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Vegas June/July 2022 (WSOP)

Day 14 - 8-Game at Orleans
Last Updated: 2022-07-06 11:45:50
Usual morning, Starbucks and pool.
We went over to Venetian for lunch, the plan was that Joann was going to have her favorite meal at Noodle Asia and I would have soup, then we'd hit Smith and Wollensky for the "burger and a beer" lunch special they have been running since COVID for me. We've done this a bunch of times.
Then I decided I hadn't had Noodle Asia for a while so I was going to have it too ... except they're having supply chain problems and are out of the noodles Joann likes. Crap!
But ... I was able to make a reservation at Javier's in half an hour, that was our Thursday lunch plan so we just moved it up. We ran back to the hotel and walked over to Aria for lunch.
Then it was just me over to Orleans for some 8-Game Mix.
For my "back in the day" Colorado Springs friends Cody had come out to Vegas for the week and he was playing in the 11am NLH tournament there. He took 22nd place!
8-Game started out great for me. We started with stud high and I took 4 of the 6 pots we played. Mostly small, but they all count.
In fact, there weren't many notable hands but as we went through the eight games the first time I believe I ended each round of a particular game with more chips than I started it with except for maybe stud 8/b. But if I did lose chips in that game it wasn't much.
A nice stack building hour or so to start out my tournament.
2-7 Triple Draw was the most profitable. In two three-handed pots I caught the second best hand (7-6-4-3-2, aka "number two") and an 8-6 low and was able to bet and get called on every street except the last one when in both cases the other two players both missed.
39k after going through all the games once, almost a double-up! Started with 20k.
Lose a small chunk playing stud, get some back in Omaha 8/b and Razz and go into the first break at 36,400.
I get moved to create a new table. They were planning to play 6-handed tables but due to unexpected attendance we were playing 7-handed. We were still changing games every 6th hand tho.
But I get a little lucky. With a guy showing a pair of Queens on 4th street for some reason I just did not believe him that he had trips already and was calling him down with 888 (88 hidden, 10 showing, caught 3rd 8 on 4th street). While he was catching cards that were not making his hand look any scarier I picked up a 9 and a Jack to give me an open ended straight draw along with 10 outs for a full house or quads for a total of 15 outs if he has three queens (which are three of my straight outs).
Ten on the river, he led out as he had on every street, I raise with my full house, he looks disgusted and tosses out another 1000 chip.
He did have QQQ the whole time and never improved, I'm back up around 39k. And the hand was 3-handed until 6th street so a nice pot.
Win a little, lose a little...
Razz can be so frustrating. Complete with 7-5-2 with the two showing, get re-raised by a 7 and call ... then I get king, king and give up.
Then have to bring in with back to back KK and QQ hands.
Eventually I get some back when I draw out a 6 low.
On to PLO and I start out with consecutive A-2 hands with suited aces. Great hand for Omaha 8/b, not so great for PLO. At this point I discuss the timing issues with the dealer (big pairs in Razz, 8/b hands in PLO, PLO hands in 8/b...) and he agrees to try and work on it :-)
I will say this much - I was impressed by the level of knowledge of the dealers for these mixed game tournaments! They had some excellent dealers who knew exactly what they were doing, I recall the players having to help the dealers at the WSOP at the start of the trip much more than was needed here.
Took a hit in stud 8/b when I doubled up a short stack, he got all his chips in with a flush draw with two cards to come against my two pair and caught his flush while I failed with two chances to hit a full house. Neither of us had any kind of low hand working.
Got it back in a 2-7 hand, and you know your triple-draw game is on point when you and your opponent both pat the river and you confidently make a value bet with an eighty-six and are correct and get paid by his 8-7 you knew he was seriously thinking about breaking on the last draw.
Unfortunately I get caught up in the table break game for a while, and it doesn't go well for me. Our table was the first to get broken up as the field started to shrink.
I get moved to a table that's now going to be the 3rd to break up again.
I actually have to bring in 7-handed in Razz with a 5 of spades! K-J underneath so I was done with the hand quickly.
45,300 at the second break. Not bad!
Alas that was my high water mark.
Pick up A-J off in the big blind, call a raise, flop a Jack! Check/call every street, don't improve, he has aces. Ugh. Biggest pot I had lost all day, 8400 dusted off.
