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Vegas November 2022

Day 4 - Orleans NLH twice
Last Updated: 2022-11-16 18:20:11
Usual Starbucks while writing yesterday's entry, decided to try Primrose here at Park MGM for breakfast. Trying to spend money so I ordered the most expensive breakfast combo on their menu. I almost finished it! 3 eggs, potatoes, meat, "deep dish pancake". And I got a side english muffin. Usually I like over easy eggs so I can dip toast in them and then get extra toast to make a bacon and egg sandwich out of the eggs when they can't be dipped any more.
But ... already enough food, double toast on top wasn't going to be a good idea. So instead over hard with one english muffin to make two open faced (essentially fried) egg sandwiches. That worked out well even if not my first choice.
During the meal, however, I managed to bite the hell out of my front lip. As in bleeding. Couldn't sip my tea without leaving blood on the tea cup. It was brutal. But it eventually stopped and as much as it was bleeding at the time it feels a lot worse than it looks in the mirror.
Brushing teeth afterwards was unpleasant, but the mouthwash didn't burn nearly as much as I expected.
Went and got the car, drove my fat lip over to Orleans and bought in probably quarter to 12. Got seated at a brand new table so in spite of the second round being about over when we sat all stacks were even.
I won the very first pot, led out for a 2⅔ big blind raise with 8-6 suited under the gun. Flop came 5-9-K with one heart so I repped the king with my gutshot and everyone folded.
That, ladies and gentlemen, was the highlight of my tournament.
I went completely and utterly card dead. I think I won one more pot shortly after that last one and that was pretty much "it" for the tournament.
I messaged Joann that I had lost count of how many times I had been dealt 7-3 off. The next hand after that message I got reminded I also had lost track of how many times I was dealt 6-3 off. I swear in one stretch I had 7-3o, 7-3o, K-rag off, J-rag off, 7-3o, 6-3o, 6-3o. Maybe I forgot an additional shitty hand mixed in there that I don't remember. But high level you couldn't make it up how ugly it was.
Remember me bitching about getting no action with big hands the previous day? No such complaining on this day! Until...
Blinds are going up, my stack isn't. I believe blinds were 400/800/800 and someone limps ahead of me and I look down at two red tens. I make it 2200 to go.
Folds around to the blinds who are two incredibly loose players so they both call a guy who hasn't played more than 2 hands in an hour as does the original limper, also very loose.
Long story short I flop a set of 10s and get the incredibly loose small blind isolated and eventually get all my chips in only to see him roll over a river flush with King-Three.
Can't make it up.
Grab some iced tea at Starbucks because I need to hydrate, hit the outlet stores and pick up some shirts and a purse accessory for Joann. She was interested in a purse she had seen in an email so I was texting her tons of pictures of it, the wallet, etc so she could decide if she really wanted it or not. Turned out "not" but she did get an accessory that went with the set.
Back to the room, I take one for the team and get an 80-minute massage (I'm here to spend money! Just doin' what I gotta do... :-) ), dinner at Eataly, typed up this BLOG to this point in my day and back over to Orleans to meet Hans (for my old Colorado Springs crowd) for the 7:00 NLH.
Scan for Hans as I'm walking in to the cage, don't see him, get a seat assignment and walk over to my table. I get there as the dealer is about to start a hand, I'm going to be Under The Gun on the first hand in the one seat (HATE the one seat!).
I'm hanging my backpack and hoodie over the back of the chair as he's dealing, I lean over the back of the chair to peek and my cards and see two aces. I make it 600 to go at 100/200 (no ante yet) and get 3-4 callers of course.
"Guess I better sit down" I say.
9-6-7 two diamond flop, I think I have the ace of diamonds. I make it 2000 to go, once caller two to my left. Third diamond comes, I didn't think he really liked calling me on the flop bet so I make it I think 5000 or 5500 and he thinks and folds. Yes I had the Ad.
A few hands later a similar sequence with A-K off, I raised out, got a couple callers, flop king high, get one call on a flop bet and done on the turn.
Nice start!
10 minutes later Hans walks by me. He just busted on first hand he played. Ouch! I think that was the one he later told me he flopped a set and ran into a flush or something.
He went for a walk, bought back in and got seated directly across the table from me!
A few hands after that I get busted with A-K vs QQ. It happens.
I buy right back in, she's going to give me the same seat but I don't want to be back in the one-seat so I ask for a different table. She obliges and I get an 8-seat sitting next to a guy I had sat and played with most of the day the day before (he busted 14th, but was at my table that was together until we got down to two tables).
First hand at the new table I look down at A-K off again. Blinds now up to 200/300/300 I think but decide to make it 1200 to go early to act. Only the button calls, K high flop, he folds to my bet.
Lose a chunk tho when I miss a flop with A-K. Hans texts me as I'm losing that hand that he had just doubled up with A-K! Good for him!
