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Vegas June 2023 (WSOP)

Day 11 - Aira 27TD/Badugi/Badeucy
Last Updated: 2023-06-18 14:07:09
Starbucks, pool, you know the drill by now. Showered, bought in about 10 minutes late.
This is probably going to be a short one, for two reasons.
The main reason being that these games don't really lend themselves to being talked about. Here's pretty much every hand:
  • I hit my draw and they missed
  • I missed my draw and they hit
  • We both hit our draws, someone had a slightly better hand
  • We both missed our draws, someone's crap was slightly better than someone else's crap
In these games literally every hand is like two people both trying to hit a straight draw in hold'em. There are no bad beats, there are no one-outers to hit, etc, etc.
The second reason is that my day was shorter than I wanted it to be. So ... not a lot to talk about today.
I will explain the games real quick tho.
Most of us know 2-7. You get 5 cards, you get three draws, worst hand wins. Straights and flushes count as straights and flushes and since those are good hands and we're trying to make a bad hand straights and flushes are really bad. 2-3-4-5-7 is the wheel, the best possible hand. 2-3-4-6-7 is second best ... 2-3-4-5-8 is the 5th best possible (all non-flush, because they're really bad in this game).
Flushes are generally easy to avoid, straights can be a problem which means that in some hands you can lose outs along the way if your hand draws to where you can make a straight. And aces are always high, so 2-3-4-5-6 is a straight but A-2-3-4-5 is not a straight because aces are high. It's the best possible hand that contains an ace, and it's pretty much going to only win if the other person caught a pair or also caught an ace at the end and is probably a worse ace.
Most of us also know Badugi by now. Four cards, still three draws, aces are low. A "Badugi" is a hand with all four suits and no pairs, lowest hand wins, A-2-3-4 with all four suits is the nuts.
Badeucy is a wacky split pot game that combines the two games. To resolve the problem of aces being high in one game and low in the other aces are high for both games. Therefore, the nuts for the Badugi half of the pot is 2-3-4-5 with all four suits in Badeucy. It's a very odd split pot game in that usually split pot games are high-low split. You're trying to make a hand that makes a really good hand and a bad hand at the same time. In this game you're trying to make two different "worst" hands.
I actually did one time see someone catch 2-3-4-5-7 with all four suits playing Badeucy, tho it wasn't a "nut-nut" hand as they needed to use the 7 as one of their cards for the Badugi. Still, a rare scoop in that game. I also saw someone catch a straight but had a monster Badugi (2-3-4-6, second nuts, but also a 5) so literally could only win half the pot.
Make sense?
As I'm doing my first draft I'm wondering if I'm going to spend more time explaining what I'm playing than talking about actually playing. I'll leave this paragraph in the final draft, let's see how I do. :-)
First pot I tried to play I won. Playing 2-7 I had a great drawing hand with I think 2357 with three spades and I pounded away at the pot, the other guy gave up after the second draw as he was drawing two cards to my one.
As I pull the chips in I catch a glimpse of the plate that says what game we're playing ... and it said Badeucy. With three spades I had a thoroughly unplayable Badeucy hand ... I didn't realize the game changed! Oooops.
Also won the first Badeucy hand I played that I actually meant to play and knew what game I was playing.
Started with 457 three suits drawing two, I picked up an 8 of the suit I needed to complete a solid Badugi and a 10 to complete a 2-7 hand. In hindsight I probably should have just pat the 10 but I was out of position (had to draw first) and decided to pitch it. He also drew one, and I was scooping the pot either way. I got worse picking up a king but he paired. Had I not taken the card he would have got the king and the 10 held up anyway.
He had no Badugi either.
We go through the games and I'm back on Badeucy where I have a frustrating hand. I start out with 2-3-6 three suits drawing two cards. On the first draw I catch a 5 of a suit I already have and another 6 of the suit I needed ... I believe I had 2s-3d-5d-6c-6h, so I actually have all four suits but have to pitch a 6 and need a card of the suit I toss. I toss the 6h so I still need a heart.
And for the 2-7 folks, even tho this is Badeucy this hand exactly illustrates why playing sixes in 2-7 without already having the 2 and the 7 is dangerous. If I catch a 4 or a 5 with this hand I automatically lose 4 outs because I will then be able to make a straight or give up a "good" card and draw two. Neither option is great. And I catch a 5 of a suit I already have, which isn't great for the Badugi side either in this case.
I don't catch a four. I catch another 5 that is of a different suit I already have and then pair the 2 on the end, again of a suit I already have. Someone else has a made Badugi and no pair and wins the 2-7 half also with a face-card hand.