Numbers are in. 205 players, 154 remaining, paying 27. Not a bad turnout at all!
Get a freeroll in Stud 8, I had 2-4-5-6-7 for an open ended straight draw and a made low while he was showing three face cards and so couldn't make a low. I bet 6th and again on 7th when I missed, he reluctantly called but his high was good as I didn't even have a pair.
Always love a good freeroll! Like them more when they work out. Unfortunately we were the only two in the hand so all I get back is my own chips and half the antes.
Later in stud 8 I catch running wheel cards to scoop a small pot, there was a lot of checking as everyone started out with something and were betting and calling in early rounds (I started out with A-2-4 all hearts, then went Qc, Kc, 5h 3d) but was missing on the big bet streets (like me...).
Up and down a little, then came the devastating hand.
Still playing stud 8, in a 4-handed pot by 6th street I have a made 7 low and there is no question it's the best low at that moment. One guy is showing two low cards and two big cards and doesn't have a low. Another guy is showing 6-4-6-8 so if he has a made low it's an 8, which I beat. 4th guy in hand (so a massive pot) is showing a mess, no idea why he's still in the pot.
I have A-2-4-5-7, there are no 3s out but as I said there are a couple of 6s gone. Still I think I'm freerolling the best low and a straight draw.
I catch a jack on the river, there's more betting and calling ...
The guy who was showing 6s also caught a big card and only had a pair of 6s for an 8 low. But the guy showing two big and two small cards caught a 6 on the river to make a 6-low, he had two more small cards underneath but was really playing a flush draw that missed. A pair of 6s wins the high in a 4-way pot and I lose more than half my stack with the second best low hand on the river.
Our table breaks up, I get moved to what will now be the second table to break up. I'm only a little over 20k.
Pick up 2-3-7 in 2-7 TD 3-handed, everyone drawing 2 cards. Pick up a 4, but with two draws to make a hand get a jack and another jack. Down to 17k.
It was funny to me that every time I was changing tables I was stepping into stud 8 followed by 2-7 triple draw. I get moved again and actually back to my original table in a different seat. Guys there remember me, but I was getting pretty short at this point.
Start out good in stud 8, hand goes to shit, down to 13k. Antes and bring-ins killing me. Three straight hands I look down at a pocket pair (77, 44, TT) and all three times someone else's door card is one of my set cards, can't play for one-outers. This is not helpful when short stacked, I fall under 6000 chips.
Back to 2-7, and what more can I ask for. I look down at 2-3-4-7-J, so I'll be drawing one to the nuts three times ... and everyone including the blinds fold to my raise. Argh!
Couple hands later I decide I'm committed with 3-4-7-X-X. On the first draw I pick up a 5 and a 6.
On one hand, straights are really bad. OTOH I can pitch the 6 and twice draw to the nuts. What's left of my chips go in.
The other guy pats, I draw one, pick up a jack. He pats again, I'm drawing one again, and since I'm all in we reveal - he was patting a 10-8. All I need is a 2, an 8 a 9 or a 10 to win so lots of outs ... another Jack on the river. Done.
Hung out with Cody for a few minutes waiting for Hans to drop by (again, for the "back in the day" crowd), he was planning to play in their 7pm tournament. The three of us caught up a little, I gave Cody a ride back to his room and grabbed some slices for dinner.
Change of plans for Wednesday!
I was going to do Aria, but I found out there's an 8/b mix tournament at MGM grand with a $500 buyin and a $25,000 guarantee today. What a perfect lead-in to what will likely be my final attempt at a bracelet in 8/b mix at the WSOP on Thursday!
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Other Entries This Blog:
Day 19 - Epilog
Days 17-18 Aria one last time
Day 16 - WSOP 8/b mix
Day 15 - 8/b Mix at MGM
Day 14 - 8-Game at Orleans
Day 13 - Aria
Days 11-12 Day off, Orleans
Days 8-10 - Couple days off, Aria
Day 7 - Orleans twice
Day 6 - Fast exits at the WSOP
Days 4 and 5 - A day off, Tag Team
Day 3 - Hold'em at Orleans
Day 2 - HORSE at Orleans
Day 1 - Drive, WSOP 8-Game mix
Vegas June 2024 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2023 (WSOP)
Vegas November 2022
Vegas June/July 2022 (WSOP)
Vegas October 2021 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2021
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