have 87 suited in the small blind. Flop 8-8-5. Checks around to the button or cutoff, not sure, he bets out, I call. Turn another 5, I let him keep betting. River a Q. All the chips go in...
He has 8-Q. Better full house. I'm crippled down to 1000 chips exactly.
I get nothing but junk hands looking for an excuse to get in until I'm first to act when I look down at A-J offsuit. Good enough! I get all in, one caller with I think two broadway cards, my ace holds up! 2300 chips.
Later get all my chips in with A-3, two callers, flop had a 4 and a 5...2 on the river! I triple up to 6500! (ace would have been good for me on the river also).
On consecutive hands I get two black aces, but I get the absolute minimum for them. One preflop call of my raise, fold when I eventually bet out on the first ones, no calls second hand.
BUT I'm almost back to a starting stack! 10,300, started with 12K.
I work my way up to 11,000 and I look down at KK. Someone raises out, I go all in, he beats me in the pot, he has AA.
On to the rebuy cage...
Think about that. In less than two hours I had aces three times and kings once and a full house and I was busted out never having had more than a starting stack at any point.
Brutal. Just brutal.
I should have saved my money on the rebuy...
Got nothing going, eventually bet what was left of my chips into someone who had flopped trips and slow-played.
Oh well.
So I have one more day. Definitely playing in the 1pm, undecided about playing in the 7pm. I do have to drive home Wednesday and I don't like to do long drives on little sleep and playing in the 7pm could mean being up until 3am. But we'll see. It's also about volume so when I'm here the goal is to play in as many as I can.
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Other Entries This Blog:
Day 6 - Not my best day ever
Day 5 - So close...
Day 4 - A long day (part 2)
Day 4 - A long day (part 1?)
Day 3 - You flop trips and fold them???
Day 2 - Tough start
Day 1 - drive, poker
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Vegas June 2023 (WSOP)
Vegas November 2022
Vegas June/July 2022 (WSOP)
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