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Vegas June 2007 (WSOP)

Day Three (Monday, Part 2)
Last Updated: 2007-06-26
Couple more quick notes on my WSOP experience. 1) No, I didn't play against any stars, although they were seemingly at every table except mine; 2) I outlasted Johnny Chan. That's as good as it gets for me ... and yes, I would do it again.
So our plan for the evening was to play at Harrah's at 11:00 and then maybe play in one of the 2:00am tourneys. As it turned out Harrah's started at 11:30 and we lasted too long to make a 2:00am.
Yes, some good news, wish some of it was mine. But Joann is now 3 for 3 making final tables (including one at Cripple Creek) and 2 for 3 cashing. Guess we know who the real poker player in the Clark house is.
I started out hot and got cold, Joann started out cold and got hot. I was early chip leader after doubling up on the second hand - hit a nut flush and got two callers to each give me half of their stacks. Joann was struggling at another table. Things turned around for both of us at the same time, I made my first mistake of the trip, I raised with Kings, got re-raised, knew I should have smooth called and didn't. Went over the top all-in, called by Aces. Had I smooth called, I could have gotten away from my Kings when the flop came A-A-rag. Hurt me but didn't cripple me. At the other table, Joann got herself down to 500 chips. At my table another woman also had gotten down to 500 chips at about the same time. Both of them then began their meteoric rises.
The big hand for Joann when she made a desperation all-in with A-4 off, got called by A-Q suited and AA. Dead, right? Until she hit the nut flush with her Ace of clubs and tripled up. She took off from there and started taking people out, meanwhile 500 chip lady at my table started doing the same. Eventually we got to final table and there we were, 500 chip lady huge big stack and Joann from 500 chips to second in chips.
Joann then made her only mistake of the night, having just sat down she didn't realize how big a stack 500 chip lady was and called a big overbet from her with just K-Q and had to give up the hand when an ace flopped. She should have let them go against the chip leader, who Joann would be betting into the entire final table - a bad place to be.
First two out of the final table were courtesy Joann, A-5 all-in, A-J all in, Joann calls with pocket 10's and they hold up (I think she hit a 10 to erase any doubts). I believe I busted out next, three from the money, when my A-J suited didn't improve against 500 chip lady's A-Q off.
The one regrettable hand for Joann came at final four. 4th stack in big blind with 6000 chips and blinds 2000/4000 - he's all in with any two. Problem for Joann was that 500 chip lady, I'll now call her "big stack", was on an incredible rush of cards, going all-in almost every hand and showing solid hands (one stretch of three in a row we saw her push with AA, 55 and AK, all good hands for a massive chip leader to be pushing with).
So anyway, Joann is first to act with pocket 4s. Automatic call on the takeout except chip leader is going all-in almost every hand so she lays them down. Chip leader picks that one and only time to fold, 3rd in chips goes all-in and short stack calls without looking. Short stack shows A-5, big stack a better Ace. Flop comes 5-5-rag, turn is a 4. Joann would have been heads up with enough chips to compete. Instead, 3rd in chips gradually becomes 2nd in chips and when Joann finally gets a hand she can push with, A-5, he's getting 3-1 on his money with 6-7 suited and makes the call. He flopped a straight draw, then hit a six and Joann went home in 3rd place.
Another great run for Joann, again she's now 3 for 3 making final tables.
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Day Three (Monday, Part 2)
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Day One (Saturday)
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