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Vegas June 2021

Day 11 - Shortest BLOG ever
Last Updated: 2021-06-21 09:53:58
Not even bothering posting this one to FB :-)
Bought in around 1:30, they had a massive alternate list. I was #39 and they were on 9. For a change they were able to start up another table by pressing a manger (? dressed different than dealers) into dealing, but still didn't sit down until about 2:30. Had about a 50BB stack at the start.
Picked up pocket Kings on about the 4th hand in the big blind, got the absolute minimum. Under The Gun limps for 400, folds around to me and I make it 1k at 200/400/400. Flop comes A-Q-T all hearts, I don't have Kh. Checks all the way down on another heart on the turn and a blank on the river and he quickly says he has a queen. I show my kings, he mucks.
Next hand, blinds up to 300/600/600, in the small blind one or two limpers ahead of me, I limp with K-Q off, K-high flop, I bet, everyone folds.
Next hand Q-J suited on the button, I make it 1500, small blind makes it 4500, I fold. I probably should have called and seen a flop but what I haven't mentioned yet was that this guy had a massive stack when I sat down and that hadn't changed, so there are some reverse implied odds here I think because this guy can put lots of pressure on me post-flop even OOP.
Barely play a hand until the break 20 minutes later, 22000 from a 20k start. We're coming back to 400/800/800 so roughly a 27BB stack.
Back after the break I go most of the first 30 minute level not really being able to get into a pot, blinds about to go up to 500/1000/1000 which would drop me under 20 bigs because I've lost some blinds and antes in a couple of orbits.
I'm in the big blind, UTG makes it 1800. One late position caller and I look down at A-K off. With my stack that's 3-bet shove hand every time, I go all in, UTG goes over the top, caller folds.
UTG has QQ, I get no help, done.
While I was playing Joann found out about a liquor store that supposedly has some hard to find stuff, and if I've got a whole afternoon to kill guess what I'm doing...
Did pick up a couple of bottles I've never seen in a store before that were at reasonable prices. If you've been following along the BLOGS they also has a Weller Full Proof for $600 but that was the only crazy price I heard of the ones I asked about. Saw 118 degrees on the dashboard on the way back to the room, a number we've seen on a few days this trip.
After that we mostly spent the afternoon catching up on some streaming (Formula 1 is actually a contest this year!) and stuff, got takeout from the patisserie downstairs and ate in the room and just had a quiet night in the suite.
Monday there will be no poker (and thus not BLOG), we will be having dinner and then doing the Mob Museum and Distillery tour with Heather and Glenn. Our afternoon will be spent on our final shopping trip and gassing up at Sam's Club.
Still planning to play one more time at Aria Tuesday, we'll see.
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Other Entries This Blog:
Days 12-14 - Museum, poker, back home
Day 11 - Shortest BLOG ever
Day 10 - Aria part 2
Day 9 - Aria daily
Day 8 - 3-Stud Mix at Orleans
Day 7 - Hold'Em at Orleans
Day 6 - PLO8 at Orleans
Days 3-5 Food, liquor, back to Orleans
Days 1 & 2 - Drive, eat, poker FINALLY
Planning: We're on to 2021
Planning: November instead of June
Original "June Trip" post
Vegas June 2024 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2023 (WSOP)
Vegas November 2022
Vegas June/July 2022 (WSOP)
Vegas October 2021 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2021
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