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Vegas October 2021 (WSOP)

Day 15 - Senior's NLH at Aria
Last Updated: 2021-10-23 01:47:40
Starbucks for breakfast, us seniors have to start at 10am so no time for anything else...
Bought in as the tournament was starting and sat right down. Unlike the usual NLH tournaments at Aria, at no point was there a waiting list for alternates buying in. There were always empty seats, in fact they started breaking up tables before the registration period ended.
My tournament started about like it had the day before.
Pick up a decent early pot when after one person limps in I make it 800 to go in the hijack seat with Q-J offsuit. It folds to the big blind who makes it 2600 to go, I am the only caller.
Flop comes 3-9-10. He quickly leads out for 3500. With an open ender and two overs I'm calling. Turn is a 7, he checks, I semi-bluff for 6000 and he thinks a while and folds.
That was it for a while tho, went quite card dead and the few hands I did play didn't work out.
I make it 1500 to go at 300/500/500 blinds, the small and big blinds call. Flop comes 10-3-4, pretty safe flop for 5s. The blinds check, I make it 2200. The small blind calls and the big blind quickly makes it 6200. I fold, small blind folds. This guy would eventually take out several people and become the monster stack for a while.
Not long before that I had raised out with K-10 suited and had to give up on a bad flop and action into me and just like that I'm under 20k from my 25k starting stack.
Flop an open ender in a limped pot, call a flop bet, check around on the turn for a free river but nothing comes in.
Then one of those "I hate when I do the right thing" moments.
Once again I raise out to 1500 with a mid pair, 7s this time. Guy immediately to my left calls and "future monster stack" calls. Flop comes 4-4-3.
"FMS" checks, I make it 2500 to go. Guy to my right calls, "FMS" either triples my bet or goes all in, I'm not sure.
I agonize here but ultimately decide there are only three hands I can beat he's doing this with - 55, 66 and maybe 22. Either that or he flopped a boat with 33 or has a bigger pair than my 7s. Way more hands I lose to than hands I beat.
After what's a very long tank for me ... I really don't tank hardly ever but I'm really thrown for a loop here ... I fold.
Guy to my left gets all his chips in, if "FMS" didn't shove he makes the call here and rolls over 4-7. Damn. Not what I expected at all. Good fold.
Guy to my right has A-5 of spades, gutshot straight flush draw with 4-3 of spades on the board.
Ten of spades on the turn. Damn.
7 of spades on the river. Fuck. I made a good fold...
But ... fuck!
"FMS" is now on the road to "Monster Stack".
16,100 at the first break.
I've been saying I need to 3-bet more, well I put it into practice in this tournament.
Under the gun plus one, monster stack, makes it 1500 to go, I look down at 10-10 and 3-bet to 5100, he calls. Flop 8-high, I go all in for about the pot, he folds.
Whiff with A-9 off, give a little back.
Cutoff make it 1500 (300/600/600), "MS" calls, I 3-bet to 6000 with A-Q off on the button. They fold. I'm a 3-bettin' madman now.
At this point an 80-year-old woman who has no idea how tournament poker works had had her table broken up and joins us. This woman literally had no idea what to do, how to act, when to act, etc. Incessantly betting out of turn, folding out of turn, not knowing how to bet, raising by accident because she threw out 1000 chips instead of 100 chips... It was brutal folks.
I dusted off 5k trying to bet her out of a pot with A-10 on a bluff when she had pocket jacks on a 9 high board. Of course she had jacks.
Hand or two after that she gets all her chips in against someone on the river on a board of 8-2-2-Q-A ... and they BOTH roll over A-2 off. Wow.
Under the gun I look down at QQ and make it 2200 to go at now 400/800/800. Guy to my left calls, MS calls.
Flop A-2-3, I check, it checks around. Turn a queen. Yes!
I lead out for 2600, guy to my left calls, MS raises me to 5500. I just call, guy to my left gets out.
River is another 2. I don't want it to check down so I go all in for my last 7100. Guy can't fold right? He thinks for a long time, says he thinks we have the same hand and folds for 7100 in a 15k or so pot. Damn. Wanted a full double there. And he had started bleeding chips at that point.
But that gets me up to 29k, the upward trend begins!
UTG+1 makes it 2200 to go and I look down at aces UTG+2. I just call, now "Former Monster Stack" in the big blind calls. Mix of bad luck and bad decisions.
