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Vegas October 2021 (WSOP)

Days 5/6 - Day off, PLO at Aria
Last Updated: 2021-10-14 11:31:16
The Day 3 post was long. The day 4 post was longer. I'm gonna make up for it and keep it short today even tho I'm covering two days because, well...
Finally slept in Tuesday after the huge day on Monday. Didn't even get out of bed until close to 10am so the decision that I wasn't playing in HORSE at Orleans at 11am was a wise one, much as I would have liked to.
Joann and I hit the north outlets Tuesday, she picked up a jacket and a scarf at Burberry (a jacket she's been looking at for a long time, finally decided to take the plunge) and a purse and wallet for Sophie at Kate Spade. Hung out back in the room for a little while and it was off to dinner.
We had intended to take Thursday off, but with the change in plans I moved our Thursday reservation at Smith and Wollensky to Tuesday with no problem. Steaks were perfect as always, love the "Wollensky" salad. Only issue was that we actually limited ourselves to one loaf of bread (we've eaten as many as three, which is not helpful...) and weren't as full as usual after dinner so I did something I almost never do - I got dessert!
Menu said cheesecake with a raspberry drizzle. I prefer strawberry or cherry but I'll always take raspberry.
Except they didn't actually put any ON the cheesecake. They drizzled a squiggly line on the plate and dropped the cheesecake on that. When I see cheesecake with raspberry I expect the thing to be half drowning in it. I want more than a hint of the topping. I sure don't want to have to try and drag cheesecake across the plate to get a little bit of flavor.
On top of that the cheesecake itself wasn't that good, since I was effectively eating most of it "plain". Had some hint of something bitter in it, I was wondering if it was lemon and Joann wondered if the sour cream they used was especially sour. Either way, very disappointing dessert on a rare occasion I order dessert at one of our favorite restaurants.
Back to the room, cracked open my Willett Rye that Glenn was holding for me and we watched Formula 1 qualifying and the race from the weekend until we passed out.
After the two days I had just had I probably needed a day like that one.
Bellagio Buffet for breakfast, over two years since we ate there. Might be another two years until I want to go back, if ever. I was already getting down on buffets, this didn't exactly make me miss them. Omelet a hair burnt and the guy did something I've never seen - he flipped it after he put the cheese on it. So I've got crusty cheese inside my overcooked omelet. Soft serve ice cream there used to be the best on the planet, gone. Sorbet station now. Cold pizza, another cheesecake I didn't like (tho the chocolate mousse was quite good), all kinds of herbal teas but no simple black tea (which is all I really want to drink with breakfast) and brunch price for all that which is only a little less than dinner price.
I think I'm done with that place. Back to Aria for PLO.
Bought in about 40 minutes late, I was the first person to buy in after the last seat was sold. Alternate #1! Sat right down, they had 4 seat cards face down for me to choose from.
I didn't choose well :-)
My table was nuts. For the first 20 minutes there was one guy potting it preflop about 80-90% of hands if there was no raise into him, and I saw him re-pot more than once.
Chip stack went up and down like a yo-yo.
Meanwhile I'm utterly card dead. The few hands I played whiffed the flop, the borderline hands I was tempted to play but didn't because of all the action ahead of me all whiffed too so had I played any of them it wouldn't have been good.
I did pick up one small pot with a junk hand I don't remember other than I had a ten. Flopped a ten, bet out when I caught another ten on the turn, took it down.
Next hand double-suited aces with AAK2, I pot it on the button and get two callers including the big blind. Flop 8-Q-T with two spades, spades is NOT one of my suits and with nothing but a gutshot I have to check the flop and give up on the offsuit 3 turn. Ugh.
18,500 at the first break down from a 25K starting stack.
Call a preflop raise with QJ97 double suited because I'm in position, flop A23 with clubs, I have clubs, but just a flush draw is not enough to call a pot sized bet from the other person in the hand.
Next hand or the one after I call another 2100 pot sized bet with AQT3 with the 3 giving me a suit, but flop complete air. Another fold.
At that point I'm willing to take a risk, I'm down to a little over 10k. There is a pot sized raise that I inexplicably just call with JJT8 with one suit. I really should have just pumped my chips in, but I didn't.
This is a really good hand in Omaha. If you run jacks into aces in hold'em you're a 5-1 underdog. But in Omaha you are never that big of an underdog in your worst case scenario and you're really not far behind aces at all as long as the other cards you hold work together. If I were to flop a set of Jacks, by definition I also have at least a runner-runner straight draw to go with it, more likely some kind of gutshot as I'm likely to flop some other card that connects with the ten or 8 also. And of course you're not always going to run into aces, but sometimes...
