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Vegas June/July 2022 (WSOP)

Days 11-12 Day off, Orleans
Last Updated: 2022-07-04 11:38:09
This will be short, unfortunately...
Saturday Joann and I did a little shopping, spent some time in the room and had dinner with my cousin Heather and her boyfriend Glenn.
Make that fiancée!!! He finally got her a ring!
We ate at a steakhouse we had never tried before called "Cleaver" that Glenn heard about on TikTok.
When we got there Joann said the shopping center looked familiar. Well, it turns out that this place was in the same location as a Ruth's Chris Steakhouse that had closed and moved several years ago. Joann and I ate at the Ruth's Chris when she was pregnant with Angus over 20 years ago!!!
Caught up on my newspapers Sunday morning since I didn't have a BLOG to write (yes I still read the paper, most of the time electronically). Starbucks, pool, on to Orleans. Joann dropped me off and went shopping.
I got my first 1-seat of the trip. I hate the 1-seat but I guess I can't complain too much with this being the first time. And the 9-seat (generally play hold'em 9-max these days in full tournaments) busted out pretty quick and wasn't replaced for quite a while so it wasn't so bad for a change.
Early on I was completely card dead. Of my few playable hands:
Raise out first in the pot in the hijack seat (two before the button) to 600 at 100/200 with 9-10 of diamonds and get two callers including the big blind. Continuation bet on a J-6-8 flop with two hearts and a diamond to 1100. Turn is a second diamond, we check around, river misses both flush and straight draws and I have to give up to a lead from the big blind.
A limp then a raise to 1200 and I look down at 7-8 of clubs and think about 3-betting, but it's a good thing I didn't. I call and not one but two all-ins behind me and a call from the original raiser. And nothing at all came that would have helped my hand. Down around 13k from my 20k starting stack at that point.
Finally win a pot on a float/steal on the button with K-7 suited calling a raise preflop. He made a weak continuation bet on the flop, easy steal when he checked to me on the turn. Up over 16k at the time, 15,200 at the break.
That was pretty much it. I also raised out and took blinds one time with I think A-4 suited in that almost two hour stretch (I did sit down a little late but still in the first half hour level with breaks every 4 levels).
Didn't get much better after the break, 5 hands in a row: 23 off, A8 off (raise/reraise before I act), 23 suited, 82 off, 37 suited.
Make it 1500 to go with pocket 9s (finally!), get two callers, they both fold on the 8-high flop to a bet.
In the small blind I defend a raise with J-10 off and we see a flop 5 or 6 handed. Flop comes 5-8-9. Original raiser goes all in for 7000 and two people call ahead of me. Two spades, with that many people in the pot some of my straight outs also complete a flush I wouldn't have, my overcards could lose to people who might have some of the same cards with better kickers ... I really want to call but I think fold is the right play. I fold. One more caller behind me.
As I think about it the play was to fold or go all in, not to call. And I did seriously think about going all-in.
7 on the turn would have completed my straight, but I would have chopped the pot when a Jack came on the river to 6-10 who did call and was a very sticky player who would have called my all-in also (if he's in for 7000 he'd be in for another 7-8000 with his gutshot and single overcard). Still, I would have made chips.
Finally tho I pick up kings! But win the minimum. Someone made it 3000 to go at 300/600/600 blinds, huge overbet, and I raise to 7000 and he folds.
But between his overbet and some blinds I'm just a hair under starting stack.
Lose some blinds, call a raise and have to fold...down a few chips when...
I defend my big blind with 8-5 off. Not a wonderful hand, but I'm playing against the sticky player I mentioned before. He openly said he was splashing around with all kinds of junk...
So he had raised on the button into my blind, I called, and I hit the flop. 9-8-6 rainbow. Simple plan, I'm going to check-raise all in against this guy who's playing about any two cards because he could have any two cards in this spot and I almost certainly hit the flop harder than he did.
I check, he dutifully bets, I go all in ... and he rolls over pocket queens.
Of course he does ... talk about a "setup" hand.
I have 9 outs twice, only a 2-1 dog (8s, 5s and 7s), not the worst but no help and I'm done.
Watched the Formula 1 race on streaming (what a race!), watched some more of the Poker Player's Championship on streaming (on an outer table a guy Matt and I had played with at the Tag Team outlasted Ben Lamb for a bracelet I think in a $5k 6-max NLH), read some more newspapers.
Emeril's New Orleans Fish House for dinner, I tried an "Old Rip Van Winkle" from the bar for the first time since it was not too terribly expensive. I wouldn't mind having a bottle of that ... and there happens to be one for sale on the page I talked about in a previous entry ... hmmm :-)
I am NOT a seafood person, but non-seafood choices were very limited so I actually decided to try a shellfish combo and I have to admit I did like the sauce. It was heavy on shrimp, would have preferred a lot more clams and mussels, but it was actually a nice change of pace from the clams and mussels in marinara sauce I was eating often in Italy.
And that was our day.
Plan is NLH at Aria for Monday. For the next three days I'm deciding between NLH at Aria at 11am and "not Hold'Em" at Orleans at 2 or 3pm. For Monday I'm going with NLH over HORSE, but there is an 8-game mix coming up I might decide to play in.
My issue is I'm always going to want to play in "not hold'em", but if I skip an 11am to wait until 2pm and get over there and find out that only like 50 people showed up I'm going to be unhappy with my choice. NLH at Aria offers a decent size tournament every day with a pretty soft field (not that Orleans fields aren't soft...) so it's hard to pass that up.
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Other Entries This Blog:
Day 19 - Epilog
Days 17-18 Aria one last time
Day 16 - WSOP 8/b mix
Day 15 - 8/b Mix at MGM
Day 14 - 8-Game at Orleans
Day 13 - Aria
Days 11-12 Day off, Orleans
Days 8-10 - Couple days off, Aria
Day 7 - Orleans twice
Day 6 - Fast exits at the WSOP
Days 4 and 5 - A day off, Tag Team
Day 3 - Hold'em at Orleans
Day 2 - HORSE at Orleans
Day 1 - Drive, WSOP 8-Game mix
Vegas June 2024 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2023 (WSOP)
Vegas November 2022
Vegas June/July 2022 (WSOP)
Vegas October 2021 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2021
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