Flop comes 9-4-3. BB checks, UTG+1 snap goes all in and I snap call. BB folds.
UTG+1 has jacks, the board runs out no cards bigger than 9s, all the chips were going in one way or another. Cooler for him, more than a double-up for me.
Just like that I'm at 71,900.
Mostly card dead until the next break, I go into break at 67,000.
Just after break two players come from a broken up table to fill empty seats. Both are around starting stack, so not stacks I'm afraid of. Former monster stack had blown all his chips and busted just before break, one of them took his seat. I was hoping to get what FMS had left with those aces ... but I'll take what I got!
First new player makes it 3500 to go for the second hand in a row, second hand since he sat down. Other new player was the only caller as it otherwise folds to me and I look at A-Q offsuit in the big blind.
3-bettin' madman just grabs and puts out enough 5K chips to put them both all in. They both fold. Power poker.
But ... dust off 15k when I flop second pair and bet into a calling station that caught top pair with a crappy kicker and wouldn't go away.
Back down around 50k.
Call a 4500 raise with 88. Maybe should have 3-bet here but didn't. Early to act, lots left to act, not a great spot. Flop comes A-T-rag, I go away. Down around 45k. Blinds going up to 1000/2000/2000 so just over that 20BB range.
71 left paying 21. Long way to go.
What I haven't mentioned, because he was mostly staying out of my way otherwise, was that recently we had a big stack come to the table who was playing 80% of hands. Raising most of the time he could open, in fact his first 5-6 hands at the table he raised first in. Very loose player. But he was clearly a very competent player and knew who he could mess with and who he should stay out of the way of. I was the only person he consistently folded to preflop raises from.
He raises out in my big blind just over a min-raise and I call with K-2 offsuit.
Flop comes 6-7-J all spades. I have the King of spades. He leads out for 3500. I know he's loose, I have second nut flush draw and an over ... I go all in hoping to steal.
He thinks quite a bit and calls with J-10 with the 10 of spades. Of course he has top pair and one of my spades.
But ... the math says it was a good shove. I had fold equity, if he doesn't have a possible "emergency flush draw" maybe he lays it down, and I was only a 43/57 underdog when he calls. It was a solid semi-bluff in that spot. But, no spade or king comes and I'm out.
Mostly hung in the room with Joann the rest of the night, did spend a little time with Patrick and Dyan at a bar filling them in on some stuff.
Most of the people reading this know we're involved in a couple of things that involve lawyers. On top of that I've mentioned Angus' hernia surgery yesterday, poor kid had a tough time coming out of anesthesia with coughing fits ... which is not good when you have surgery on your abdominal muscles.
Unfortunately while I was playing poker Joann spent her afternoon dealing with lawyer stuff, never happy, and worrying about our son. Not the quiet day of reading and being left alone she was hoping for. There was talk of her flying home and me finishing the trip and driving home solo.
But Angus came home late in the afternoon, girlfriend Baily set up another video-chat with them, he's doing better, we're both staying put.
Omaha 8/b at Aria on Saturday, football Sunday at Tom's Urban on our last full day in town, drive home Monday. Sticking with the plan.
And, no, in spite of it being a "once every 8 years" opportunity we are not going to see the Eagles live in Vegas while we happen to be out here. The Eagles aren't very good, the Raiders are, and trust me we've spent enough money already. Just scan my BLOG on this trip for the word "whisky"...
Honestly much as I'd like to see a game live, I will almost certainly have more fun drinking too much and eating too much while watching the Packers win Sunday morning at Tom's with friends and family. If I thought I had a chance to see my team win maybe it would be a different plan.
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Other Entries This Blog:
Days 16 & 17 - 8/b at Aria, football
Day 15 - Senior's NLH at Aria
Day 14 - NLH at Aria
Day 13 - Event #39 PLO
Days 10-12 football, shop, NLH at Aria
Days 8 & 9 concert, HORSE
Day 7 - Hold'Em at Aria
Days 5/6 - Day off, PLO at Aria
Day 4 - WSOP Event #21 Day 2
Day 3 - WSOP Event #21 Omaha 8/b mix
Days 1 & 2 - Drive, whisky, dinner
Vegas June 2024 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2023 (WSOP)
Vegas November 2022
Vegas June/July 2022 (WSOP)
Vegas October 2021 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2021
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