Folds around to a blind who pots it, original "pot" around my stack, he goes all in. I go all in, other guy calls for just a little more.
I'm up against AAKQ and AK88. Poker odds calculator puts me at roughly 1/3 to win with the AA being a little better than 5050 and the 88 hand around 14%. This is what I was talking about with the odds. Even 3-way I'm going to win a third of the time against aces and some not-so-great hand.
Jack on the turn, I triple up to a little over 30K. Sweet!
Alternate #104 gets seated. Over 200 buyins, 99 sitting at tables.
That was the highlight of the day for me. Basically I get into a 4-way all-in fest and I'll take my chances with what I had and the situation.
I've got KQJ9 with clubs. This is actually a very good hand in Omaha because it gives you very good straight possibilities plus you're likely to win two-pair vs two-pair type hands that come up often in Omaha. And if you hit a straight, it's almost always the nut straight. Hard to hit one that isn't with those cards. So...I'm not folding this hand preflop at a crazy table.
There are three limps ahead of me, I limp (I should have just potted it myself probably, but nothing wrong with limping there) and I think one more limper into the big blind who pots it up to 8K total to go.
Guy who was potting 80-90% of hands naturally calls, another guy calls, guy next to me has only 10,500 and goes all in. I'm the only one left who is allowed to re-raise at that point, again probably should have just shoved but I call to see the flop and everyone else calls.
Flop K-8-4 with two diamonds. BB pots for most of his stack, loose guy calls, folds to me and I'm getting something like 6 or 7 to 1 on my money. I literally cannot fold if I catch any piece of the flop so I call, big blind goes all in also and loose guy of course calls.
BB has AAJX, loose guy has A84x for two pair, maybe a possible runner runner straight(?) and shortest stack I don't remember his hand other than two things: he got no piece of the board, and NOBODY had diamonds. And I had the only king.
I'm actually in as good a shape as anyone could ask for in that spot. I can multiply my stack by about 4 times with any king, queen, jack or 9 and a ten on the turn gives me another out to a straight if the case ace comes on the river. I think if the hand had been played face-up I would have gladly got my chips in in that spot knowing what I would be up against.
Playing with the poker odds calculator and not knowing exactly all the cards, what I come up with is that the crappy hand that flopped two pair was about a 40% favorite to win, I was around 30% to win, the aces and the "whiff" hand were around 10-15%.
Again...face up, I'm perfectly happy to get all my chips in 30% to quadruple up (since there was some dead money it should have been a quad up) when I've already invested somewhere a little over 1/3 of my stack. And all the action at this table meant any hand I entered would be putting a fair portion of my stack at risk, this was NOT the "limp and see a flop" kind of table you often get in Omaha tournies.
Board ran out blank, 4, the two pair rivered a full house but in the end my outs were all live on both streets it just didn't work out.
On to the next one...
Dinner at Eataly over at Park, poured a little whisky while streaming the $10K stud championship in which Helmuth once again crossed a line with one of his rants but likely will face no consequences because the WSOP folks have different rules for stars than anyone else and called it a night.
Next up it'll be No Limit Hold'Em at Aria on Thursday at 11am. I heard stories of a hundred people on the alternate list and a line out the door at the close of registration (if you are in line, they will take your money and seat you whenever a seat finally comes available if you're willing to sit down with a 5 big blind stack for $400...) so I bought in on the way to Eataly the night before.
And ... I'm starting to have ideas about that $3K HORSE on Saturday, but we'll see...how bad do I wanna play 2-7 triple draw on Sunday? :-)
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Other Entries This Blog:
Days 16 & 17 - 8/b at Aria, football
Day 15 - Senior's NLH at Aria
Day 14 - NLH at Aria
Day 13 - Event #39 PLO
Days 10-12 football, shop, NLH at Aria
Days 8 & 9 concert, HORSE
Day 7 - Hold'Em at Aria
Days 5/6 - Day off, PLO at Aria
Day 4 - WSOP Event #21 Day 2
Day 3 - WSOP Event #21 Omaha 8/b mix
Days 1 & 2 - Drive, whisky, dinner
Vegas June 2024 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2023 (WSOP)
Vegas November 2022
Vegas June/July 2022 (WSOP)
Vegas October 2021 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2021
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