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Vegas June 2021

Days 12-14 - Museum, poker, back home
Last Updated: 2021-06-25 10:41:16
Monday was shopping, dinner, a museum and a distillery tour.
Hit the north outlets but came away empty handed, picked up one last, final bottle of liquor, gassed up the car at Sam's Club.
Dinner at the Triple George Grill with Heather and Glenn, just off Freemont Street. Had high-wall booths so it was a very private dining experience. It was a good meal at a reasonable price, if I was downtown I would definitely consider eating there again!
We were all impressed with the Mob Museum, it was bigger than any of us expected it to be and because we were a little later at dinner than expected we had to rush our way through a little. Might have to go back and finish some time!
In the basement of the building the museum is in is a distillery making moonshine and a bar. Basically they had a room divided by glass with tables and chairs for us on one side and the distillery on the other. Got a good run-through of distilling process and the samples of three of their varieties: straight moonshine, a cinnamon flavored one we liked and a jalapeno and ginger flavored one that I don't think any of us cared for.
Tuesday was our last day in town. Usual Starbucks and pool, lunch at the "new" burger place at Aria. And I got to play in my final poker tournament of the trip.
Bought in at 1:10 as the tournament was just starting, was alternate 13. Didn't sit down for an hour and a half!
Just got blinds and a limp out of A-K, the first pot I won in the first half hour or so. 20k starting stack, blinds already 300/600/600.
A few hands later I look down at two kings second to act. I make it 1800, a 10k-ish stack goes all in, folds around to me. I'm up against A-J.
Ace in the window...
King right behind it!
Not long after that it's the first break and I'm at 28,700.
Mostly in neutral for a little while, but end up losing 1/3 of my stack with pocket queens. I think I made it 3000 to go at now 500/1000/1000, get two callers, K-J-X flop. It checked around on the flop, blank on the turn, I tried to lead out hoping that the check-around on the flop meant nobody had a king ... and I get check-raised. Ugh.
So I'm down around 13k and looking for an excuse to get it all in. And I want to do it before the blinds and antes get to me because of the big blind ante structure. But I get a series of unplayable hands ending with 9-2 offsuit when I'm under the gun.
Next hand I'm in the big blind, monster stack makes a raise out for about what I have and I look down at 8-9. I don't think I can fold with 1/4 of my stack in the pot already and go all-in hoping I just have two live cards.
I'm up against A-8. Can't even get two live...
Flop a 9, river a 9, double up. But double up to less than 20 big blinds. I'm far from out of the woods. 26k with blinds at 1000/1500/1500.
Give up some in blinds, but then pick up aces! Same guy I sucked out on with my 8-9 has pocket queens, aces hold up! Take some blinds in the next several hands and I work my way up to 52k and I actually have more than 20 bigs for a change!
Unfortunately it was all downhill from there. Eventually the blinds go up to where I'm back down to just a 13 big blind stack and I'm in the same place I was earlier - I want to get all-in before the big blind gets to me so I can get a full double up plus blinds and antes instead of less than a full double up because of the big blind ante.
I fold 10-2 second to act and it's a good thing because the guy from the from the AA vs QQ and 89 vs A9 hands woke up with pocket queens and took out a guy who went all-in with K-Q.
Very next hand I am now under the guy and look down at Q-J off. That's good enough to get all-in with when I'm in the big blind next so I go all-in. Same guy snap calls me and rolls over pocket queens, same two black ones, for the second consecutive hand. I do turn a jack for two outs on the river but no luck and I was out 12 from the money. Argh.
Tom's Urban one last time for dinner, we decided to sit at the bar and eat and our bartender was Ivan, the guy who ended up waiting on us on our miserable night! And he remembered us! I am pretty sure I got at least two free drinks out of him, we definitely did not pay for everything we ate and drank.
Easy drive home, only one construction zone of any note which was a pleasant surprise. When we were driving out we saw at least three massive backups on the other side of the road and did not expect about all of them to be fully opened back up in just two weeks but all but one of them was.
Good trip! 2 cashes in 9 tournaments, one more three from the money and 4 within 10-13 of the money. Only two I didn't last very long in. After the fast start it was a little frustrating to not eke out at least one more cash but if you told me before I started playing I'd cash in 2 of 9 after not playing live poker for a year and a half I think I'd take that. As always thanks for reading!
We're on to October, and that plan is starting to take shape so I expect I will update that BLOG in the next few days.
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Other Entries This Blog:
Days 12-14 - Museum, poker, back home
Day 11 - Shortest BLOG ever
Day 10 - Aria part 2
Day 9 - Aria daily
Day 8 - 3-Stud Mix at Orleans
Day 7 - Hold'Em at Orleans
Day 6 - PLO8 at Orleans
Days 3-5 Food, liquor, back to Orleans
Days 1 & 2 - Drive, eat, poker FINALLY
Planning: We're on to 2021
Planning: November instead of June
Original "June Trip" post
Vegas June 2024 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2023 (WSOP)
Vegas November 2022
Vegas June/July 2022 (WSOP)
Vegas October 2021 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2021
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