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Vegas June 2007 (WSOP)

Day Six (Thursday)
Last Updated: 2007-06-29
After everything that happened yesterday we really needed a dull day today and we got it. This one is going to be short.
Got up early to go over to the auto body repair shop, they couldn't do anything for us in time for us to leave any time Friday. It seems that the vinyl itself could be done but the material they use on the inside part of the roof takes time. So Joann went back to the hotel room to go back to sleep and I went to WalMart for some duct tape. Then I tried to get a little more sleep but little success.
So then it was off to Luxor for the buffet. Always a very good buffet for the price you pay. Nothing fancy, just good food, clean serving areas and good staff. We've never been unhappy with a meal there.
Ran into Hans and Maria on the way through the casino going back to our car, sat and chatted with them for the only time on the entire trip. Wish I'd gotten one group dinner or something organized but never did. Next year...
Then on to Rio for a little HORSE tournament action. When we came in they were down to five. Freddy Deeb the only real big name, Adnan (?) Filippi and three other pros nobody has ever heard of. Not exactly the stellar final table folks were hoping for, apparently we just missed Barry Greenstein. Cody and Jodi showed up while we were there so we at least got to spend a little more time with them.
Watched that for about an hour and a half and it wasn't exactly the most exciting poker action ever. Then it was on to Orleans for one final 8/b tournament for the trip. It didn't go well. Didn't get cards for a long time, couldn't get much action when I had hands. Finally flopped a full house ... lost to a better full house on the turn. Two hands later hit a nut flush on the turn ... lost to a full house on the river. Managed to hang on to a very short stack for a couple of hours, when I finally doubled up however I was still not even 10X big blind and eventually went down in flames. What are you going to do when you run into back-to-back coolers and it's limit so you can't bet people off anything. Oh well. Got most of it back at the craps table in about 15 minutes.
While I was playing, Joann went over to the Hilton to look at Star Trek stuff and came away empty handed, then came back to watch me for a little while ... then waited for me to bust out ... and waited ... and waited ... and finally gave up and went to Rio to watch more HORSE. Down to three handed, she was probably there for all of 20 minutes when I busted out and she had to drive back to get me.
So then the two of us went to Rio to watch Hold'Em, 8/b and Razz rounds. An hour and a half of poker that really didn't change the stacks all that much when we decided that we were both too tired and we just weren't going to see a bracelet awarded tonight as we had hoped. Oh, almost forgot. When Joann had gone to Rio herself, she saw a pro but couldn't remember his name. It was really bugging her. So after she came to get me, as we were walking back in we passed the guy and Joann pointed him out. The name was on the tip of my tongue but I just couldn't get it. So Joann walked up to him and asked him who he was.
Doesn't that pretty much scream "I know you, but you're not nearly important enough for me to actually remember who you are!!!" Maybe it's just me. Oh, incidentally, he graciously told Joann his name was Kenna James.
So that's it. The vacation is essentially over except for a couple of stops and a very long drive tomorrow. Hopefully the duct tape will hold on the roof or we're going to have a real problem.
I'll probably do one more post to the blog to wrap things up on Saturday. 'Til then, thanks for reading...
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Other Entries This Blog:
Day Seven (Going Home)
Day Six (Thursday)
Day Five (Wednesday, Part 2)
Day Five (Part 1, Lunch)
Day Four (Tuesday)
Day Three (Monday, Part 2)
Day Three (Monday) (Part 1)
Day Two (Sunday)
Day One (Saturday)
Pete's Poker Goes to Vegas: Prolog
Vegas June 2024 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2023 (WSOP)
Vegas November 2022
Vegas June/July 2022 (WSOP)
Vegas October 2021 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2021
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