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Vegas June 2019 (WSOP)

Day 7 - PLO at Aria
Last Updated: 2019-06-12 11:19:54
Real short today, not a lot to say and I slept in for a change and I don't have a lot of time...
I decided to register late for PLO at Aria because I needed to run some errands, starting with running to the bank to reload. Since the Rio is between Aria and the bank I decided that would be a good time to run in and buy in for my next attempt at a bracelet, Event #30 PLO.
As I had hoped the line was relatively short around noon so got that done, had a quick bite at In-N-Out and back to Aria to buy into PLO around 1:00, start of level 4.
Unfortunately for me they got a little overwhelmed by how many players they got for it. They were using some tables in what was usually the tournament area for cash games. I was alternate 74, they were calling in the 50's. Took about another 40 minutes before I actually sat down to play.
Patrick had bought in right from the start and was sitting next to the entrance to the tournament area so I got to watch him play for a while. He was around starting stack most of the time I was waiting.
I finally get to sit down, and second hand in at my table I flop what looked like a huge draw.
I've got KQ93 with one suit (diamonds I think) and I called a small raise since I was in the big blind. Don't really like to play 3 cards and a dangler way out of position but in the blind...
Flop comes J-T-2. So...I have what at first looks like a huge 17-card straight wrap where most of my outs are "nut" outs right out of the gate. Any 8, 9 or A gives me the best possible straight, any K or Q gives me a non-nut straight. However, there are two clubs and I only have one club, the king. My 17-card wrap is really now only a 13-outer. I check.
There is an almost pot sized bet followed by an almost pot sized reraise. One of them has to have a flush draw to go with some kind of straight draw, I could be getting free-rolled if I hit the straight on the turn. I have to fold.
Original bettor goes away to the re-raise and I never get to see the turn or river.
Few hands later I'm 2nd or 3rd to act with a limper ahead of me and I limp with K-Q-J-T with a suit (diamonds again?), which is a really big starting hand. There's an argument that I should raise here, but also an argument that having to be out of position the rest of the hand warrants a limp to see what happens. I limp. There are 3-4 more limpers behind me when one of the blinds pots it to 3800.
One caller ahead of me, I just call. Again there's an argument to be made I could re-pot here and get all the chips in preflop. It's a really strong starting hand. I don't think I'm wrong to call or to raise here.
Flop comes 9-K-3 rainbow. So I have top pair and what looks like a big straight draw but it's really just a 9-card inside draw. Blind leads out.
Again I'm in a dilemma whether to play for my whole stack with what could be a 9 or 11 out situation. He probably has aces so there's a good chance any K is also good for me as well as the straight draw.
But ... 9-11 outs isn't really "play for my stack" territory so I fold again ... two hands I hated to fold and I'm not even here half an hour yet.
Little while later I believe I was in the big blind and I look down at KKQ5 double suited. Double suited Ks are pretty big, and I'm looking at a 15K stack down from a 25K start at 300/600 blinds but soon to be 400/800 and so under 20 bigs soon.
It folds to a guy who makes it 1300 to go. He's been raising a lot preflop and this was on the small size for him.
One caller back to me and I pot it to 3900 (since I'm in the blind "pot" is actually smaller than if I'm not) and they both call.
Flop comes AAK. Gin!
I check wanting to check-raise, it checks around. Note I've only got 11k in my stack, a little less than the pot.
Turn is a 6. I check again, check from original raiser, this time other guy makes it 5500 and I push all-in. First guy folds, other guy has to call for just another 5500 or so.
He rolls over A-5-7-7 with three spades. Not really a great hand for calling a raise and a reraise, but OK.
Ace on the river for quads. I'm done.
He actually had 5 outs. Since he had a 7 he had one of his own outs, which is why you shouldn't play hands like that in the first place ... in exactly this situation he would have a lot more outs if he didn't have a pair. And if he catches a good flush draw he also had one of his own flush outs.
But...I got all my chips in in about as good a situation as you could ever hope for in PLO (not that often you can get all your chips in facing only 5 outs!!) and it didn't work out.
Patrick milked a short stack for hours and ended up busting 10 from the money. They ended up seating over 140 alternates, I believe they had over 300 entries and paid 36 places. Wow!
If you read the Day 1 entry I have an update on Dave. They fixed the car, the transmission was not toast! Turned out the tranny had been overfilled and overheated on the drive and blew a sensor. If I remember correctly they just had to replace the sensor and properly fill it!
The plan was that the dealership was going to get the car to Salt Lake City (a story in itelf) and he was to fly up last night, pick it up and drive back to Vegas. Haven't heard yet how he made out and if he got back to town.
So Dyan, Patrick, Joann and I decided to have Smith and Wollensky again for dinner. Just as good the second time...
Back to Aria for some gelato and we parted ways (they're staying at Vdara) and hit the sack.
Today's plan is to get breakfast at Hash House A Go Go at Rio and then take our seats for Event #30, PLO. I will be at table Blue 6 seat 7 in the Brasilia Room, Patrick is in the same room but thankfully a different table in a different section.
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Nicholas "nick" Werle: 2019-06-12 12:56:13
duh i missed that was aria - you can win the #30

and I had hand and flop backwards, thought you flopped a straight!
Other Entries This Blog:
Days 17-19 - Random stuff
Day 16 - Last day of poker
Day 15 - Aria Seniors
Day 14 - NLH/PLO
Day 13 - Aria daily
Day 12 - HORSE
Day 11 - Just for completeness
Day 10 - 8/b at Aria
Day 9 - Event #32 Seniors
Day 8 - Event #30, PLO
Day 7 - PLO at Aria
Day 6 - Patrick and I get close
Day 5 - 8-Game Mix
Day 4 - Dinner
Day 3 - Fast exit at Aria
Day 2 - 8/b two ways at Aria
Day 1 - Drive, "hitchiker"
Vegas June 2024 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2023 (WSOP)
Vegas November 2022
Vegas June/July 2022 (WSOP)
Vegas October 2021 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2021
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