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Vegas June 2019 (WSOP)

Day 15 - Aria Seniors
Last Updated: 2019-06-20 13:45:32
Another day, another tournament...
Bought into the Seniors event at Aria at the start instead of late registering as I'm starting to prefer for most tournaments. They got 570 at their last Seniors tournament and they only have room for 360 at the tables so I was expecting a zoo and didn't want to buy in a little late and wait another hour for a seat. It actually wasn't that bad as it turned out.
I'm not used to getting away with c-bets lately, I raised out with 77 and a fairly loose female player (don't see a lot of those) called. I c-bet the A-Q-X flop and she folded JJ face up.
Very next hand raise out again with KK, all I get is blinds to call and they both fold on the 663 flop.
Was pretty card dead for about an hour after that, but then had a nice little run of cards. There's a limp then a raise to 800 (200/300/300 blinds I think), two people call the 800 and I look down at AK suited in diamonds. I make it 4k to go and the original raiser and one other call. So about a 14k pot and I probably only have 15k behind. Flop came K high with two spades. Maybe I should have made a smaller bet, but I decided a shove sometimes looks weak to people so I quickly went all-in for just a little more than the size of the pot. They both thought a while and folded.
A few hands later I steal blinds late to act with Q8 suited, the very next hand I get the perfect setup when I have QQ and make exactly the same raise hoping for some action. But only one caller who goes away on a flop of all middle cards.
Not sure if it was the next hand or one or two later I look down at 99 and call a preflop raise, flop came jack high and I went away on an almost pot-sized bet.
31800 at the first break.
Just minutes after we sat back down at the tables I pick up queens again and I'm in a pot against a guy who was playing a lot of hands. Board comes all small, all the chips go in and I'm up against KK. No help, I'm down to just over 10 big blinds. Get all in with an ace, run into a pair in between my ace and my kicker, no help, out.
On to the rebuy window.
Didn't have many playable hands for a while at my new table, but then I took out a very short stack with AK, he had 66, K on the river.
Then a bunch of good cards that overall don't work out as nicely as they should have.
Get in a 3-bet with AK, whiff the flop but take it down on a c-bet. Pick up JJ, decide not to 3-bet them in a multi-way pot. Flop comes two overs, good thing I didn't 3-bet, lots of action. Raise out with AQ, whiff, c-bet gets raised, go away. JJ again, this time I do 3-bet, original raiser 4-bets all in and I give up. I go up to about 35-37k and back down to 28K in the space of about 5-6 hands.
I go into the next break at 25,300 from my 25K starting stack.
Pick up aces, get in a 3-bet, original raiser calls but quickly folds to my bet after the raggedy flop.
Next hand steal blinds with QT suited.
Then ... finally ... I'm in the big blind. The cutoff raises out, he'd been playing a lot of pots. The button calls and I just call with pocket 10s.
Flop comes TKK. Bingo!
I check, raiser leads out, button folds, I call.
Turn is an ace, checks around.
I don't remember the river. Jack maybe? Probably.
I lead out for 7K out of my roughly 22K stack. Other guy quickly tosses in 4 5000 chips, almost my entire stack.
I go all in, he immediately folds. Can't believe he didn't pay off the rest if only just to see what I had, but obviously he had air.
All of a sudden I'm around 76k! Well above average!
Pick up a small pot on the button a couple of hands later raising out to steal with T-8 suited and rivering a ten.
Then one of those "this is how my trip is going" moments. I'm in the three seat, guy in the 1-seat tended to put his hands well out onto the table. I get my first card, second card bounces off his hand and flips up a King of hearts. My first card, it turned out, was an ace. I get a 5 in it's place.
Long story short, big pot with lots of action, I almost certainly would have 3-bet huge with AK and would have ended up turning a straight. Agh!
Raise out with 77 preflop, only one caller, flop 3-7-3, can't get another chip out of him. Ugh.
Lose 14k when I flop second pair and a straight draw against a very loose player. Did not hit my straight, which is a good thing because he already had a nut straight.
74500 at the next break.
Get back up to 90k when I raise out with AJ, get a caller, flop an ace, get called on flop but not on a blank turn.
But then a rough sequence. Raise out with TT, get 3-bet big by monster stack. I go away, he shows me AK. Pay 6500 in blinds next two hands, then dust off another 8k with pocket 9s. Still, tho, above 70k. In great shape.
Pick up KK, only get blinds.
Pick up AA, only get blinds. But back up above 90k.
I think there was a limp and several callers and I look down at J-T of spades. I call. I think I was small blind.
Flop came 6-8-9 with a spade. It folds around to the original limper and he makes a 15k bet. Open ender, two overs, backdoor spades. I call.
Turn is a 7 of spades. I check, he goes all in, I snap call and flip over my straight. He has Q-9 and he's drawing dead.
Didn't even look at the river. Dealer starts counting out his chips. Not sure why, I easily have him covered. He says how many chips the guy has. People are looking at me...
They want me to hand over about 35k. Why?
Someone says "flush". I see the river was a 2 of spades. OK, I had a flush.
Other guy had QUEEN NINE OF SPADES. He hit a 7 outer for a better flush. I'm down to 28K.
I get in on a flip, I think KQ vs an underpair and double up to 58K with blinds and antes.
But blinds now 1500/3000/3000. I'm under 20 bigs.
Shove with 66, pick up blinds.
Pay blinds.
Shove with KT, pick up blinds.
Pay blinds. Blinds up to 2000/4000/4000 so 10k available to steal but I'm under 15 bigs now.
All in with Q9 and A9 in same orbit, I'm up 10k after paying blinds again.
Through all this a new guy was in the 1-seat and he was raising out on 2/3 to 3/4 of hands that fold to him. Exactly the guy I want to go all-in over the top of.
He leads out on my button for 11K, I look down at 77. Exactly the scenario I'm looking for. I go over the top.
He asks for a count, it's about 1/3 to 1/2 of his stack but he doesn't think too long before calling and rolls over 99.
No help, done.
I've got two more tournaments to play at Aria, both on Thursday, to try and make some of this back up. I've decided not to play the dailies at Rio this weekend, Joann and I are planning to just have a couple of relaxing days before heading back home.
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Nicholas "nick" Werle: 2019-06-20 21:54:18
thats why i folded QQ to 2 all ins in HPT but all they had was JJ and 99 -- would have had 400000 chips and perhaps $100,000 win, any ace would ahave won, in senior you were stuck
Other Entries This Blog:
Days 17-19 - Random stuff
Day 16 - Last day of poker
Day 15 - Aria Seniors
Day 14 - NLH/PLO
Day 13 - Aria daily
Day 12 - HORSE
Day 11 - Just for completeness
Day 10 - 8/b at Aria
Day 9 - Event #32 Seniors
Day 8 - Event #30, PLO
Day 7 - PLO at Aria
Day 6 - Patrick and I get close
Day 5 - 8-Game Mix
Day 4 - Dinner
Day 3 - Fast exit at Aria
Day 2 - 8/b two ways at Aria
Day 1 - Drive, "hitchiker"
Vegas June 2024 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2023 (WSOP)
Vegas November 2022
Vegas June/July 2022 (WSOP)
Vegas October 2021 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2021
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