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Vegas June/July 2022 (WSOP)

Day 13 - Aria
Last Updated: 2022-07-05 09:31:06
Dunno what's more frustrating, being card dead for long stretches or actually getting cards but getting the minimum out of them...
Usual morning, you know the drill by now.
Sit down just a little after the tournament started. Guy to my right got himself short stacked and went all in three straight hands. Next hand he doesn't go all in, I look down at A-K off. I raise out to 800 at 200/300/300 blinds and get one caller, I think the big blind. Flop comes Ace high with all hearts, I have top pair, top kicker, nut flush draw. She folds to my continuation bet.
Next hand guy to my right folds again, I look down at A-K again. This time I make the same raise, see a flop 5-handed and completely whiff and with several acting after me I have to check/fold.
Hand after that guy to my right goes all in and I look down at 6-4 off.
About 20 minutes later I make it 1500 to go with pocket 9s and get two callers. Checks around on all three streets as the flop comes 8-J-K, board runs out 2 on the turn and 10 on the river, 9s actually good on that scary board!
But call a raise and a reraise to 1200 and then 3000 with A-K off, whiff on a paired flop, fold to a c-bet.
Under the gun plus 1 makes it 1100 to go, he gets two callers and I 3-bet to 4400 with 99. Everyone folds. Nice pickup there without having to see a flop.
Next hand I get pocket aces and make it 1300 to go, only the big blind calls and folds to my bet post-flop. Minimum with aces.
Lose a chunk defending against a very loose player when I defend my blind with a junky J-5, hit the 5-high flop but run into his pocket queens when he leads out on a river queen. He either had a monster or air and it wasn't air...
Finally tho I get something out of aces.
Middle position player makes it 1300 to go, I pop it up to 3200 with my rockets, it folds around to him and he calls.
He calls for another 3200 on a jack high flop but goes away when a 9 hits the turn and I lead out for 5500. I believe with that 9 two flush draws were out there so I was definitely making any draws pay to see a river.
24,100 at the break, started out with 25k.
For the next hour and a half after the break I'm mostly card dead, but I do make the most of what little I had to work with.
Raise out on the button with 5-4 suited when it folds to me, small blind calls. Flop comes A-3-7, which is a great flop. I can represent the ace and if I'm called I have a double-gutshot stright draw. I bet and he folds.
Similar hand a little while after that, 10-9 of spades is a raise second to act, only the big blind calls for 2500. Flop 9-7-K with two spades, I lead out with middle pair and a flush draw and he folds.
But ... that was about all my fun. Same loose guy who I ran into queens against, playing like 80% of hands, raises out in my big blind. I'm down to 16 bigs and look down at A-8. This is a perfect spot for me to go over the top and steal his raise ... and he of course had A-K.
Grrrr. The two times I get involved in hands with this guy playing all kinds of hands is when he actually has it. Can't get a break...
Flop misses both of us, he turns a king and I'm done.
I heard there was a weekly HORSE tournament at the WSOP on Mondays, but it was cancelled due to overwhelming response for the Main Event that was on Day 1B along with a $1k buyin bounty tournament they're running with multiple flights.
So that was my day as far as poker. Joann was spending a day catching up on finance stuff on her laptop in the room so I just hung out in the room myself and typed this up then grabbed a couple slices for dinner.
I was planning to do Aria again on Tuesday but I'm talking myself into 8-Game Mix at 2pm at Orleans instead.
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Other Entries This Blog:
Day 19 - Epilog
Days 17-18 Aria one last time
Day 16 - WSOP 8/b mix
Day 15 - 8/b Mix at MGM
Day 14 - 8-Game at Orleans
Day 13 - Aria
Days 11-12 Day off, Orleans
Days 8-10 - Couple days off, Aria
Day 7 - Orleans twice
Day 6 - Fast exits at the WSOP
Days 4 and 5 - A day off, Tag Team
Day 3 - Hold'em at Orleans
Day 2 - HORSE at Orleans
Day 1 - Drive, WSOP 8-Game mix
Vegas June 2024 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2023 (WSOP)
Vegas November 2022
Vegas June/July 2022 (WSOP)
Vegas October 2021 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2021
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