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Vegas November 2022

Day 6 - Orleans NLH twice
Last Updated: 2022-11-18 11:46:00
Gonna be on the short side today...
I didn't get back to the room until 1am after the bubble in the 8/b mix tournament, didn't get to bed until after 2am since I typed up the BLOG. Slept until almost 9am, which didn't leave me a lot of time before the 11am tournament.
I should have taken my time and skipped it!
Just a tea at Starbucks, proofread the Day 5 BLOG since Patrick was texting me his impatience, went to Posh burger for a quick bite a little before 11am, got to Orleans around noon.
Sat down as level 3 was ending, no big deal, 200/400/400 blinds with a 25k stack.
I've whined about being card dead once already this trip, but this was literally the worst ever. I didn't play a single hand in which I wasn't in the blinds for an hour and a half.
23,100 at the first break, which was only 20 minutes of play for me.
Not exaggerating, I had sat down around noon and it was around 1:30 when I finally played a hand. And only because I was in the big blind! Any other position on the table it's in the muck!
4 limpers including the small blind and I see a flop with J-5 off with my stack down at 16,500 and blinds at 600/1200/1200.
Flop came 6-9-10 with two diamonds, it checks around. Turn is the 5 of diamonds, and I have the Jack of diamonds.
That's literally the best thing I've seen in an hour and a half. I'm all in.
Folds around to a guy who was playing 90% of hands and making tons of loose calls. He thinks and makes the call with Q-8 off but with the Queen of diamonds. He had a bunch of outs but the river was clean and I double up! 34,400.
But blinds go up again and I'm back down around 20 bigs. Super loose guy raises out, I look down at pocket 9s, good enough, I jam. Big blind also goes all-in for less, loose guy folds, I'm up against A-Q.
Ace on the flop, I'm back down to 13k, not even 10 big blinds.
One consideration with the big blind ante is that when you're sub 10-bigs it's very important you get your chips in before the big blind gets to you because you can't fully double up in the big blind because of the ante. Like that J-5 hand, even with 3 preflop calls I only barely doubled up because I don't get to double the ante I put in, I just get it back.
So ... I'm two hands from the big blind and because of bustouts we're actually only 6 handed at the moment. This one or the next one ... I look down at 10-2 and decide that's good enough. I only have to get through 4 people, and if I'm called I've probably got two live cards.
I jam in my remaining chips, get called by A-Q again, Q on the flop, 2 on the turn to give me hope, blank on the river and I'm done.
What a miserable tournament.
Back to the room to type this up and watch the F1 races from this past weekend (sprint and actual race) to kill time while I tried to decide what to eat for dinner before heading over for the 7pm.
I did get a late checkout for Saturday. If I played 'til almost 1am with 54 people for 8/b mix on Wednesday I have to plan on a really late night on Friday when they guarantee a $25k prize pool. They clearly expect well over 200 people every Friday, that's going to be a late night if it goes well.
One thing I left out of the Day 5 entry was the fact that I spent way more than a should have on a steak dinner at Gallagher's in NYNY. It was a great meal, don't get me wrong, but I shouldn't spent that much. I'm pretty confident I've spent enough to keep our status already.
Definitely going to find something cheaper for this day.
Watched the first half of the Packers/Titans while eating at the bar at Javier's, ran up to the room, grabbed what I needed and headed over to Orleans watching the game on my phone.
Busted out in one hand. You're supposed to trust your reads, right?
I could tell she hated the turn card that gave me top pair to go with my flush draw. At the river she was convinced that she was making a crying call with what was a flopped two pair that she didn't think was any good any more. I read her as incredibly weak, when it was fear of monsters under the bed. Subtle distinction.
Oh well, back to the buyin cage.
Almost 45 minutes later I won my first pot of the evening. 5-way limped pot, I don't remember if I was button or small blind but I figured I'd see a flop with 7-5 suited and see what happened.
Well I had a straight by the turn with a flush possible (not my suit). I got bet into on that turn, naturally I called, he check/folded on the river.
A few smaller pots here and there and I was at 28k at the break from the 25k starting stack.
Blinds up to 600/1200/1200, I win a flip and take out a short stack with A-J off against pocket 6s. Flop a jack, ship it!
170 players paying 21 places. Not bad!
Win a few pots here and there and build my stack up around 55k, but then lose a flip with A-Qo vs 77 and I'm back down around 35k.
32k at the next break, but I'm just under 11 big blinds when play resumes. Not a great spot.
I get a couple of all-ins through with 99 and JJ to build my stack up a little. Then a monster stack comes over to the table and leads out for 15,000 early to act. I look down at A-Q suited in spades, good enough, I jam.
He thinks a while and calls and rolls over A-5. Sweet!
5 on the flop, done. Something like 30-33rd out of 170, close to the money but not close enough.
Oh well. Beer and pizza to close out my night.
Can't believe it's my last day already! As I'm typing this up I have the 11am and the 7pm NLH at Orleans today and then I'm on the road Saturday.
Like I said, I expect that the 7pm is going to be a BIG tournament. They have a $25k guarantee, although it is a bigger buyin. Still I would guess they're confident that it will be well over 200 people if they're guaranteeing that number every Friday. When they have done monthly poker series they have dropped guarantees in a blink the moment they missed one so there is little tolerance there for overlays.
We'll see if I have time to write Saturday morning before I leave. If I do it's probably bad news :-)
Hopefully I'm going to make Patrick text me impatient memes and not give him anything to read until Sunday!
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Other Entries This Blog:
Day 7 - Orleans NLH twice one last time
Day 6 - Orleans NLH twice
Day 5 - Orleans NLH, Orleans 8/b mix
Day 4 - Orleans NLH twice
Day 3 - NLH and HORSE at Orleans
Days 1 and 2 - Drive, football, no poker
Vegas June 2024 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2023 (WSOP)
Vegas November 2022
Vegas June/July 2022 (WSOP)
Vegas October 2021 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2021
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