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Vegas June 2019 (WSOP)

Day 8 - Event #30, PLO
Last Updated: 2019-06-13 11:57:55
After I quickly hacked through the Day 7 entry the four of us headed over to Rio for Hash House-A-Go-Go for breakfast.
The pancake you get with two eggs is about the size of a hubcap - and apparently that's the "smaller" version. If you just get a pancake by itself it's bigger, we were told.
On to PLO for a bracelet.
Very early on I'm in a blind and I'm not positive about the whole hand but it was A-5 with I think a face card suited with the ace and another small card. Not a hand I would play outside of a blind. Someone made a raise to 300 (100/100 blinds) and I called.
Flop came 5-5-4. Preflop raiser bets into me, I assume it's a continuation bet so I call.
Turn is a ten, about as innocent a card as I could imagine. He bets again, I'm looking to stack him, I call.
River is an ace giving me a full house. I decide I accept the possibility that he could have two aces, but since I have one it seems pretty unlikely and I now have a full house.
All the chips go in, he rolls over two tens. He two outed me, all his other cards were around the 10, he had no straight or flush draws. Just two tens and he hit one.
I'm crippled down to a few hundred chips. Get all in in a 3-4 way pot and actually catch two pair but lose to a better two pair. I'm out in under 30 minutes.
I decide to go over to the cage and fire a second bullet.
Meanwhile things are going much better for Patrick. He's up to 28K or something already.
Sit down with another 20,000 chips at a different table. And it didn't start out a whole lot better.
Lemme recap my PLO experience to this point a little. Wednesday I got 5-outed with all the chips in about 30-45 minutes into my tournament, Thursday I get two outed (tho granted the chips went in after I got two outed, I just didn't know it yet) just under 30 minutes into my tournament. Kinda rough...
I hang around starting stack for a while until this hand comes up:
I don't remember if I raised or called a raise (probably the latter) with AJT9 with two hearts preflop. Flop comes A-8-3 two hearts. Guy leads out with a bet, I call with OK flush draw and top pair.
Turn is an offsuit jack. He bets 3800. Since I have an ace I'm convinced at this point he likely has 88 or 33, or he has a big heart draw. But I'm heavily leaning towards a made hand because I hadn't seen him betting draws strongly to that point.
So ... if I'm up against a set I have 19 outs. 9 hearts, plus the other 3 kings and the other 3 sevens, the other 2 aces or jacks. River is a blank, it goes check/check, he rolls over his 88 and wins the pot. Can't even hit a 19 outer ... long, heavy sigh.
Have to give up a few more pots here and there and before I know it I'm well under 10k.
But ... sometimes the best starting hand wins!
I have AAK9 with one suit on the button, someone raises into me, I pot it for half my stack. He calls. Flop is all rags, he checks, I shove, he calls and rolls over J985. All he had was a pair of 5s. He does end up with a straight draw on top of several two pair/trips outs but he misses everything and I double up to close to 16K.
Unimproved pair of aces wins! I head into the break at 14100.
Fall back under 10K again after winning just one small pot the entire next level after the break.
I get aces again. Again someone raises into me, I pot it, he just calls again leaving me with a little less than half the stack I started the hand with.
Flop comes 872, all the chips go in, he rolls over 9JQQ so he has only 6 outs. 4 tens, 2 queens. But I catch my ace on the turn to take away two of his outs, and again aces hold up!
But...the rest of the level I couldn't hit a flop to save my life. Every time I had a big starting hand the flop would completely miss me. Getting close to the dinner break I'm back down to 12k again.
Patrick meanwhile, had build his stack up to I believe around 80K, but then lost about half of it when he got all in with AAKJ double suited and lost to KJ98 who caught two pair. That's about as good a starting hand as you can have in PLO.
So last hand before dinner break I look down at QJT5 with two spades on the button. There are a couple of limpers and I decide to pot it to see if I can take it down preflop with people wanting to get out to dinner break.
I get one caller.
Flop comes 9TJ. I have top two pair, an open ended straight draw and a flush draw. I can't hit a flop much harded than that and I probably have the best hand. I have 10,200 in my stack and I pot to 7200. He thinks and calls leaving me 3K. Turn is a blank, I push, he calls and rolls over Q-8-small-small. All he had was second straight and no redraws. On the flop I had 18 outs twice. 9 spades, the other 3 Ks, 88, JJ and TT. Blank on the river, I can't even hit 18 outs twice. Grrr.
The four of us went and had dinner at In-N-Out, we got Patrick back and Joann and I ran to the room so I could get money to buy into the Seniors on Friday that I've decided I can't pass up.
The line was long at 7pm the night before, it's going to be insane on Friday. I was in line 30-45 minutes, and Patrick unfortunately busted out when I was getting close to my turn in the buyin cage.
Thursday will be my first time sitting in the Pavilion Room. Wish me luck!
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Other Entries This Blog:
Days 17-19 - Random stuff
Day 16 - Last day of poker
Day 15 - Aria Seniors
Day 14 - NLH/PLO
Day 13 - Aria daily
Day 12 - HORSE
Day 11 - Just for completeness
Day 10 - 8/b at Aria
Day 9 - Event #32 Seniors
Day 8 - Event #30, PLO
Day 7 - PLO at Aria
Day 6 - Patrick and I get close
Day 5 - 8-Game Mix
Day 4 - Dinner
Day 3 - Fast exit at Aria
Day 2 - 8/b two ways at Aria
Day 1 - Drive, "hitchiker"
Vegas June 2024 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2023 (WSOP)
Vegas November 2022
Vegas June/July 2022 (WSOP)
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