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Vegas June 2007 (WSOP)

Day Three (Monday) (Part 1)
Last Updated: 2007-06-25
Well I talked myself into it. I played in the WSOP. $1500 Buy-In, Omaha 8/b. Basically after writing up the previous blog we had just enough time to run to the bank, buy myself in and eat a quick dinner. Now everyone who knows me knows that I rarely have trouble eating, but in this case I was just so excited about playing in that tournament I only ate about 2/3 of my burger and a few fries.
For the record, I won the second hand I ever played at the WSOP, a split pot as I had two pair and the other person had low. I also survived my first 5 all-ins (only got called two of the five and split the pot in both). Unfortunately I'll save you all the suspense, as I busted out about 3 and a half hours into the tournament. I never had a chance to make a play, never had really good cards. A good example of how my night went was that I had played a 7-8-9-10 rainbow (might have had 10-8 suited) and flopped 7-5-7. Player bet pot ahead of me...but I had to bet strong and went over the top and he folded. I couldn't let him draw to low for half the pot for free...if I had any kind of low I could have smooth called and let him bet again and try and draw him in ... so I won the pot but couldn't really try and make a play to win a big pot and that's how my night went. The very next hand I gave up what I had just won calling a small all-in with the better hand but the other person drew out on me ... which is also pretty much how my night went ... get back to my original stack one hand, lose chips on the next hand
So bottom line, no regrets, played as well as I could, never got much above my original starting count. I had about 2100 in chips with blinds at 100/200 and got K-K-Q-10 with one K suited, bet pot for 1/3 of my stack and someone came over the top. Knew he had aces but with 1/3 of my stack already in the pot I couldn't really fold...decided that I was going to have to get lucky sooner or later and decided this may as well be the time. Nothing came on the board for either one of us and I was done.
We're deciding what to do next, some tournament somewhere I'm sure ...
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Other Entries This Blog:
Day Seven (Going Home)
Day Six (Thursday)
Day Five (Wednesday, Part 2)
Day Five (Part 1, Lunch)
Day Four (Tuesday)
Day Three (Monday, Part 2)
Day Three (Monday) (Part 1)
Day Two (Sunday)
Day One (Saturday)
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Vegas June 2024 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2023 (WSOP)
Vegas November 2022
Vegas June/July 2022 (WSOP)
Vegas October 2021 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2021
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