But I got a chunk back when playing 2-7 I made a pat 8 on the second draw, woman to my left made a 9 on the end and paid off my bet.
31,400 at the first break from a 30k start.
Like I said, folks, not all that interesting to talk about ...
I do win pots back to back drawing three cards in 2-7 because I'm in the blinds. First time start with 3-5, make a pat 8 on second draw again, same woman pays me off with her pat 9 on the second draw (a little scary value betting an 8-6 out of position in this game but she just paid me off with a 9 and sure enough did it again!).
Second one started out with 5-7, catch three good cards to make a pat 8-7 on the first draw, get in a check-raise on that round of betting and then get paid on the second draw but they gave up after the 3rd draw.
Then I get half a huge Badeucy pot. I start out with 2-5-6 and only two suits. On the first draw I pick up a 7 of clubs to give me three suits and a huge 2-7 draw. There is betting and raising but I'm not going away. I brick the second draw, but pick up a 4 of spades (I already had two spades...) on the third draw for the second nuts in 2-7. Bet, call, I raise, both call on the end and two of us chop it up (they had a good badugi but a pair, other guy had no Badugi but a face card.
That was my high-water mark of the day, was over 40k (maybe close to 50k) stack at the time.
Go about 45 minutes with little to play and none of the few hands working out, stack is dropping as I'm paying blinds every 6 hands.
Playing Badeucy finally I get a great starting hand. Start out with 2-3-5-7-7 and three suits, once again tho one of those spots where I actually have all four suits and I have to pick a 7 to pitch and will need that suit. Well long story short I river a 4 for the wheel ... of the suit of the 7 I kept, so only a 3-card Badugi and only half the pot but another vary sizeable one. Had I tossed the other 7 I would have been in fantastic shape, so frustrating.
But even with that I'm only at 24k. That was a rough 45 minutes between hands!
I do get back up to 36k when I'm dealt a pat 8 Badugi in Badugi, a monster hand, and three of us cap the betting before the first draw! Already a huge pot.
Woman to my left draws 1, other guy (who apparently is a well known pro, not to me, but everyone else at the table knew him and he was saying he'd rather play these kinds of tournaments than WSOP tournaments) also called for one draw.
They both draw one again, she quickly calls, he goes away. For the third draw I pat, she says she wants one, I bet as she's sliding out her one card. She flips over the A-2-3 as she's dealt her card, she says "I'm obviously not going to raise since I'm showing" and squeezes ... a jack, and folds.
Nice pot for me!
While all this is going on Joann is picking up Peter and Grace at the airport and trying to get them checked in over at Park.
22,500 at the next break, and I lose the 500 chip race off and I'm down to 22k.
100 players paying 13 places. 74 remain, long way to go.
Fall down to 12k, can't hit anything.
Get just a little more than blinds when I river an 8-7 hand in 2-7, but hand was being checked as we were both drawing one and missing so very small pot. 16k.
I get moved because our table breaks up and I get to go sit at monster stack table.
Get all in against a guy that has less than half my stack in 2-7, I make a jack on the second draw and pat it ... and he makes the nuts on the third draw. Of course. Down to 8500.
Actually double up all in 2-7 when I catch a 9 on the second draw and it holds up, but then next hand we switch to Badeucy, I remember starting with a good 3-card Badugi and deciding it was worth taking my shot again but missed every draw and was out.
I guess that did go quite a bit longer than I thought it would! But didn't even outlast half the field.
Got some pizza at the pizza place on the way to the sportsbook at Aria because the Knights parade was going on and the parade route to the big rally at the end went right between Park and NYNY. It was literally impossible for me to get to NYNY for pizza.
Had some Gelato with Joann, Peter and Grace and Joann and I headed back up to the room for the night.
No BLOG Monday, I'm taking Father's Day off and the four of us have dinner reservations at Smith and Wollensky.
On Monday I will be playing in WSOP Event 45, likely my last WSOP event for this trip, Omaha 8/b Mix.
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Other Entries This Blog:
Days 17-18 - Took the day off
Days 15-16 - Aria NLH
Day 14 - Triple Draw Mix at Orleans
Days 12-13 - WSOP 8/b Mix
Day 11 - Aira 27TD/Badugi/Badeucy
Day 10 - Aria Seniors
Day 9 - Aria BigO
Day 8 - Aria No Limit Hold'Em
Day 7 - Aria 8-Game Mix
Day 6 - PLO8 at MGM
Day 5 - WSOP 8-Game Mix
Days 2-4 - 3 days without poker IN JUNE?
Day 1 - Drive, WSOP Badugi
Vegas June 2024 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2023 (WSOP)
Vegas November 2022
Vegas June/July 2022 (WSOP)
Vegas October 2021 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2021
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