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Vegas June 2007 (WSOP)

Day One (Saturday)
AKA The Lamest First Day In Vegas EVER
So originally we were leaving on Sunday, so I didn't give a second thought to the fact that Poker Event 69 was scheduled the Friday before. Naturally when the decision was made to leave Saturday instead, not for a moment did I think I should cancel it...
So poker night ended at 2:30am, after 3am by the time I cleaned up and Joann and I were planning to leave at 5-ish ... that turned into 6-ish so I could at least get two hours of sleep. Got out right at 6, and for some reason ever since my cross country ride 6.5 years ago (has it really been that long?) I have this strange ability to remain wide awake whenever I'm behind the wheel. Sure enough, I drove straight through on 2 hrs sleep. Never even had to consider taking a break. Arrived in Vegas almost exactly 11 hours after pulling out of the driveway, checked into the hotel, took about a 45 min nap while Joann showered, got myself cleaned up and off we went.
Back when and Joann and I first started coming to Vegas, we somehow started this tradition of going to the Sherwood Forest Cafe in Excalibur for our first meal, usually around 2am. That was back when Excalibur was still somewhat cool. I had heard Excalibur might be getting torn down and replaced, so Joann and I decided it would be fun to have one last meal there for old time's sake. Not. Moved to a different spot in the hotel, no diner-like menu any more ... so we decided to try the buffet instead of having our fond memories spoiled and that didn't exactly work out either ... it wasn't the worst buffet ever, but I can't see ever eating there again. Oh, and if it's getting torn down we didn't see any signs of it.
Then we went to MGM to shop for the kids and came away empty handed, then on to Binions to check out the format for the Omaha 8/b tournament I'm going to play in Sunday (I like it!). Then it was back to the hotel around 10:00. And that's it. First day in Vegas, haven't bought anything other than food and haven't placed a single wager, and from the looks of things I'll be in bed by 11:30pm. I told you it was the lamest "first day in vegas ever" didn't I?
One way or another I'll have some stories by this time tomorrow so stay tuned...
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Other Entries This Blog:
Day Seven (Going Home)
Day Six (Thursday)
Day Five (Wednesday, Part 2)
Day Five (Part 1, Lunch)
Day Four (Tuesday)
Day Three (Monday, Part 2)
Day Three (Monday) (Part 1)
Day Two (Sunday)
Day One (Saturday)
Pete's Poker Goes to Vegas: Prolog
Vegas June 2024 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2023 (WSOP)
Vegas November 2022
Vegas June/July 2022 (WSOP)
Vegas October 2021 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2021
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