Maniac sitting in the 2 seat min-raises to 1600, a solid but tight player in the 3-seat calls and it folds to me and I look down at pocket 9s in the 8-seat.
When I say maniac, earlier he had 4-bet shoved (so he raised, got reraised and went all in) into a guy who I think I had seen play all of two hands to that point since I sat down with just 5-7 suited. There's nothing wrong with trying to steal a pot ... but you have to have some reason to think the other person is going to fold(!!!) to your aggression. The tight guy who had 3-bet is never folding when he gets 4-bet. Ever.
5-7 suited vs A-K suited, same suit so no flush possibility for the 5-7 ... and the maniac draws out a straight on the turn (and rivers the only pair).
So anyway I know this guy is light and I know I can squeeze the tight player who just called because, well, she just called.
I jam with my pocket 9s, he snap calls with K-J off, she folds, 9s hold up! OK he was near the top of his range that time but I still like the play, there's a very reasonable chance he's showing up with ... I dunno ... 7-5 suited...
But up to that point the table hadn't been going great for me and I was down to 17k which was only a little over 20 big blinds so really a shove there is the only play.
That more than doubles me up to at least 45 bigs, never counted it, but now I have a very playable stack again.
Next hand maniac is UTG and blind shoves probably a 15k stack, I was too busy typing my notes to see how it played out but I did see him leaving the table. No reason for that tilt play IMHO.
37,600 from 25k at the first break. This time they're going a full two hours before the first break and registration is cut off. 164 players paying 21 places. Nice!
I'm in the 8 seat, the 7 seat has a big stack and he's using it. He's probably raising out about 50% of hands, at least 40%, and c-betting every time. Which he should do!
But since I have position on him he's also a steal opportunity for me when the time comes...
He leads out UTG for 2700 at 600/1200/1200 and I call with K-Q of hearts. Folds around. Flop comes J-T-X rainbow. He downbets the flop I think to 1800 or 1900, I make a 7k semi-bluff raise with my open ender and two overs. He thinks quite a while and folds.
But I give those chips I won back to someone else when I pick up A-J suited in spades UTG and it doesn't work out for me (I flopped a gutshot so tried a c-bet and got raised).
41k at the break after losing the chip race.
I find Hans, he had busted just before the break. I think he ran into a flush again with a solid hand. This may have been the set vs flush but either way I'm pretty sure it was two drawn out flushes that busted him the first time and crippled him the second time. Ugh.
Same old story, blinds going up, I go a little card dead but get enough over-the-top all-ins through to maintain my stack.
I'm in the big blind and it folds around to my buddy in the 7-seat. Blinds are up to 1500/3000/3000 and I'm still sitting in the 40ks so not good. Naturally he throws out a raise and I am pretty much going all in with any two cards in that spot. J-5 suited in clubs good enough.
Unfortunately this time he has a hand. Sort of. Snap calls me with A-T off. He's proud of getting me all in.
But ... folks ... it's only a 60-40. Not exactly a genius trap. You trap when you're like a 5-1 fave, not a 3-2 fave. And A-T off is probably never better than a 60-40, ok 2-1 if I've got two unders, and sometimes you're behind. Occasionally way behind. I'm not saying he made a bad call, just saying he can't be too proud of the move and too unhappy when it doesn't work out.
5 on the river. Ship it. He's unhappy...
Next hand it folds around to me in the small blind, my buddy in the 9 seat (from day before) had busted so the 1-seat is in the big blind and I already know she's a little tight. I call with Q-9 off. Flop comes 8-T-J. Sweet!
I slow play, she makes a bet on the turn but that was all I could get out of her.
Still, tho, 95,500. 30 bigs! Above average!
Next hand I look down at pocket aces, there's a limper under the gun but I make it 10,000 at 2000/4000/4000. Usually I would probably go 12-14k with the limper but I want action...
Big blind calls, limper folds. Flop comes T-6-2 with two spades. Big blind checks, I make it 18k to go, big blind quickly jams and I snap call.
She has Q-J of spades. Spade on the river, she has me covered, done.
Oh well. Back to the room, decided not to eat even more food and just sit and pour myself a whisky (finally!) and snack a little until bedtime.
Wednesday it'll be back at Orleans! I really slept late, good thing I had done half this BLOG between tournaments yesterday or I wouldn't have made it! It'll be the daily hold'em at 11am and then Stud 8/Omaha 8 at 7pm.
Not sure what I'm going to eat today before I play, kinda tired of eggs but I'm not really a breakfast person and it'll be a little early for lunch.
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Other Entries This Blog:
Day 7 - Orleans NLH twice one last time
Day 6 - Orleans NLH twice
Day 5 - Orleans NLH, Orleans 8/b mix
Day 4 - Orleans NLH twice
Day 3 - NLH and HORSE at Orleans
Days 1 and 2 - Drive, football, no poker
Vegas June 2024 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2023 (WSOP)
Vegas November 2022
Vegas June/July 2022 (WSOP)
Vegas October 2021 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2021
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